
2 Reviews
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Mosquito (1994)
The funniest movie ever.
31 May 1999
I consider myself fortunate to have caught "Mosquito" on a Sunday matinee. The opening scene depicts a huge mosquito smashing against a car windshield and the acting only gets worse from there. We get to see the "deputy" with a full beard in one scene lose the beard when the camera cuts back to him (stellar editing). We also get to see the main character who is the human incarnation of South Park's "Chef." My sides split when Gunnar Hansen (a.k.a. Letherface) picks up a chainsaw and says: "I haven't handled one of these things in 20 years....feels good." A commonly-used, extremely cheesy line is also: "..if I wasn't having such a bad day, I'd kill you." Anyway, go rent this, but you might have some trouble finding it (try a mom 'n pop video store).
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Mosquito (1994)
Take it for What it's Worth
19 May 1999
Beginning with a giant mosquito smashing against a window, this pseudo-horror/spoof starts with a bang. In addition to a main character who resembles the "Chef" from South Park, this movie also stars Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Furthermore, the editing is so bad that one character (the "bumbling deputy") actually has a beard in one scene, and does not in the next. The acting in this film is so bad that you'll constantly find yourself laughing. If you enjoyed Army of Darkness, Mosquito is a must see. I would also recommend "Jack Frost," "Humongous" and "Slugs."
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