
3 Reviews
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Intoxicate yourself with this beautiful picture
3 November 2002
I'm not much of a film critic. The only other time I've commented on a movie was to bash it because it was horrible. This movie, however, was too good not to say something about.

First of all, I'm a HUGE fan of PT Anderson. Boogie Nights was great, Magnolia was a masterpiece and Punch-Drunk Love was somewhere in-between. It's definitely unique from his other work. I believe it's his first romance or comedy movie. But it's not really a romantic comedy, at least not another Julia Roberts romantic/comedy. It sticks in that odd, quirky genre that fews films do.

One of my friends asked me what was so good about it after we saw it and I really couldn't explain it right away. It's the same satisfaction I derived from Magnolia. There's something about the way Anderson can mix and match little things whose sum total is greater in the picture than each one by themselves. He can express a message or emotion clearer than most writers or directors out there, without spelling things out for you.

Aside from the great direction, this movie, like his others, is very well-written. Anderson might receive a third nomination for original screenplay, which he deserves. Adam Sandler really can act once he is given a good character. Personally, I can connect with Barry Egan, which made me very happy to see someone who is abused by his sisters and embarrassed in his social life overcome his fear when he finds a woman he loves and stands up to defend that. Some people may think that his character behaves weird in the movie. But honestly, people really act like that in real life. People do things that don't necessarily make sense just because their judgment or thinking is messed up. Sometimes they don't always think about things before reacting on emotions in some situations.

I'm not usually a sucker for romantic comedies. I tend to be skeptical of most relationships and think most of those kind of movies are too sugar-coated. This movie, however, didn't have that "Hollywoodized" after taste of false sentiment. Adam Sandler and Emily Watson are wonderful together.

I hope this movie gets at least some credit at the end of the year awards shows. Magnolia was robbed of a screenplay and song oscar and at least a picture nomination. PT Anderson is definitely the most underrated of all the directors working today. In the end, not quite as good as Magnolia, but still a film to get very drunk on. LOVE the last shot!

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People like this movie?
5 September 2001
I saw this movie just two days ago, only because it was free, and was how BAD it was. In my own opinion, this entire movie was pure garbage. This is entertainment in it's cheapest form. Anyone with intelligence would be insulted seeing this movie. Most of it didn't make sense.

The characters made the worst decisions possible. Even in other horror movies where they make bad decisions, it's because they don't realize how dangerous the situation is. The two characters in this movie KNOW how dangerous it is and they still decide to throw themselves into danger.

The bad guy/monster/boogie man, which is never explained by the way, looks so silly that people in the theater were laughing in the supposedly scary parts.

The acting was horrible, the script was incoherent, the special effects were cheap and I don't understand why people don't see this. The only ones who do are the critics, yet after ripping the movie apart, they give it two out of four stars. If Jeepers Creepers is two stars, I would be scared to see a 'no-stars' movie.

There was one scene, however, that I really related to the female character. This kind of summed up the entire movie for me. She watches the monster killing one of the town's police officers from a distance and is horrified. She gasps and whispers, "I am NOT seeing this." I couldn't agree more.

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One of the Best of all time
28 February 1999
Thankfully, La Vita e Bella, a film I hadn't heard much about, came to Oklahoma City. If it hadn't, I might not have seen one of the best movies of all time. It is not only dramatic and humorous at all the right parts, but it is the most emotional movie of the year. Roberto Benigni has made a masterpiece. Is there another movie like this? ever? No. Has anyone else played a character like Roberto Benigni has in this movie? ever? No. Does Benigni care? No. He knew it was a controversial subject matter and he knew that he would receive static from people who don't understand it and therefore criticize it. But that doesn't matter to people who care more about making great movies than what people will think of them. This movie proves that even in the darkest of mankind, life is beautiful. Roberto Benigni has made a great movie that is battling Good Will Hunting and Schindler's List to be my all time favorite movie. Roberto Benigni is a rare and gifted filmmaker and I hope that he will have all opportunity to make future movies. If you have not yet seen this movie, I urge you to see it as soon as possible. This is a 10+!
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