
70 Reviews
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The Wog Boy (2000)
This is a comedy?
25 February 2000
This totally UNfunny movie is so over the top and pathetic and unrealistic that throughout the whole 90 minutes of utter torture I probably looked at my watch about 70000 times! Lucy Bell is so much higher than this crap and for her to sink this low is quite depressing. I have to admit that the whole audience I was in was laughing hysterically but the majority were Greek or Italian so I guess that this humour will probably make them laugh but not me. All this movie does is make you sick watching all these slackers make excuses for their stupid actions for 90 minutes. God, and I can never get that 90 minutes back!
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Fatal Error (1999 TV Movie)
Fatal Error
28 January 2000
I don't know why I'm writing a review for this but I wanted to say how strange this film was. It was actually very bad, but for some reason it was too interesting not too keep watching the whole thing. It's about all these mysterious deaths caused by a signal from a cable television box, and we know this all along so I'm not spoiling anything. The acting is reasonable, if you don't count the terrible performance (as always) from Antonio Sabato Jr. My advice is watch this because it will undoubtedly draw you in with its storyline but don't expect anything above average.
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Idle Hands (1999)
Quite inventive and clever
17 December 1999
A very original idea (I guess) and some pretty good acting (especially by Devon Sawa's hand) make this a better than average horror comedy. It doesn't take itself seriously (unlike Carrie 2) and because of this it is a pretty sick and twisted movie. But thats better than watching a girl with special powers (ala Carrie) for 90 minutes! The hand in this movie is probably the most devilish creature since gremlins took to the screen. If you have the chance go see this film coz it beats crap
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Very long...
16 December 1999
Anna and the King is a very well acted movie, Jodie Foster is very good and Chow Yun Fat proves he can act - not just fight. However, the writers have chosen to focus on too many subplots. There's one story where Anna is teaching the King's children, Anna and the King's uncanny friendship and love for each other, the battle between Siam and English colonies, as well as the tragedies that occur inside Siam while the King tries to improve his beloved country. All of this just doesn't work. Going on two and a half hours, it's just too long and extremely boring too allow the audience too really care about the characters. I found myself looking at my watch throughout most of the film, and that's never a good sign. There are, however, some scenes of brilliant acting - one of which involves a Siamese woman pleading for her life, while Anna becomes increasingly angry at the ways of Siam. But the editing in this film is terrible, I guess they chose to keep everything in the film, and leave little out. Obviously noone thought people could become restless in a cinema!
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Watchable suspense movie
13 November 1999
The Astronaut's Wife starring a somewhat stale Charlize Theron and Johnny Depp is quite different in its attempt to thrill the audience than other mainstream suspense/thriller movies. It's very suspenseful in parts (too few though) but severely lacking in dialogue and good acting in others. It's hard to judge this film because for long periods at a time you are either being bored by it or being thrilled by it. This is mainly due to the screenplay which seemed to have been written without much thought and due to the acting which centers around Charlize Theron. She is new to big roles such as this and it seemed to take a while for her to get into as it appeared that she was rather uncomfortable in some scenes. However, for the last hour or so she was quite good as she allowed the audience to sympathize with her and hold hope for her character. Overall, I thought this was too long for the quite limited storyline but the story was interesting enough to watch through and not be bored by the end.
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31 October 1999
This is a reasonably good drama (not thriller or horror!) with great acting from Willis, Collette and Osment. The two later should receive oscar nominations for their roles. Bruce played a character that wasn't to emotionally involving so it wasn't too much of a stretch for Willis. All in all an interesting plot with its share of moments of brilliance.
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Election (1999)
Quite Brilliant
31 October 1999
Such a good story and such talented actors like Reece Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick make this film really worth seeing. It's about a girl who does everything in her power to make sure she wins the school election to become President. However, she is threatened by the popular football player who challenges her chance at victory. Broderick's character is a school teacher who we see get to see make a fool out of himself and basically act like a normal person, not like a teacher! Go see this on video because it's an interesting and character developed story.
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Daddy (1987 TV Movie)
16 October 1999
Really quite terrible, with bad acting. With two actors who are now more experienced and are much better than what they were here, this movie is about the pressure of a relationship troubled by a baby while the couple is still in high school. Handled quite well, but ultimately is quite annoying and stupid. Thank goodness Patricia Arquette changed her look since this movie!
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The Mummy (1999)
4 September 1999
The Mummy is just another Hollywood stuff up. It has the potential but it just never breaks any new ground and never interests the viewer. I don't know how it made so much money because there are films out there that are so much better than this quickly made mess.
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American Pie (1999)
WOAH Finally a brilliant teen movie!
3 September 1999
American Pie is the funniest, most interesting and surprisingly consistent movie I've seen in a long, long while. This is probably due to the fact that the script writers actually thought when they wrote the script! Unlike the writers of Runaway Bride and Carrie 2. When I saw this movie the whole cinema was full and it was such a great atmosphere because people were in constant hysterics from start to finish. Make sure you see American Pie, you'll only be disappointed if you decide to see Wild Wild West instead!
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Runaway Bride (1999)
Runaway Boring
3 September 1999
Boy, I've just come from seeing this movie and i'm sorry to say that this is a sure bomb. The jokes aren't funny, the romance is stupid and cliched and the by the way did Julia, Joan or Richard actually read this script? This is far too long, drawn out and definitely not worth watching!
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My Eyes were Wide Shut
2 September 1999
This is a promising movie for quite a while, until Tom Cruise's character goes into the orgy scene. From then on the whole movie falls apart, no longer are we intrigued about sexual desire, rather we are bored senseless by a bunch of people wearing masks and hoods. Nicole Kidman is the only good thing about this movie and really it would be nothing worth talking about without her. I've now seen two Stanley Kubrick films and I have to say that he is one sick man with no dream with his work, no vision and not a clue about writing either! Why does so much praise get given to him when his work is just long drawn out plotless crap?
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Revenge (I) (2000)
Good and better than a tv movie
29 August 1999
Alexandra Paul surprised me in this movie. She was a lot better than what she was in Baywatch. The story is simple and interesting and isn't boring. I think this movie went straight to video which I can understand but rent it if you see it.
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Terrific thriller
20 August 1999
Jeff Bridges and Joan Cusack as well as Tim Robbins are excellent in this action drama. It builds up the characters very well and by the end of the movie we are in the minds of all the characters. The surprises and twists make this great and the only problem which is unrealistic is the fact that none of the families ever turned on their lights!
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Hard hitting thriller
15 August 1999
This is a fantastic thriller with excellent acting from Cusack, Bridges and Robbins. The ending is also excellent and will catch everyone unaware. The plot is suspenseful and you want to see what the characters do next. See it at the cinema for the greatest effect.
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See it at the cinemas
8 August 1999
This is an above average comedy but repeated viewings aren't really what its about. The first time you see it will be very good but the others you won't find so funny. The songs are annoying after a while but you should go see it just for the swearing at the start and the Kyles mom is a bitch song by Cartman which is excellent.
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What a stinker!
8 August 1999
I can't believe I paid to see this trash. I really enjoyed the first Carrie so I thought this would be good to. Was I wrong! The acting was crap and the script was just as bad. The actors knew how bad the script was as well because they kept pausing and thinking about how crap the lines were that they had just said. Please avoid this should have been tele-movie at all costs.
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Great movie
8 August 1999
Finally a teen movie with substance and a very good plot. The acting is excellent especially from the four leads, Sarah Michelle Gellar from Buffy, Ryan Phillipe, Reece Witherspoon and Selma Blair. This is the must see movie for 1999 so don't miss it!
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Good comedy
17 July 1999
This is not Adam Sandler's best film but it is certainly better than the Waterboy! Drew Barrymore is always good and was convincing in this movie also. This film will remind you of the eighties - the clothes, music etc. Could have been better but it's still worth watching.
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Blade (1998)
Surprisingly good
17 July 1999
I didn't expect much at all from this vampire movie, but it was actually quite good. It showed some good ideas and was east to watch. I don't know why they're making a sequel to this but I guess if it makes money...! There was good action and lots of blood to quench a vampires thirst, go and see it.
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Happy Gilmore (1996)
Sandler's best so far
17 July 1999
This is such a good movie you can watch it over and over and not get tired of it. This movie made Adam Sandler become the ridiculously wealthy person he is today. It's very funny and there are many stand-out scenes. I think it is so popular because it makes fun of one of the most boring sports ever to be played - golf.
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Trashy but good horror
16 July 1999
What's up with all you other people who made crappy comments about this movie, it was cool! It was fast paced and not slow and boring like Halloween. Get into the nineties people because Halloween did and as a result they made an excellent movie H20. Renee Zelwegger displayed her great acting ability and the character development of the script allowed her to be free with the character and really show her stuff. Ignore the critics and see if you like it, if you don't just stop it and take it back to the video store.
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Above average comedy
11 July 1999
The first half hour of this movie is brilliant and the rest is also very good. Julia Stiles is awesome and very convincing playing the shrew who has a few layers of baggage from her past which has her running scared from a future. This is one of William Shakespeare's better story's. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.
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Urban Legend (1998)
Good suspense
11 July 1999
Urban legend is interesting in the premise and is a well made film. It's not a slasher film like Scream or I Still Know which is good but probably isn't as good as the two. Watch it though because it's fun.
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The Siege (1998)
Quite good
11 July 1999
The Siege is entertaining and worth watching. But it goes too deep. The storyline tries to be complex but with such amateur writing it is impossible to pull off. Bruce Willis' character was an unnecessary addition to the plot and without him the movie would have been a lot better. Denzel Washington was ok. He hasn't chosen the best of roles in the past couple of years. Annette Bening actually was good in this movie. Her character was interesting and different. Go and see it but don't get drawn in to it.
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