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On paper this should have been great
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This an old trope - old person in younger body. Cue all the usual jokes/gags regarding rediscovering a youthful energy, including self-exploration with strained witty lines. I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be a ChatGPT generated script.

There is nothing new here which is an absolute shame given the great cast of leading ladies. The $14M budget must have gone mostly on the salaries of the ladies, especially Dianne Keaton who must be wondering why she got involved.

The only flash of redemption is Boy George in a very contrived and strained cameo to let him sing his classic on stage with the ladies in question.

Move along.
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Wrong title...should be English
30 March 2023
Not sure the reason for this documentary. Though it isn't really a documentary it's more of a love letter to the English, particularly the upper class English. Not a single mention of the rest of the British Isles. Scotland? Wales? Hello?

This sadly plays to the stereotype that most people outside of Britain think, that everyone is effectively Hugh Grant from Four Weddings and a Funeral. The London cab drivers feels a nod to the common person and comes over forced and painful to watch.

Too much focus in London, and ironically, a London that most British people will never get near let alone feel it represents them.

Could have been so much better.
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Young Wallander (2020–2022)
Remove "Wallander" from it - its good
21 February 2022
This is a great standalone detective series.

What lets it down, is its desperate attempt at credibility by linking it to the Wallander - a classic.

Not dissimilar to the Jack Ryan series Amazon Prime is doing - another great series if you just forget about the relationship to that person.
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Good but nothing new
31 July 2021
There are so many documentary's about Delorean floating around from the last 2 years, and this one just adds to that pile, offering very little new information that hasn't already been covered.

If anything, this one doesn't delve into all of his questionable deals like the others so it is a little softer.

The car while visionary, was fraught with mechanical problems, poor design, hastened testing, that hastened its demise. The early investors who got their first motors, realized then they had invested poorly.

DeLorean was no Musk, but had he delivered with a quality product, instead of trying to cut corners, then the automotive industry could have had another true maverick. He was so close to greatness, but without the structure and discipline of GM keeping him from doing harm, he couldn't achieve it.

I watch every DeLorean documentary like I do Buddy Holly movies - hoping that one he decides not to get in that final plane and somehow history is rewritten.
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Even within the FF universe ... we jumped the shark
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this you know what you are about experience - over the top acting, forced family ethics and unity, gun fire that never seems to hit anyone in the main crew and cars that even the game RocketLeague would struggle to model.

So there is a certain latitude you afford the team.

However, this latest installment, was literally out of this world, and that is where we lost it. Though, if we are honest, we probably lost it the moment the car was swinging through cliffs like Tarzan.

This was a good series, many moons ago.

Even Cardi-B forced lines was cardboard and wooden - an actress she is not.

It was fun to see them in Edinburgh (geography all over the place - some of those streets are not as long as they are portrayed!).
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Great insight .. one episode too long
15 March 2021
There is no doubt, this is a well produced and researched insight into one of the biggest scandals of modern day history. The only two people that really know what happened for sure, is Dylan and Woody. For my own part, given the experience I have had with this subject, and the hurt it has caused those around me, there was nothing of Dylan's story that suggested it was a planted memory, or the result of a manipulative mother.

Hats off to the family for stepping forward and putting this out there. The documentary itself was well done, however, it could have be edited down to 3 episodes without losing anything of its thrust. I felt I had learned nothing more from Episode 4 than what was already presented.

Overall, well worth the watch.
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Had promise but fell fast
28 September 2019
I was hopeful starting this. Granted watching the trailer, tells you pretty much everything you need to know without wasting time on the movie itself.

It just doesn't get going. Anna Kendrick just turned up read her lines, collected her paycheck and still waits for that vehicle that can show her talents.

Chris Morris, can and has done so much better. The absurdity was just too much and if dialed back just a few notches could have come over as a scarily accurate portrayal of how things play out. There are setup pieces that painful to watch as you can see them coming as soon as a given line is spoken.

Could have been something.
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Minder (2009– )
Got potential
8 February 2009
One of the problems of remaking an old series, is that we often forget how awful the original series was at times. Even the classics took a while to get going, and the original Minder was no different. It took many years for George Cole and Dennis Waterman to get into our national blood.

The story lines where implausible, but it was sheer escapism into the lovable rogue world of wheeling and dealing. Recall this was the era that Arther Daley and Del Trotter where part of the staple diets of the UK.

So a remake of Minder was always going to be a daunting task that wasn't going to win the hearts of many straight out of the gate.

Shane Richie plays a very good Archie Daley and is more in the vein of the original George Cole's character than we probably care to remember.

This was an enjoyable romp and I look forward to see these characters get comfortable with their surroundings.

Don't be quick to judge, as nostalgic series are often best left to our memory.
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You can see why the middle east distrusts America
10 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie i had heard of. I had seen the press for it, and sometimes you have to be in a frame of mind to watch something of this magnitude. I knew it was going to probably blow my mind in terms of how the the orange-jump-suit prisoners are not only treated, but how they get there in the first place.

Last night, the time had come. My perception was shattered and I now look at the US (and my own government) with disgust.

These lads, were definitely no choir boys in the UK, but they were no more a threat to national security than any other group of young teenagers.

What shocked me the most, was how they were trying to convince the men that it was them on the video tape and how they were photographed sitting in rallies listening to the Bin Laden. Sheer mental torture.

Then the moment of "oh my god" came. One of the three, put 2 and 2 together and realized he had a cast iron alibi -- at the time they were accusing him of being with Bin Laden, he was actually in UK prison! Fantastic -- their whole game was blown out of the water. There was no more mind games these guys could do, to him, or his friends.

The fact that it had to go on for so long was a complete outrage.

I for one, will be lobbying my MP seeing what the current situation is.

Watch this movie -- then ASK questions.
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Don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed
15 August 2006
If you enjoyed the Dustin Hoffman movie Outbreak, the TV series 24 and X-Files and the HBO/BBC series TheCell, and wondered what would happen if you mixed them altogether, then this is the result.

It trundles along at the usual pace of all the above, with Stephen Dorff doing his best Jack Bauer impersonation, in both looks and personality. Naturally the love of his live is offed fairly early on and that sets up the lone-agent working to recover the truth. Very 24'esque.

The X-Files element is all the government conspiracies that are woven into the plot and that makes for more distraction than anything else. The story is a good one on its own merit, no need to keep mixing in nonsense that really only serves to bog down the movie.

But on the whole it is a good watch.
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Its not that bad
10 July 2004
Having just watched this movie i have to say its not as bad as the votes here suggest. Sure its not going to win any awards, but that said, it was never going to. Johnny Vegas, you either hate or you love him. There is very little middle ground with him. The movie tells the tale of 2 working class young men, who are getting bored with the whole sordid lives they are living. The movie hasn't so much got a story line more a serious of sketches. The scene in which the first 3some is done is very well put together, with sheer down to earth humor. This isn't a movie that will appeal sadly to the posh. Its dirty, and the humor is in the gutter. But there are definitely scenes that every man can identify with.

If you are bored, give it a go. Don't be put off.
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Gosford Park (2001)
High Expectations ...
13 July 2002
It has to be said, the trailer for this movie, would have the majority of people running to watch it. Sadly they will be disappointed.

The movie is way too long, with too many characters. And not only is there two many characters, the ones playing the servants have two screen names; their real name, and that of their master/mistress they are servicing.

It takes 1hr 20mins to actually get to the murder. Infact, it has to be said i completely forgot there was a murder coming. It was obvious from the start who done it, and i was very very disappointed in figuring it out. I was hoping for something clever, but failed to have my expectations realized.

The pace of the movie was slow; and like many of the comments in this thread, the characters themselves completely under developed.

Removing 50% of the cast, would have made for a much more enjoyable movie, complete with a lot more depth.

Sorry ... but Mr Altman serves up another donkey.
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