
10 Reviews
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Well, I just don't know.......
2 February 2000
I bought this movie in November, and it took me until January to watch it. I guess it's reputation preceded it, and I geared myself up by watching 5 other cannibal films from this genre. So, on a snowy January day, I got prepared to be shocked. I am still waiting. Part of my disappointment is from over-exposure to cannibal flicks, and another part is it wasn't gory enough. If this indeed is the "king of all horror" as I have seen it referred to on IMDb, let the blood and guts flow(So I am a sick pig, get used to it). Overall I gave it a 9, because I did enjoy it, but I did not like the animal killing (although I must watch too much reality TV, because I watched it w/o a problem). And forget the Blair Witch comparisons, I mean, the flicks are 20 years apart, with one medium similarity, BIG DEAL.
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Pretty cool, coulda used an ending though......
8 December 1999
I enjoyed this movie very much, it reminded me of long lost high school days. I thought the acting was good, and the settings were well done. The plot had some holes (I mean, whose parents would be THAT obtuse), but the atmosphere was dark enough for that to be forgiven. Donny Walhberg was great as Greggor! Peace!
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Zombie Bloodbath (1993 Video)
Watch out for the "hat guy" zombie.......
30 November 1999
I swear, that zombie was killed like twice, and kept coming back. I gave this movie an 8. Let's face it folks, this is exactly what the other reviewers are saying, i.e., a "handy-cam", shot film. Hey, hey, hey, welcome to total indy film making. The fact that Todd Sheets got over 700 zombies to appear in this movie is a tribute to his talents. Yes, the story has gaps, yes, we see the same zombies over and over again, but who really cares? Take it for what it is, a fun and gory horror film, one to share with your buds, or to gross out the people you really care about LOL. Mellow out people, I suppose you all liked hunks of garbage like "Titanic" or "Twister" instead. Peace, and support independent film making!!!
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I have never seen a zombie wield a machete......
30 November 1999
......but thats nit-picking. I guess they weren't "those" kind of zombies (God love ya George Romero!). Oh well, it always amazes me when I pick up one of these '79 to '82 Italian cannibal/zombie flicks. I mean, the video quality is awesome, and you really have to search to get this kind of splatter American made. Once again, I see the "Zombie" (Fulci) star dude in another island inhabited with zombies, so I am concerned about type casting here LOL, not really, I am just a gorehound. Overall I gave it an 8. I do have to laugh about my fellow IMDB reviewers talking about the "tons of nudity", apparently they haven't ventured into the back rooms of their local video stores. If you like classic splatter, check it out!
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Redneck Zombies (1989 Video)
What a great use of condoms and a cam-corder
20 August 1999
I just wanted to drop a quick praise in for the people who made this film. Many of us think of doing a crazy film on our cam corders, but these guys had the balls and ambition TO do it. Mega kudos to y'all!
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Champions (1997)
Is a consistant plot too much to ask for?
22 March 1999
I rented this movie because I am a fan of Ken Shamrock from his UFC days and his current WWF days. Boy, I wish I had my $3 back. The worst part of ANY movie is when the director, or edidor, or whomever, cannot string together a plot. When you jump from place to place, how can you follow the story, or even care. I thought this was an action movie, so could we have stayed and shown more action? And if this was about illegal shootfighting, with one dude, or lady dying every fight, how the heck did that tattooed dude get back in the film near the end. And since when does a punch in the jaw KILL somebody. And what was up with that big electronic zit on Shamrocks neck??? AGGHHHHH.
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One of the best adult films ever made
26 February 1999
New Wave Hookers is great because of the way it is presented. The movie never takes itself too seriously, like some of the other early to mid eighties pornos. Jack Baker and Jamie Gillis are hilarious in this flick, as two pimp daddies makin' cash and playing that new wave music. And speaking of music, the soundtrack featuring the Sockets and the Plugs will have you humming (no pun intended, sorry Mr. President) all the way to work the next day. This is way pornos should be, and they just don't make them as well anymore (not even NWH Part 5). A classic! Ya gotta love Ginger!
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Like, wha'ts the deal, no blood?
24 February 1999
After seeing Shootfighter 1, and the buckets of blood they shed, I was ready for another rousing jaunt of open handed heart massage, and chiropractics in a cage. But nooooooo, this was like the Barney version of the first movie, with that lamer from the Karate kid. At least Bolo Yeung still kicks booty, although he needs to do more movies like Bloodsport and Caddyshack.
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I wonder where my first review is?
18 February 1999
Oh well, lost in cyber space I guess. Anyway, if you are a lost Gen-Xer like myself, you should dig this movie. If you ever banked a quarter in a glass, or sank a shotglass in a beeker, this movie is for you. It has a cool soundtrack, and the chicks are hot, so what could possibly be wrong? Peace.
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Generation X's version of the Big Chill
10 February 1999
In the spirit of malaise that is the twenty something (almost thirty something dammit) lifestyle comes Drinking Games, a picture set in Oregon in the not too distant past of 1996. OK, thats a little dramtic, this movie brought me back to the days when I had friends and we shot quarters. This movie has a killer soundtrack, and the players interactions are well captured. This would be a good movie to kill a 12 pack to, even better than Scott's idea to watch Scarface and Drink when someone says "mother father" (hey, a little Mr.Show reference for ya!). Oh well, I dug it, because I have lived it, although the women weren't as good looking.
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