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13 December 1999
If you've seen "La flor de mi secreto" you'll recognize the first scene; two doctors trying to convince a mother who's just lost her son to donate his organs. It turns out that it's a roll play. The doctors are only practising how to act in a situation like that. After the "scene" the doctors talk casually to the nurse who's acted as the "mother". Her real name is Manuela, she's got a son and she used to do some acting in the past. So although she had a really small part in "La flor de mi secreto" "Todo sobre mi madre" is her story.
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Almodóvar is definitely back!
26 August 1999
When I left the theater after seeing "Todo sobre mi madre" (while wiping my tears) I felt really happy. Not only because the film is truly a master piece but also because, finally after some quite dubious films, Pedro Almodóvar has shown what he's capable of making. I would go as far as saying that it's a cathartic experience seeing it. The sorrows, the pains and the joys of the characters go straight into the viewer's eyes and heart. The actors are all superb and the shots are almost painfully beautiful, nothing is left to chance. If you can, please go and see it. You won't see anything that fantastic in a long time.
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The Kingdom (1994–2022)
Death, demons and Danes
26 April 1999
I had seen Riket, part one, some years ago and wasn't disappointed by the sequel, even though it was, if possible, even more twisted and gory. The hospital setting is familiar to all of us. We've seen General Hospital or E.R. There is something about hospitals that appeal to us: life and death, everyday drama and doctors with fate in their hands. And we all love a good ghost story. And together the two, hospitals and ghosts, become a terrific combination. It scares the hell out the viewer -but in the nice kind of way. Because deep down we know that it's all make believe. Von Trier has made a full blown "Dogma-95" (no special effects, no lights, everything is tinted yellow and the handy cam seems to be managed by someone having an epileptic fit) and that way it all becomes even more scary. There is also the conflict between the Swedish doctor who's (wants to be) efficient and rational and the lazy, beer guzzling Danish orderlies and confused doctors. They are caricatures that we love to see, at least us Swedes and Danish. So if you can, rent the video and turn out the lights, arm yourself with a pillow to hide behind when it gets too scary and enjoy!
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A Simple Plan (1998)
All a film needs
26 April 1999
I read the book a couple of years ago and I'm sure that you already know the plot so I won't go into that. However I must say that it's a brilliant movie! I remember the book being slightly different but as the script is written by the author of the book it doesn't matter. The basic story is the same. Right from the start we get premonitions of bad things to come through images of foxes and ravens. The fox becomes the symbol of evil preying on innocent victims (chicken, people). There are many beautiful images in the film, the main colour being white. The actors are fantastic. I've never seen Billy Bob Thornton in action before and I was amazed. All the characters seem real and believeable (it could be you or me) and the sometimes painfully long pauses in the dialogue gave almost a "Dogma -95" feel to it. The moral of the story is as simple as the plan: Don't touch anything that's not yours (especially not blood money) and be content with what you've got, it might seem pathetic and ordinary, but you'll miss it when it's gone. Please go and see "A Simple Plan". It's bound to become a classic and it will have you thinking for a long time.
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How to murder an Italian
26 April 1999
I'm not surprised that no one has commented on this movie because it didn't make much noise when it came, nor when it disappeared, but if you've got the chance do rent it, pleas do, it's a little jewel of a movie. The movie claims to be based on a true story and it probably is. Tracey Ullman plays the wife of a pizza man who decides to kill her husband when she finds out he's cheating on her. She's cheered on by her morbid Yugoslav mother and aided by her admirer, the new age bus boy at the pizza place. But everything goes wrong. The actors are excellent and Kevin Kline is SO funny as the macho Italian and River Phoenix is perfect as the love struck wannabe killer. I've seen the movie a couple of times and I always laugh until I fall off my bed when I see Keanu Reeves and William Hurt as the two cousins with one brain cell (together) who are called in to finish the husband off. It has to be seen! There is no glamour in this movie. People look completely real and they live in a house that looks totally normal, full of toys and ugly furniture. Don't be put off by the title. See it, you won't be disappointed.
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Españoladas in Nazi Germany
10 April 1999
The cast is excellent and the movie is quite funny and moving. Not to mention based on historical facts. (Spanish actors doing movies at the UFA studios in the thirties). The setting, the costumes and photo -brilliant. However there's one big draw back: The plot goes "Thummpph!" after an hour and suddenly becomes a French farse (people banging doors, hiding in closets and becoming hysterical) and it all falls apart. It does pick up at the end though. It's not the greatest film ever made but it's watchable. And Penelope Cruz...what can I say? She's fabulous.
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Disgustingly funny
10 April 1999
This was movie of the year in Spain in 1998 following Ulloas success with Airbag the year before. It's about a truly revolting cop in Madrid. He's a sexist,egotistical,dirty pig. There are some memorable scenes in the film and it's quite funny if you don't have any problems with political correctness. It's probably more fun to a Spanish audience who get the jokes about Atlético Madrid fans, "in" expressions and other national references. A Spanish viewer can also appreciate all the cameos. Some of Spain's most renowned actors appear in little parts and add an extra twist to it all. The pace of the movie is fast and there are no dull moments. Go and see it if you can but have a couple of beers before you go.
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Thesis (1996)
A young Spanish thriller
10 April 1999
This was the director's debut and as such it is a good one. The movie has all the classic thriller ingredients: Terrified people running through corridors, sudden effects and a really tricky intrigue. The young actors are talented and convincing. The exception is Eduardo Noriega who only seems to have one facial expression in this film. I actually thought that he was someone's nephew and not an actor at all. He's done other things later on and is not as bad as in this movie. There are other things that are a little annoying. For example that Angela, a film student knows nothing about snuff movies. But all in all it's a good suspense movie with a moral and it's definitely worth seeing.
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A complete waste of time
10 April 1999
I was living in Granada when they were shooting the film on location and I was really looking forward to seeing it. It wasn't worth waiting for. The direction was dull, the actors uninspired and the plot just plain silly. Perhaps it would just have been a boring film if it was a fictional story but the makers of the film claimed that it was based on the books about Lorca written by Ian Gibson. And since it was full of historical errors it was not only a boring but also an irritating film. The only good thing about it is the view of the Alhambra. An interesting note is that the fascist bull fighter is the real life bull fighter who appears in the Madonna videos.
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"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"
10 April 1999
This is my all time favorite movie. The story is pretty basic: "Don't follow the rules set by society, be happy your own way and do it before it's too late." But the setting, the world of ball room dancing is hilarious and the direction is out of this world. The only flaw is Fran's Spanish but otherwise it's a film that really makes you happy!
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Airbag (1997)
sex, drugs and levitations
8 April 1999
This film hits the unsuspecting viewer like a ton of Spanish tiles. The story line is fairly simple (boy-meets-girl-boy-is-about-to-marry-girl-boy-and-his-friends-have-a stag party-boy-loses-engagement ring-up-a-hooker's-XXX-boy-has-to-get-the-ring-back).The film races on at incredible speed through the northern Spanish countryside and there´s a great mix up with drugs and prostitutes and machine gun toting bad guys. The film has some things speaking for it. There are some truly memorable comic scenes. The "Russian Tortilla" scene, for example, is fabulous. There are also some funny cameos, some appear only for a minute and Rossy de Palma appears only on a photo. However, the film tends to sag a bit at the end. It's a film to see after having a couple of beers.
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A film that will make you happy
6 March 1999
This is a the hysterical and completely surreal story of the sweet and innocent P.tinto who more than anything else wants a child. His longing is shared by his wife, Olivia, whose eye-sight leaves a lot to be desired. After mix-ups and time travelling everything ends happily. The film is clearly inspired by "Delicatessen" but is not as black. It´s a film with many memorable moments and it will make you smile for months after. If you want to know if your friends have seen it just say: "tralalí, tralalí".
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