
22 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Crash, bang, wallop but who cares
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loud, spectacular and impenetrable. Not my idea of a good movie.

The convoluted concept just results in a situation whereby I don't care.

The world will end? Everything and everyone that's ever existed will disappear? I don't care!

Great effects but Mr. Nolan, just because you can doesn't mean you should.

4/10 with credit for great effects and commitment from the cast.
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The Irishman (2019)
1 December 2019
Relentless, tedious, monotonous. It just goes on and on and on.....and on.

Looks beautiful, fun cast, but it's all been done before, better.

Goodfellas, The Godfather Trilogy, those instead.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
Been done so much better.
9 November 2018
Gary Oldman is great, that's not up for debate, but this period of British history was covered so much more effectively by Dunkirk and The Crown.
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It's a sequel - and dark as a consequence
1 November 2008
Excellent movie, I won't add spoilers, but be aware, it's a sequel to Casino Royale and is necessarily darker in tone. Bond has shut down emotionally as a consequence of Vesper's death and is driven to investigate and, to some extent, avenge her death.

Daniel Craig further extends his takeover of the role, he exudes a sense of sadness with a ruthless drive to move forward with his mission. Mention should be made of Judi Dench - she delivers another excellent performance as M.

Would heartily recommend watching Casino Royale on DVD beforehand if you own it, specifically to prepare and remind yourself of the odd plot point as they certainly will be relevant here.

Bond fans rest assured it's fantastic entertainment. It has to be agreed that it is lacking in old-school quips and innuendo, but in my opinion it is entirely in keeping with Bond's situation in this movie. There are some beautiful locations though, especially in Italy and the Aston looks great, for a little while!

As Bond himself says, "you don't have to worry about me". I'm not worried about the franchise and the third part of this trilogy will be worth looking forward to.
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What on earth????
25 February 2001
A movie with Hoskins, Banderas, Barkin & Bentley. Can't be bad, you might think. You would be wrong. I only saw it through to the end because I was suffering from the flu, my back was welded to the sofa and my kids were out of shouting distance to pass me the remote. In all seriousness, I cannot think of any reason to suggest that anyone should watch this, it is just plain ludicrous.
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Black Scorpion (1995 TV Movie)
Appalling film - candidate for 'so bad it's good'.
5 October 1999
This is really a terrible film by any of the regular yardsticks. Plot, storyline, acting, effects, direction - I could go on. Suffice to say it's poor. However, it has a certain appeal. Many totally out of context sex scenes appear, it's fun looking for the Batman references. Umm - that's it. Poor really, don't bother.
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Better than your average TV movie
16 April 1999
I don't usually like TV movies, I reckon that if the thing was any good it would make it to Hollywood. This one though is better than average, pretty high production values, a few interesting story twists and some nice shots of NYC (along with Toronto) hold the interest.
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Killing Time (1998)
Low budget - and it shows
1 April 1999
Clearly a low budget British action movie. Set in Newcastle in northern England, the kernel of a good idea is led down by some shoddy directing and one dimensional acting. Summed up by the denouement of the film, which is supposed to be set in Newcastle station at 17.40, rush hour. Nobody but the protaginists are to be seen, obviously no budget left for extras! The director add a tag to the credits, quoting Jean-Luc Godard "all you need to make a movie is a girl and a gun". That's pretty much all there is to this movie, not necessarily a bad thing.
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Home Fries (1998)
Not good
30 March 1999
Ludicrous plot, dodgy production, questionable acting. Slightly more entertaining than a trip to the dentist, but only just.
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Multiplicity (1996)
30 March 1999
Feeble, limp, flaccid (I can't find my thesaurus, but you get the idea.) One of the major prerequisites of a comedy is that it should be funny. This movie fails dismally on this score. Unless Michael Keaton got paid 4 times his usual fee, he shouldn't have come near this with a long pole. As for Andie Macdowell, I doubt that this will get mentioned on her CV. I seriously recommend that you give this movie a wide berth, if only I had.
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Funny and sexy - the definition of a modern romantic comedy?
19 March 1999
This movie is truly a modern romantic comedy. The writing, direction and, best of all, the acting, hold your attention through 2 very enjoyable hours. I would recommend taking the plot with a pinch of salt, (is it likely that you'd be chatting over the Net with a multi-millionaire retail magnate, I don't think so!), but isn't that the way with 90% of Hollywood's output? I saw the movie with my 12 year old daughter, the inevitable ending had her trying to dab tears away without my noticing. I being butch and mid-thirties never cry at the movies, well, I never admit to it anyway!
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Time to make some enemies on imdb! I like it!
2 March 1999
I note some imdb reviewers comments. Those people who describe The Truman Show as "boring" or "not funny" completely miss the point. I would venture to suggest that they are the kind of individuals who watched every episode of Dallas or Dynasty (or for my fellow Brits, Coronation Street or Eastenders). These types do not like to have their addiction mocked, which this movie does so well. REAL life is not perfect, with every little thing being organised to suit. As someone once said, "s**t happens". Although I may not have cast the admittedly excellent Carrey as Truman, his eventual desire to find out if "the truth is out there" is human nature at it's most real. Don't we all want to know the truth to our lives? Overall an original movie, and God knows, there are few enough of them. Check it out, and don't forget to engage brain before viewing!!
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Twilight (1998)
What a shame!
22 February 1999
What a shame! Great cast - poor movie. Newman is, has been and always will be one of the greats, with support from Sarandon, Hackman and Garner this movie had great potential. Unfortunately it's just dull, dull, dull. A disadvantage of following such a well-worn genre as private-eye movie, is it's a fair bet that predictability is going to be a problem. Unfortunately that is amply demonstrated in Twilight. This can only be recommended as an opportunity to see some top-notch veterans go through their paces in a harmless, non-challenging couple of hours.
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Crash (1996)
Brave challenging film-making, exceedingly odd however
21 February 1999
Any film which addresses the possibility of sexual arousal through involvement in, or observation of, car crashes, deserves to be seriously considered by those with a serious interest in films. The response to Crash in the imdb voting charts shows that people seems to either love this movie or to hate it. It is understandable for the latter course to be followed. The film contains graphic (for Hollywood) straight sex, unusually frank homosexual sex, violation of bodies and extremely disturbing car crashes. Nevertheless, for those of a broad mind and strong stomach, the movie is very well constructed and engages the viewer strongly one way or the other. For myself, all I can say is , I've been in more than one car crash, and it's never affected me that way!
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Doesn't do it for me I'm afraid
9 February 1999
I really wanted to like this movie, in fact I nearly did, any movie that includes Gwyneth Paltrow naked has got to be worth watching. Unfortunately however the whole thing just drags. Hawke's character is just such an idiot, whereas Paltrow's (nakedness apart) is frustratingly annoying. I suppose one has to blame Charles Dickins for the basic characterisation, but the update could have included a pair slightly more grounded in the modern world.
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Blade (1998)
Technically superb with a novel take on vampires
8 February 1999
A slightly new twist on vampires movies allows Blade to stand out from the crowd. In addition, the technical effects are stunning in their execution and originality. Maybe not for those with a weak stomach, but this is superior adult entertainment.
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Superbly put together movie. Samuel L. Jackson & Kevin Spacey are first class.
28 January 1999
This is a tremendous movie, with great tension throughout. Jackson's character is forced into desperate measures to clear his name, without knowing who his real enemies are. He's forced to rely on a stranger to support him. Great performances by Jackson in the lead role (I've never seen him in a poor film!) and some spectacular effects. A neat twist at the end is only spoilt because you just KNOW that there's going to be one! It's a satisfying way of spending a couple of hours.
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Travel advert for Savannah
28 January 1999
Savannah looks great. I've never been, but this movie makes me wants to get on a plane and soak up the atmosphere. The movie's plot is fairly incidental in comparison, but if you like intrigue, and you think, as I do, that Kevin Spacey is a top actor, you'll enjoy the film.
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Assassination with a TV set
28 January 1999
This is an excellent movie, with plenty of off-beat laughs along the way. You can tell that Cusack's character is a professional assassin as, when all looks lost, he's out of ammo, without a weapon in reach, he manages to kill his rival with a TV set. A handy tip for everyday use I'm sure.
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Action, effects and laughs - an ideal combination.
28 January 1999
The Last Kiss Goodnight is an entertaining and enthralling action thriller, with an amusing plot featuring the surprisingly excellent Geena Davis as a teacher, housewife and mother who discovers that before suffering amnesia, she had been a professional assassin. This premise for the movie provides all the biggest laughs, particularly when Davis warns one of her unfortunate students, whilst carrying a huge automatic weapon, "tell anyone you've seen me and I'll blow your f…..g head off". The second main character is played by Samuel L. Jackson, who as always exudes sheer class. It's a fun movie, catch it if you can.
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The Sting (1973)
One of very few films to deserve that overworked cliche - classic
26 January 1999
I believe that a movie can only be called a classic if it affects your life in some way. When I first saw the film in the Seventies in a cinema in England I was young and impressionable. It sure made an impression on me! The clothes are so cool, I got into Scott Joplin and I annoyed every new person I met by quoting Paul Newman, "Nice to meet you kid, you're a real horses ass!" I think I've grown out of the last trait, but I still love the movie.
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Sliver (1993)
Going against the consensus, but I like this film!
21 January 1999
Whether it's Sharon Stone, or the obvious truth about my voyeuristic tendencies, I like this movie. Sharon has seldom been more alluring and Baldwin's character, with his eerily magnificent toys, lives his life observing others. A movie for the CNN generation I'd contend.
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