
7 Reviews
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amazing movie, I was very surprised
19 March 2006
I was extremely surprised about this movie. My girlfriend rented it with a bunch of other movies and I thought this is a bit trashy B-style. But no, this was an amazing intense movie. You could really live with all the characters, you could feel the heat there, how helpless some of those characters are.

The movie starts a bit strange, you are not sure what it is actually about, but this gives this sort of "stick to it" feeling. You have to watch it. From that point on, you start to go with it. The struggle, the wandering, the great feeling of the shots. It makes this movie just amazing. You can really FEEL with it. It's very rare that a movie impresses me that much, but this one did it. This is a rare movie definitely worth to be watched.

If you are into these kind of darams, that are kind of sad, and do not end with the super happy Hollywood typical hero ending, then you have to check this movie out. I really highly recommend it.
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Solaris (2002)
nice, but too short
10 February 2003
Those who know Stanislaw Lem's Book Solaris will know how horrible difficult it is to create a movie based on it. As I know this book quite well, and I am a huge Lem Fan, I was especially interested in this movie.

So I waited ... and watched it ... and I have mixed feelings.

On the good side it is slow, very nice music, Cloney is well ... acceptable, the station is nice made, the Planet itself too ... but ... its too short.

SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOILER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just give on example. In the book he has quite a lot meetings with his dead wife, a lot of time passes by before he puts her into the rocket and gets rid of her. In the movie it is like "Scene A: meet girl", "Scene B: get rid of girl". That hurts, hurts very much if you know the book.

Another aspect is the change of the characters. Some who are old get very young. Male change into female, etc. It all puzzled me too much.

Furthermore I missed the lack of the planet expeditions. I really wanted to know how Soderburg though of them and with the today technical abilities it could have been very spectacular.

SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOILER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, sadly I never had the possibility to watch the old Russian version. Thought I really have to do it.

At the bottom line I ask myself who the target audience for this movie is. SF Geeks ? naw ... to mushy. Artist guys ? naw, too commercial, to Clony. Woman ? Naw, one time Clony ass, there are better ones...

So I really don't know ...

lg, cs
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boring, predictable and horrible stupid
30 April 2002
Yeah well, another masterpiece from America. Yohoo ... Okay, enough sarcasm today. This is really a horrible bad movie. Not only that it is so predictable from the first minute one, but it also has a stupid topic and a more stupid message, that goes like "if u don't have sex with every woman you see, you are a dork". Very smart ... wohoo!

Anyway, it's not a comedy (I only laugthed three times), it's nothing romantic (I wouldn't go into this movie with ANY woman on this whole planet), nor it is anything else.

1 from 10 and I wished I could vote negative ...
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interesting story, but it was screwed up ...
2 January 2001
This movie started quite interesting, but not dramatically great. But then it turned to be really funny, really great ... and then...

Well, actually, Mel Gibson movies are very good ones. He is a great actor and deserved the Oscar. And there is Helen Hunt. Well, she is a quite good actor, but she didn't deserve the Oscar. Since then I am always very careful, when I watch a movie with her.

Like I said above, the movie started with nothing spectacular. Mel Gibson plays a pure macho. He is the "men's man". Sexy. Smart. And he is successful in his job. He is actually awaiting a promotion. BUT, then this happens. His Boss tells him, they want the women, they want this target group. So the poor Nick (Mel Gibson) doesn't get his promotion. Even worse, a woman gets the job, he should have get. This makes him very upset, very. And it gets worse. Darcy (Helen Hunt) gives ever employee a "woman" package with articles which are made for women. At home Nick tries to think into women, tries all the articles and then it happens. He slips fells in the bath with a turned on hair dryer. Luckily he doesn't die, but then he finds out, he can hear what women think...

Sounds like a nice plot. Well it would be, if they didn't screwed it all up. After half of the movie, it got very very boring. They weren't able to get it right. They lost the drive. It turned out as "08/15" (very very VERY typical) love story "made in USA". It could have been better. Much better.
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Séance (2000 TV Movie)
a great thrilling movie from Japan!
16 October 2000
My first movie at Viennale'2000 and it is this one! I have never seen it before and therefore didn't know anything about it, but I have never expected to see something wonderful like this.

In it's 95 minutes running time I was thrilled, there wasn't a single minute when I was bored, or distracted. The main actors played really great and the whole ambiente of the movie set was excellent.

Sure he used a bit "6th sense", as you can see the breath and the dead people, but IMO it's much better than the 6th sense!

If you can watch this movie, do it! Don't wait, don't hesitate, it's absolute worth the time!
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a marvelous study of the "normal" american society
21 December 1999
Today in the "Sneak" came American Beauty. I have heard nothing of this movie before, so I didn't know what would come and after some time I said "wow". What a great movie. A little bit like "fight club", but sometimes goes a different way. Critisises the american family, the "army man" and so on. One of the best movies I have seen this year and one of the best of this year!
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The Matrix (1999)
A Sci-Fi Action movie, with marvelous special effects
22 June 1999
Well, although the story isn't the newest one (bad AI takes over the control), the special effects and the way it is made is really totally different to the 'old' sci-fi action movies. I was really impressed and stunned by those slow-motion action sequences. They are damn great! Don't expect too much story, expect great action!!
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