
9 Reviews
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Girlfriends (2000–2008)
It grew on me
3 March 2005
This is the show that taught me to look at TV shows for what they are: writers' impressions of what life "somewhere" for "someone" is like. No, this show doesn't portray all of my personal experiences as a Black woman, but it also doesn't portray what I think my life is going to be like as an attorney, either.

If it's funny, then it's funny - and 'Girlfriends' is funny. Just because the stars are Black doesn't mean that it is necessarily there to represent the "Black" experience. Nor does it have to. No more double standard for me. I recommend this show to everyone - not just Black women.
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The O.C. (2003–2007)
It won me over...
5 August 2003
Yes, so I liked OC. There's the hot, troubled guy (for the Russell Crowe/Colin Farrell girls). The lovable, intellectual guy (for the Ed Norton/Tobey Maguire girls). Then there's the melodrama, which all girls love. My only problem is that FOX has painted itself into another corner with the homogeneous cast. I'm sure they'll throw in a hot black guy (a la 2 Fast 2 Furious, for the Tyrese girls) when the hot, troubled guy needs a friend from "da hood". All I'm saying is that when a show's idea of diversity is blondes and a couple of brunettes, that's not a good sign. So suspension of disbelief won't be attained with this show. It's ok, though. I'll settle for summer eye candy.
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Brown Sugar (2002)
Haven't I seen this before?
13 May 2003
Don't get me wrong, "Brown Sugar" is a cute movie. And I got all of the references to hip-hop and being in love, yadda, yadda, yadda. All the same, I was waiting for the surprise, the twist, something else. Nothing new was added to the genre. Mos Def, as the bright spot, managed to deliver a refreshing character in spite of the "been down this road before" script. Wait until you can catch it on cable.
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You've GOT to be kidding me...
18 July 2002
Cute guys in hot cars, that's one thing, but bad acting and poor editing? Unforgivable. Not even Vin Diesel and Paul Walker looking all tan and squinty-eyed could save this FLOP. Walker and Diesel were average (I've seen them both do much better), and the rest of the Team was pretty good, but what was up with the cops and the FBI? Wooden, stale and boring.

The day fading into night scene was cute - the first time! It was like the cinematographer skimmed through the "Filming for Dummies" book the night before shooting began.

Oh, and Ja Rule in his break out performance? Puh-leeze. He should stick to "singing" the hooks for Jennifer Lopez and Ashanti.

I gave it a 4 out of 10 for the guys and the cars.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Gimme a Break!
14 March 2002
OK, so I went to this movie on the recommendations of some trusted friends, as well as the raving reviews on this wonderful website. I must have missed SOMETHING, because this movie looked like hot garbage TWICE warmed over. The thing is, I thought the acting was great. This is the first time that I really, really liked a Kidman character. Admittedly, she was amazing as Satine.

Unfortunately, when I left the movie my eyes were sore, my brain was confused and my constitution was generally appalled. All of the gawdy color, fast-moving cuts, close-ups of grotesque faces...who could deal? And besides that, Luhrmann had the audacity to make this movie 2.5 hours long! Are you kidding? I could've told this story in 45 minutes with hand puppets.

This movie goes into the same garbage can as "Speed 2: Cruise Control," "The Haunting" (no, I will never see another Jan de Bont movie as long as I live), and that tragedy on celluloid "The Talented Mr. Ripley." Sheesh, I should've seen "Pootie Tang."

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So easy to love...
21 January 2002
This movie was amazing. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't want to see a movie in which the romance overtakes the story line. I loved the intrigue, the cinematography, and I ESPECIALLY loved Russell Crowe. Great for a date or just some chill time with your friends. 9/10
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If I wanted to read the books, I would
24 December 2001
I have my B.A. in English lit from UNC-Chapel Hill, and I have never read these books. I tried, but I was a little too old for them by then. Frankly, I thought this was a great movie. I think lots of movies are great, though. I don't think any movie I've seen is the BEST movie ever. That's a little fanatical. Also, isn't it silly to sit and say it wasn't exactly like the book. Well, DUH! Why would I want to see a movie that did the exact same things as the book? I'd just read the book. So many people fail to understand the difference between writing a novel and writing a screenplay...and, trust me, translating someone else's work from a novel to a screenplay is a daunting task. I commend the writers and the director for their work (and all of the other folks, too). Prior to seeing the film I had no desire to read the books, but now I have a huge urge to read them all. I'd say that the people in charge accomplished their goal. Wouldn't you?
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Maybe I missed something.... (small spoiler)
26 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Why on earth would Mary choose Steve over Massimo? The man built her a doll house with his own hands...Steve was lusting after her while engaged to Fran...this didn't exactly endear him to me. It helped that Steve was played by Matthew McConaughey, but any scum looks better if they look like him, right? Hollywood seems to be caught up in this ludicrous idea that it's ok to dump people at the altar, if "I don't feel like getting married today." Puh-leeeeze. I know that this is merely a reflection of the mixed-up ideals of today's society, but I would have liked the movie more if Massimo and Mary had ended up together and then they showed them 10 years in the future - very much in love. After all, what was the point of Mary's dad revealing his arranged marriage to her mother that evolved into love? Like I said, maybe I missed something.
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Election (1999)
Some people don't get it...
4 July 1999
And others do. Some people I talked to liked Cruel Intentions or the Phantom Menace. Me? I hated them both, but loved The Matrix and Election. Election was funny, if you can relate to movies that seem so surreal they actually imitate reality. I was surprised that R. Witherspoon was chosen for the role of the ghastly Tracy Flick, but she can really act (which was a surprise especially after Cruel Intentions and Fear). Matthew Broderick's character was more hilarious, though, because the manner in which he attempts to drive morals and ethics into his students minds and later attempts to have an an extra-marital affair is breathtaking. The movie ends on a note that I wasn't sure about, but upon more thought, I do believe it made its point. If your brain hasn't been totally saturated with the usual superficial Hollywood CRAP, then you can appreciate Election.
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