
3 Reviews
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USA High (1997–1999)
Hee hee, I like this show.
16 May 1999
Guilty pleasure, obsessive addiction, refusal of maturity..........?

Whatever you want to call it, I like this show. See, like any dedicated adolescent, I'm a big advocate for Peter's productions. And although I'll always favor the earlier escapades of Zach, Kelly, Slater, Jessie, Lisa, and Screech (though I'll forever dislike Screech), this one has affectionately annoyed and endeared me enough to increase its viewing audience.

Hey, I don't mind. I'm apathetically inclined. I'll allow myself to be captivated by the lives of the obviously toooldforboardingschool actors and their heyI'mlivinginParisinthisreallybigroomandIhavealotofmoney. Because I like the European setting. The unrealistic dorm sizes. Lauren Fontaine's wardrobe. Its all innocent and unimaginative fun. Something I've always enjoyed partaking in. Thanks for not letting me mature, Pete.
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Buffalo '66 (1998)
Well....that was disturbing.
11 April 1999
I'm sorry, independent and brilliant? Yeah, okay. Maybe in another one of Vincent Gallo's malevolent psychospheres. Oh god. I'm already having nightmares. I cannot believe a movie like this become produced. Brilliant and touching? My ass. Not only was the dialogue unnecessarily sporadic and unimaginative, the cinematography became SO predictable, I found myself guessing each and every shot that would be experienced come the future. I've become perfectly freaked out due to the content of this picture. Already my mind is becoming askew. This is two hours I'll never have back.
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I liked Zenon's hair.
7 February 1999
I cut my hair like Zenon's. Pathetic? Yes, maybe, but I admired the dangling bangs that coincided with space-station popularity. The movie had likable characters and a clever usage of what-if future-esque possibilities. Enjoyed the common coming-of-age-on-a-different-planet concept.

Very cute.
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