
18 Reviews
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Bizaardvark (2016–2019)
The first season is really bad, but it gets better.
18 June 2024
The first season of this show is so bad, I honestly don't know how it got renewed. But if you stick with it, it actually gets better every season.

I only watched because it stars Olivia Rodrigo before she became one of the world's biggest pop stars. Obviously, Disney launched her career and this was the starting point. The show focuses around Olivia's character Paige and Madison Hu's character Frankie who are besties that make videos together and get enough attention to get to work with the big video production company known as Vuugle. While working on their videos they form friendships with people with other channels. The first two seasons of the show feature the now infamous YouTuber turned boxer Jake Paul.

Like I said, season one is a complete mess. I can count on one hand the number of times I so much as smiled at the dialog. I almost stopped. But being an Olivia fan, I trudged on and I'm glad I did. I don't know if they changed writers or showrunners or what, but about a quarter of the way through season 2, something changed and some of the shows were actually funny. By season 3, most of the shows were funny and the finale was quite good. Overall, I give the series a 6 out of 10, but if season 1 didn't exist, it would be higher. Season 1 is 3/10, season 2 is 7/10 and season 3 is 8/10.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Atlanta (2024)
Season 12, Episode 1
After a hilarious opening 5 minutes, it went south
2 March 2024
No spoilers, but the first five or so minutes of the show was classic Curb. Starting with singing the JG Wentworth song to the scene where Larry destroys Siri over not understanding him properly all the way up to the scene at the restaurant. After that, while there were funny moments, it just seemed a bit forced and just not what I've come to expect from this show. I haven't watched any other episode yet, so the season can still improve, but it just wasn't great. I still gave this episode a 7 because he hit three home runs right off the bat, but after that, it was a 5 or 6 at best. I'm still hopeful as everyone is allowed a dud once in a while. Let's hope he got his out of the way early.
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Down by Love (2016)
Not sure why this is rated so low
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a great movie, but it is a very good one. A man is a warden at a women's prison. He takes a liking to one of the inmates, but no funny business at first. She ends up confessing her love for him and that's when things get crazy. He sets up a job for her that allows for them to be alone together. That's when things start to get intimate and both experience the highs and lows of a forbidden romance. Aside from the fact that he's a warden, he also is married and has a daughter which causes so much more trouble for him in his life. If you live Adele Exarchopoulos like I do, you will love this movie. I just found out that it is based off a true story which makes me appreciate it even more. Like I mentioned earlier, it's not great, but it is very good and well acted by all. It should be higher than hovering around the 6/10 rating for sure.
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Very slow moving, adding a deleted sequence would've made it better
27 June 2023
I wanted to like this movie more than I did and while I did give it 6 out of 10 stars (that's basically a D in my book), it had potential to be more. Thankfully, I saw it on DVD which had the deleted scenes on it. I don't know why, but they cut an opening sequence that set the groundwork for the entire movie (it was probably about a 10 minute sequence in a movie that only ran an hour and 30 minutes, so editing it out for time really wasn't the reason). It also had more of Adele Exarchopoulos which is the only reason I checked this out in the first place. Cutting 90 percent of her screen time was a bad choice and totally uncalled for. As far as the rest of it goes, this movie couldn't decide if the focus was on Taryn or the musician parents getting divorced. Also, there seemed to be unnecessarily long music sequences and shots of swimming that were pointless. There honestly is a scene where one of the main characters jumps into the pool, swims off screen, comes back into frame and gets out of the pool? What on earth was the point of that scene? If there was a scene to cut over the opening sequence, that was the one. Minor gripes aside, Deragh Campbell as Taryn definitely stood out above the rest of the main cast (in her first role no less according to this site), although Hannah Gross (who has gone on to much bigger things in the decade since this was released) had a nice supporting role as well. I give this movie 6/10 stars only because the opening deleted scene was on the disc. It would've been 4/10 otherwise. If you want to see this, find the deleted scenes.
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The ending ruined it for me
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was actually somewhat entertaining for the first hour and 10 minutes or so. But when she goes back home at the end, the movie goes completely off the rails. Carrie was already falling out of love with a guy she was engaged to who ends up becoming paralyzed due to poor decision making. Leaving him was a no-brainer. Because of the judgment of friends and the boyfriend's family, getting out of town and creating a new life was absolutely the right move for her. I get that her friend she left behind had problems, but we all have problems and I just don't see why Carrie had to stop everything in her life because her friend's mom went to rehab. Other than being moral support, what more could she have done? I really don't understand the motive to stay behind instead of embracing her new life, which seemed to have a bright future. Don't live in the past. Really disappointing ending.
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Life on Mars (2008–2009)
It's a shame this show only got one season
22 May 2023
This series is absolutely fantastic. The cast was a real who's who from the late 2000s with Michael Imperioli, Gretchen Mol and of course Harvey Keitel. I liked the show during its initial run, but decided to rewatch it this year (2023) to see if it was as good as I remembered. It definitely holds up. It's pretty cool to look back at it with fresh eyes because some of the guest stars, particularly Maggie Siff (Billions) and Dean Winter (the Allstate 'mayhem" guy) have gone on to more fame after their small roles in this series. It does get you thinking throughout what is real and what is his imagination? Would you try to talk to your younger self if you had the chance or would that risk a paradox? I wish this show could've had a full run of at least 3 seasons to tie everything up, but it does at least have an ending, not a cliffhanger. While the ending is a bit of a letdown (it's why this gets 9/10 instead of 10/10), it's not the worst thing they could've done. Currently, it's not showing anywhere for free, but I picked it up through the good ol' Netflix DVD by mail service which will soon be gone. It's worth picking up if you want a nice, quick summer binge.
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Dua Lipa: New Love (2015 Music Video)
This is just a bunch of footage strung together
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I must start out by saying I love Dua Lipa and it's a bit adorable seeing her before her fame as a mere teenager in fact. But this doesn't seem to be an actual planned out music video. It looks like someone said, "Oh, this song is out, we need a video, stat!" And they took existing footage and edited it together and this is what they came up with. At no point does she appear to sing the lyrics to this song which allowed them to create this video for any song she's ever sung. Even so, it's not awful. Since it was her first ever music video, I'm assuming she had no creative control over it. It has absolutely no relation to the song lyrics at all. It's kind of a day in the life of Dua Lipa honestly. I can't imagine this had a budget over $1,000. The song isn't her best either, but it got her career up and running and for that, we should all be grateful.
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Slings and Arrows (2003–2006)
What an amazing show
14 November 2022
I'll be quite honest here. I'm a big Rachel McAdams fan and I only started watching the show because I saw she was in season one and the first episode in season two. In that the break between seasons, she became a mega-star following Mean Girls and The Notebook so she left the show. I figured I would "leave this show behind" as well, but it was just too good.

The dialog between Geoffrey and Oliver is some of the most entertaining banter on television. Of course there's the "will they or won't they" relationship with Geoffrey and Ellen throughout that never gets stale either.

I have to say, this show has one of the best final episodes that doesn't let you down like many other series you may follow from beginning to end.

If you like live theater or are a fan of any of the actors in this show, do yourself a favor and watch this series. It's only 18 episodes after all. A fairly easy binge. You won't regret it.
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I wanted to love this movie...
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, the ending felt rushed and the subplot barely connected to the main storyline. I still liked it, but didn't love it. Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson are phenomenal as the main characters. But the real standout is Jackie Earle Haley as a character of the subplot. Now, this movie could've easily been 20 minutes shorter. I don't really think the subplot was necessary. They used it as a way to end the movie instead of giving it an ending with an actual resolution. I really don't understand the motivation of the Wilson's character at the end trying to rekindle his youth with a bunch of skateboarders after making the decision to basically abandon his family. That made no sense to me at all. Also, I guess his wife didn't see his letter before meeting him at the hospital? I guess he's staying with his family after all? More questions than answers. Some people like open ended movies (Inception does this better than any movie I've seen), but this one needed a better ending after sitting through it for nearly 2 1/2 hours. It's very well acted and started off well, but the final 15 minutes were lame and didn't really blend the two stories well at all.
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Disobedience (2017)
It started slow, but quickly accelerates in the middle
3 September 2022
Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams have a steamy affair? Sign me up! In all seriousness though, I went into this movie knowing virtually nothing about it which may have been why I enjoyed it so much. But because of that, it also took me nearly a half hour to figure out what was really going on. Very little is explained and the movie starts very slow. There is a lot of awkwardness when people interact with Ronit (Weisz) and you aren't quite sure why. Was she shunned or did she just decide to leave? Then there is Esti (McAdams) who also acts extremely awkward around Ronit and we realize what why that is about 40 minutes in. That's where the movie really starts to get good. One performance I have to mention is Alessandro Nivola who plays Dovid. He is simply outstanding! He turns a character who could be one dimensional into a very complex man. He steals the scenes he appears in for sure. This movie keeps getting better as it goes along. The final 5 minutes are superb. If you are a fan of either of "the Rachels" you won't be disappointed.
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Garden Party (2008)
This movie had no point to it
30 August 2022
Usually when I'm watching a movie, I wanna care about the main characters and most likely root for their storyline. First off, this movie had way too many characters including one "main" character who really didn't fit in to the main storyline at all. In all honesty, I only watched this movie because Jennifer Lawrence was listed in the cast. She was in one scene that probably lasted 45 seconds in the first 10 minutes of the movie. Somehow her character was given a name even though her name is not mentioned in the scene. Regardless, this movie meandered all over the place. The "garden party" itself was a basically a 5 minute scene focused around the character who barely has any connection at all to the other main characters. I mean honestly, his story is completely unnecessary and he's also not very likable. The only character I actually liked was the real estate agent. She's the only one who actually had a decent story. The rest were super shallow and I just didn't care at all about them. Anyway, if you're like me and saw J-Law was in this, you can stop watching after her scene. This movie goes nowhere. Not sure why the reviews are so positive when this has a fairly low rating.
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The Old Man: VII (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
I love this show, but this episode may have ruined it for me!
30 July 2022
Everything I was led to believe is that this was a miniseries. A one season and done show like WandaVision. Instead they end it with the most anticlimactic cliffhanger of all-time. Very weak. Every episode had been compelling up til this one. The first episode whet my appetite for this series and the other episodes, while not quite as good, still were a thrill to watch every week. Not only that, but the "twist" (if you can really call it that) in this episode was the most obvious ever. Do better writers! Don't ruin this series for me.
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I really don't get the hate
2 May 2022
OK, is the Viola Davis lip pursing a tad annoying, sure. But it doesn't distract from the ENTIRE story like some reviews are suggesting. I think she does a fine job portraying Michella Obama, but Gillian Anderson and Michelle Pfeiffer should get Emmy nominations for their roles. This is very well written and I look forward to Sunday nights. My only other slight complaint is the jumping around from year to year. They could've broken it into 3 different mini-series actually, to focus on one at a time. But as it is, still a show I would recommend whole-heartedly.
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The Expanse: One Ship: Win or Lose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
My two favorite characters fight - YES PLEASE!
22 February 2022
I love this series and I'm so glad I discovered these mini episodes. Anytime these two share the screen, I'm a huge fan and the fact that they fight (in a "friendly" competition) is fantastic. If I had only watched it on Christmas Eve when it was released, it would've been a bonus present. If you are a fan of The Expanse, do yourself a favor and click on the X-Ray (computer only sadly) of the first 5 episodes to find these hidden gems. They are all good, but this one's my favorite.
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I honestly don't know how this could be rated lower than 7/10.
28 January 2022
You must have a heart of stone to not give this at least 7 stars. It's a lovely story about the joy of Christmas. Is it the best story ever, of course not. But it is a sentimental story about a lost soul and a young soul who find a connection through Christmas and letters to Santa and the joy that it can bring. Any children's story told by Kate Winslet is an uplifting one.
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Get Back (1992–1993)
A fun little show, but it ended at the right time
27 January 2022
Why is this American writing about a 90s British sitcom? Simply because it was one of Kate Winslet's first regular acting roles. I'm a huge fan of hers and while she isn't the main character, she does play a fairly prominent role in several episodes, with the series finale showing off her acting chops the most. One thing to note, as I am an American, some of the British slang and fast mumbling (especially by the old man) was difficult for me to follow. At the moment (2022), all the episodes are on YouTube although a couple are a bit sketchy especially if you are watching on a TV or large monitor. It took awhile to gain sympathy for these characters because even though they lost everything, they were all pretty bratty in season one. Season two is much better in that regard and even though I think the series was starting to get better, I'm glad it ended when in did because if not, maybe Kate Winslet gets comfortable in TV and never becomes the international star she was meant to be.
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This is a genuinely funny movie
22 January 2022
This movie at its heart is basically a romantic comedy, but it made me laugh out loud several times and typical rom coms rarely make me do that. Simon Pegg is definitely usually the funny guy in the movie, but Megan Fox steals a ton of the funny lines and even Kirsten Dunst has some moments that are legitimately funny as well. This movie won't win any awards and the idea (even if it is loosely based on a true story) isn't original, but if you want a good laugh I'd say watch it.
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Daisy Chain (2016)
This would easily be a 9 if the animation was better
21 January 2022
Very touching story. At the moment (2022), the video can be seen on YouTube. I love the positive message as that is what the world needs right now. My only complaint is the animation of the people have no faces, just noses. It doesn't take away from the story, but I don't understand why they didn't give the characters eyes and mouths.
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