
8 Reviews
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Homicidal (1961)
A strange film and stellar performance by "Jean Arliss"
30 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard about this film for years and caught the end of it on pay-tv recently. I taped it when it was shown again and I was blown away! "Jean Arliss" who is the real star of the film is fantastic in her dual role. But the dialogue is also a little off-centre and even Glen Corbett and Patricia Breslin get to engage in some of it. The eerie first 20 minutes is justly praised by all but it is the mood of the film and its puzzling construction ( where is the story heading ?; it is hard to say) which make it quite unique. The kid who played Warren as a child was so perfect that I believed his adult "look" even more and the casual conversations about sanity and homicide left me feeling like I was in another world. I think this is a really European feeling film. With wonderful atmosphere and dread , it is a classic of its kind.
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Soldier (I) (1998)
An underrated film with heart
1 November 1999
Because he has appeared in so many action films perhaps viewers think Kurt Russell films have nothing to say. This film proves them wrong. In his semi-silent,nearly expressionless performance as a de-humanized man who finds his humanity , Russell touches our hearts. He is so much like a machine that he never even gets angry but his behaviour and the scene where he sheds a tear of loneliness speak volumes. I found the supporting cast good as well especially Sean Pertwee as a decent man who reaches out to the "Sergeant". Those who see this as mindless action need to delve deeper past its surface to its core of humanity.
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Bram Stoker meets Tennessee Williams in great Hammer film
21 October 1999
This was the equal or superior followup to Horror of Dracula and disappointed people at the time who missed Christopher Lee's Dracula. However, Peter Cushing returns as a terrific and athletic Van Helsing and David Peel is wonderful as the evil Baron Meinster. The photography, acting, plot and direction are all first rate. The relationship of Peel, the vampire, to his mother and nanny is positively decadent and not far from some of the plays of Tennessee Williams. The exciting finale at the old burning windmill is a classic. Also Yvonne Monlaur was one of Hammer's finest leading ladies. A winner all the way.
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Role reversal film-noir
19 October 1999
This film noir presents an interesting series of role reversals.First two comedians ( Lucille Ball and William Bendix ) play dramatic roles. Secondly, the women in the film seem to be the stronger characters. This is especially true of the Ball character known only as " Kathleen". Although never directly related to the plot personally, she becomes involved to make sure that the main character Brad Galt (played Mark Stevens) does something. He is presented as a kind of weak, defeated man and a borderline drunk. Without the urging of Kathleen , he would never have solved as much of the mystery as he does. Cathy Downs plays a deluded woman who is married to one man but loves another. Both her male counterparts are weak and venal and although more of a victim than Ball, she shows some guts near the films end. Ball's Kathleen makes this film stand out from the pack with her no-nonsense steadfast and cool as a cucumber attitude. In many ways you think she ought to be running the PI business herself.
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Three Kings (1999)
A great action picture with something to say
4 October 1999
Three Kings is one of the most political movies I have seen in years. Even though it is an entertaining action picture, it manages to examine US policy, Western attitudes toward Middle Easterners, the consumer society, how we kill and die, what it means to be shot up close or bombed anonymously from the air, and how good people are all striving for much the same goals everywhere. Clooney, Wahlberg, Ice Cube and Spike Jones all give terrific performances full of depth, humour and passion. Stealing the gold is only the pretext for this film; it steals our hearts and consciences as well.
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Sequel to BULLET TO BEIJING not as good
20 September 1999
Caine's return to the Harry Palmer character in BULLET TO BEIJING seemed to the beginning of a new series. Complex and amusing, it had novelty and Caine's great performance. Now comes the sequel and it seems a bit of a retread of the first film. I would guess they were shot back-to-back because of the re-use of many characters and sets.This one replaces biological warfare with Plutonium as the evil substance and features no prolonged train trips. The plot is not too surprising and the secret double agent easy to spot. Too bad they could not have tried again. Maybe filming HORSE UNDER WATER ( updated) might have been fun.
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Bullet to Beijing (1995 TV Movie)
BULLET TO BEIJING amusing return of Harry Palmer
20 September 1999
After 30 years Harry Palmer ( Michael Caine) returns a bit older but still amused and amusing. There are at least two versions of this film. In the one I own, Sue Lloyd makes a brief appearance as Harry's old girl friend Jean, now a blonde, sexy widow. They have a suggested sex scene. This was worth some of the lapses in the films storyline. However, I though Caine, Connery and Michael Gambon were all first rate and the running gags about redundant, over-the-hill secret agents worked for me.The locale of St Petersburg is fresh and the complications of plot ( who is one whose side), falling off the train, the problems of the decaying yet free market Soviet Union, etc. are interesting. I like BULLET and have actually watched it twice in 2 weeks. Too bad its sequel was a bit redundant itself.
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Why isn't this great film on video
19 August 1999
I went to see this film originally on a double bill with a Hammer horror film. I came out liking TGA better. From the tense opening scenes, the great photography, fine acting by all to the exciting conclusion, this is the BEST Tarzan film of all time! Why aren't TGA and Tarzan ther Magnificent available on video for all to enjoy ?
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