
6 Reviews
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Train of Life (1998)
A superb movie!
8 March 2001
Rarely does one has the pleasure of watching a movie that combines

melancholy, drama, humor and insight into the human heart as this one does. A superb cast does honor to a powerful script. All of those who loved Roberto

Benigni's "Life is beautiful" will be pleased to know that this film treats the same general subject with at least as much humor and sensitivity, but with more depth. I was not familiar with either the director or any of the actors. I just hope we will see more from them, as I can't praise this work enough.
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The Last Fling (1987 TV Movie)
An old-fashioned farce in modern day LA
8 March 2001
Hollywood can still make old-fashioned farces when it wants to. "The Last fling" is a predictable story of a bride-to be (lovely Connie Sellecca) who wants to get even with her fiance' for his insensitivity. Enter man-about-town John Ritter who had incredibly just broken off a budding romance with gorgeous Shannon Tweed. Thru many twists and turns this enjoyable, light comedy proceeds to it's predictable happy ending. Sellecca and Ritter, not noted for their acting abilities, both turn in good performances while Tweed is unfortunately on the screen for only a short time.

If you want a few quick laughs at the foolishness of both men and women without having to think very much, this movie is for you.
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Night Visions (1995)
An awful movie! Zero on a scale of 1 to 10!
2 February 2001
I can usually find something to praise in a movie no matter how bad otherwise. The photography or the plot, one of the characters might be good. In extreme cases one or another of the actors or actresses may be attractive even if unskilled. I could find no redeeming features in "Night Visions". Tane McClure, a beautiful if somewhat limited actress is listed here but is otherwise well hidden. The plot is incomprehensible and the main actors terrible. There are no well shot scenes and there is no suspense to speak of. If you do watch this movie be prepared for 82 minutes of pure boredom.
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Live Flesh (1997)
A brilliant, very creative movie
23 July 2000
Mr Almodovar shows once again that he is the master of the camera as it peers inside the female psyche. This film also allows us to look inside the male psyche, without the cliches and judgements that spoil so many other attempts. Another good film by a great master. I eagerly await his next work.

Carlo Infante
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23 November 1999
This is the greatest play by the Great Italian playwright, director and author Edoardo de Filippo. It combines drama, humour, the description of post-war Naples and the dynamics of a family in a unique and masterful way. To see Edoardo in person on stage was always a major treat. This movie is a fitting tribute to one of Italy's national treasures.
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24 February 1999
What a perfect movie! From the opening credits and Emma Thompson's reading of the verses of a song in that inimitable voice of hers, the photography of the beautiful Tuscan countryside and on and on. If I were on a desert island and could have only one movie, this would be the one!
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