
3 Reviews
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Unbreakable (2000)
One big yawn
25 November 2000
Am I too picky, or perhaps too quick to figure out plot twists? This movie was BORING! The only thing that kept me remotely interested was the fact that it was shot in Philly, on and around the U. of Penn campus, where my son goes to school, so it was fun to spot campus and city sites. Other than that, the plot became painfully obvious within about a half hour. The acting was pure " Bruce Willis has problem marriage, Bruce seeks to find himself, Bruce has revelation. " There were long and dead-end sequences and scenes that dragged on for no apparent reason, weird camera angles that did nothing to add to the drama, and a most unsatisfying ending that said to me,

" The director is tired and out of ideas, so here is how it ends. Now go home. " The extras in the film ( and they are all over the place ) practically screamed, " We're EXTRAS! Watch us see ourselves on-camera!" The kid was a slightly older version of Haley Joel Osment's Sixth Sense character --- another screwed-up little boy who I found myself not caring a whit about. Robin Wright was the only actor who tried to do something with her meager role. I thought The Sixth Sense was easy to figure out, but this one is even more simplistic. I'm only glad I saw it in the afternoon, when it was half-price to get in, instead of spending real money on this yawner. I went to high school with Bruce Willis, when his acting antics were fresh and funny and endearing. Lately all he does is bore me with the same-old same-old same-old same-old....
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Bamboozled (2000)
This masterpiece left me speechless
11 October 2000
I was lucky enough to see the Philadelphia premiere of this movie at the U. of Penn, with Spike Lee in attendance, and I left the theatre feeling almost speechless. I've seen most of Lee's films and have mixed emotions and reviews of each of them; however, this film is truly a MASTERPIECE of filmmaking. Without giving away the many-layered plot, which must be experienced to be appreciated, the subject is a touchy one --- controversial and poignant, embarrassing and humiliating, enlightening and insightful. Mainstream white audiences ( of which I am a part ) may find the subject to be uncomfortable --- obviously one of Lee's goals here --- and all audiences will find certain parts of the movie to be terrifying. Besides the storyline, the acting is wonderful across the board, and Daman Wayans deserves an Academy Award for his over-the-top role. Spike Lee's "Bamboozled" should go down in history as one of the most important films about race vs. social status and the misconceptions and stereotypes that surround them, as well as being a magnificent movie about popular culture and the almighty dollar. It is alternatingly hysterical, contemplative, witty and violent, and I left the theatre in tears, totally speechless. Unfortunately, this will probably be a short-lived film in your local cineplex, but hopefully it will gain enough serious attention to win the accolades it deserves, as well as open some closed eyes and minds.
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Comments to AnnieP
7 June 1999
Just saw your review of the movie and it made me smile. My son Zach played Dane in the movie. The funny part is that Zach is anything BUT a goody-goody; how he was able to turn on the charm when the cameras were rolling is beyond me. The character definitely was a bit too sappy and innocent, but it worked within the framework of the story. My opinion is that Amanda Donohoe was poorly cast as Meggie, which was the mini-series' downfall. You say that the movie is available on video, but I haven't seen it anywhere, nor has Warner Bros. released it to video stores. ( I do, however, have my own copy of it, sent to me by the studio. )

Shooting the film in Australia was a complete blast -- the best experience we've ever had in this business. Thanks for your comments. It's interesting to read reviews about my son's work!
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