
15 Reviews
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Tachyon: The Fringe (2000 Video Game)
"Absolutely Breath Taking" -- Adrenaline Vault
6 June 2000
If I wasn't so strict about not labeling anything best of this or best of that I might have given this game the 'Best Space Simulator to Date' title on my part. But since I'm not like that then I won't. No, I won't....*clipping my fingernails*.... Ok. IT'S THE BEST SPACE SIMULATOR TO DATE!!!

I only played about half of it and I can't get enough. I haven't finished the Bora side of the game yet but from my experience with GalSpan I can say it's great.

Did you play FreeSpace? Descent: FreeSpace? Conflict: FreeSpace - The Great War? Take that. Add some cool new features. Much better graphics. A different 'This time I'm taking care of myself' setting and put Bruce Campbell (He's just too good) playing the lead character and you got Tachyon.

It has, action, drama, betrayal, side switching, twilight fog, scary scenes and Bruce adding the clever humorous remarks we love him for.

It may be only out for a few weeks (6/6/2k) but it's already loved by many. And I'm sure it will sell a few hundred thousands by next year. I recommended it to everyone I know and I recommend it to anyone who reads it.

See you on the NovaWorld arena.
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Privateer (1993 Video Game)
One of the best Arcade/Sci-Fi/Space Simulators/Adventure out there.
28 April 2000
About 6 years ago when we bought our sound card we got a set of games with it. Out of it stuck Wing Commander II. I tried to play it and came out with an icky feeling. Playing Wing Commander III I thought "Ooh, FMV. Good Cast. Beautiful Kilrathi. No thanks."

But when Privateer landed on my lap I couldn't stop playing it no matter how many times I saw my Tarsus explode. This game is so addicting that even now, years after I played it, I still have some one-liners stuck in me. The game I got 5 years ago I couldn't manage to finish but when I got the CD version I started over and went from start to end.

What can be said? Addicting? Beautiful? Great Combat Scenes? How about 'A Game That Made Me Forget A Trivial Thing As Sleeping'?

If you love good space simulators and don't want to be fighting to right the wrong or something like that, just fight for your own best interest then this is the game for you. It'll give you at least a good week of intensive play. And if you had enough then you can go and play Privateer 2: The Darkening.

To sum it up, Origin Systems: They Make Worlds. And what worlds...
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The Best RTS to date.
6 September 1999
This game is the best RTS (Real Time Strategy) game to date, with magnificant AIs, awesome graphics and changing day time, full 3D terrain and all but that won't mean scrap to the tight movie goers.

So I will talk about the filmed sequences, I haven't played the game much but it's way improved since Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert, they film mostly in real scenery, like inside and aircraft, a station, out in the desert but there are still parts of animation (Since ORCA Aircrafts don't exist yet) which are very good as well, the scenes are acted splendedly and look seemlessly realistic, I haven't played much but it's still great.
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Command & Conquer: Red Alert (1996 Video Game)
What a Prequel, What a Prequel...
6 September 1999
This game is the prequel to the acclaimed Real Time Strategy game of 1995, Command & Conquer: Tiberium Dawn, it details the forming of the GDI and NOD forces and an alternate reality in which Hitler never rose to power, a more sinister force emerged, Stalin, and now he is marching across Europe.

I love the series and if we are talking about the movie sequnces, then it's great, the acting is spectacular and all fits in well in the story, even though it won't mean nothing to you if you are not playing.

Joseph Kucan is a great actor and I hope he won't turn to the big screen because there are Places to go, Buildings to raze.
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One of the greatest cartoons to grace the TV screen.
22 August 1999
The series itself has great action, evolved characters, quite original plot and great overall quality. It was so great that a cult built up and written stories emerged.

So what if planes with cats and buildings with cats and machines with cats crash or blow up or burn down or anything like that. Too bad this lasted only too seasons, but those were great, I recommend it to any Sci-Fi lover, cartoon lover and action lover.

To tell you what? it's even funny sometimes. Go see it, wait a second, they cancelled the show for too much violence, you will have to register with Cartoon Network. And with all the other 'Non-interesting' shows they put up on that network, Swat Kats is one great reason to buy a connection.
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Eerie, Indiana (1991–1992)
One of the greatest Horror/Mystery/Fantasy series ever.
6 August 1999
Too bad it ran for such a short period of time.

This is very Eerie as suggested by the title, I saw it several years back, it's about a town in Indiana county (which you can kill me but I don't know where it is) where a lot of very very strange things happen every week to two young kids and they collect things about it in a closet in Marshell's attic, he carries the key for the closet on him and it plays an important part in some episodes, one of the kids, I'm proud to say, is jewish and that is amplified in a nice episode when the kids shift to the backstage.

I also remember an episode about the time when Marshell sets his watch backwards to winter time and he shifts to another dimension along with a girl who disappeared the same way a year back, there are some guys who are chasing them and someone helps them, I won't tell you what happens and it's a knockout ending.

There are a lot of cool episodes and I wish they would make more.

Well, go bug your local supplier to get the show, I'm off to check the next incarnation.
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South Park (1998 Video Game)
Not what I expected, much worse.
9 July 1999
I played this game till the clone blob, and I must say I didn't like it very much, it really descend from the rest of South Park (like there is much more).

If you take, like say, Black Stone: Aliens of Gold (anyone who knows what it means probably isn't reading this so I'll change metaphor), no, Doom. Add an unusable jump feature, change the theme to South Park, lower all the blood and gore, hit it a few times with a sledge hammer and you got South Park: The Game.

This game is a complete waste of time and money, not to mention useful brain cells, don't buy it, don't download it, don't look at it, and I even suggest not being in the same computer store with it.

It's totally icky and I will spare you the details of the story line.
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One of the greatest movies to come out of Hollywood.
6 July 1999
And will probably not be accepted in today's harshing-by-the-minute counter-violence standards. It tells the story of a Terminator coming from 2029 to kill the Sarah Connor, mother of John Conner, the leader of the resistance to prevent him from ever being born. The resistance also sends someone through time to protect Sarah and a hunt ensues across LA.

This movie is a straight action with a little love story that develops between Kyle, the protector, and Sarah, the protectee. It involves a lot of shooting, killing, maiming and ferocious and disgustingly beautiful scenes (The one where the Terminator fixes his hand and eye using scalpel).

It has almost no element of drama, feeling and very little humor so I don't really know why I liked it, but I did. This movie is not for everyone, it should only be viewed by the action-freaks, disgust-lovers and the mature in mind with absolutley nothing to do.

That's about it, too bad I can't get any good quotes out of this movie, all of the best ones are from the sequel, so go see that one too.
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If you like short penis jokes then this is your
5 July 1999
I'd like to think of this movie as tons of little smilies put together with loose duct tape to make a bigger, but not so big, smily. Which in that case you only need to tap slightly in any place and it will collapse instantly.

Synopsis for the social influentially impaired: Austin Powers is a '60s secret agent who was frozen in cryostate to be thawed when his great nemesis, Dr. Evil returns in another attempt to take over the world. He gets thawed out in 1997 and discovers the "Free love no longer rain and greed and corruption rule again."

Austin Powers is what Mike Myers always wanted to do, and to say it simply, I hope he does better than dreams. I think this is a hasty movie, ending at 87 minutes and it still looks like it was done in the form "That's a good scene, I want it in, that's good too, put that in, that' so good, but put it in also."

Mike Myers did some other, greater films like "So I married an axe murderer" that was better and "Wayne's World" (Only the first) but that's about it from what I've seen.

I didn't see the sequel and I don't intend paying 'A some of money equivalent to 6$ for it' and I don't even know if I'll add it to my video collection when, if ever, it will appear on video.

To conclude, "If you see only one movie this year, go see The Matrix; If you see two movies, then go see Star Wars; if you see three, then still don't see Austin Powers, Go-Go see Inspector Gadget or Tarzan, I'm sure there are much better."
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Twister (I) (1996)
"I can't talk right now, we got cows."
5 July 1999
"That's no moon, THAT'S A SPACE STATION!" The one-liners in this film rule but other than that, some cool scenes and the visual effects this movie is quite empty. The plot is lagging and drama is scarce and non-influational on the viewer but it was broadcasted on my local TV so I saw it.

Synopsis for the smarter among us: Bill Harding (Bill Paxton) comes back to texas to get the final divorce agreement from his soon to be ex-wife Joe Harding (Helen Hunt) but upon arrival they start chasing tornadoes to dump a machine called Dorothy into it so they can measure it. The whole movie is about chasing tornadoes and they are done quite beatifully.

If you got nothing to do on the weekend and have a hour and half of free time then go see it, otherwise, it won't hurt any one if one skips it.
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The Rock (1996)
Breaking into Alcatraz?, yeah, sure, no problem.
2 July 1999
This movie really rocked me. It has thrilling fast-paced action and music really is great (I got the sound track shortly after) though people in my country are abusing it in all sorts of commercials and programs.

This movie details a bunch of navy seals lead by General Hummel (Ed Harris) that take control over Alcatraz, otherwise known as The Rock, so they can force the US government to pay benefits to all the families of the soldiers who died in the wars. Now it's up to another team of navy seals lead by ex-con and the only one to escape Alcatraz, Jhon Mason (Sean Connry) and the "Chemical super-freak" Dr. Stanley Goodspeed (Nicolas Cage) to stop them. So the team gets in (quite marvelously) and all hell breaks loose when everyone in the team is killed except Mason and Goodspeed, so now they have to resolve the situation on their own.

I have a classification for all sorts of media that I call "Cosmic Meaning", where something impacts me on many levels. This one didn't got in very high but it surely got in. It's a great action movie and if I am not mistaken it's Cage's first action flick, and he does a great job, I tell you.

Sean Connry does great as a prisoner who needs to get them into The Rock and so does Nicolas Cage considering this is his first action role. I recommend this movie to all action freaks, they'll love it, but not only them, I'm sure this will turn any action-hater to The Dark SideT.
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It was a mighty conclusion...too bad.
30 June 1999
I mean too bad as in 'Too bad this has to be the end', I mean, you all must of heard of the 4th script lying somewhere in Universal StudiosT picking up dust. (In case you don't know, the script is called 'Back to the Begining' and details a story where Marty meets the Doc when he is young but has a fatality in his family which causes Doc to think of time traveling back.) But it will probably never be taken to the screen so you will have to except this is a finale.

But still, this is one 'heavy' movie. Where Marty goes to the old west to save Doc from getting shot but things go a little hey-wire since the DeLorean fuel line is torn thus no combustion can acure, sounds troublesome? probably so. So go see the movie and see how everything turns up.

I consider this movie, infact, the entire trilogy as a land-mark in movie history and a thing with 'Cosmic Importance', if you don't know what I mean, I relate 'Cosmic Importance' to anything I feel that effected me beyond the first layer it was intended to and usually I pull it out some time after my first use and use it again and again and again...

This movie was probably the weakest of the series but a good film even though they crush the DeLorean, but not to worry, everything turns up fine.

I recommend this movie to anyone who is someone, so go see it again and again and again and again and....well, you get the point.
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I guess one trip wasn't enough, but it was surely worth it.
30 June 1999
Always wanted to travel through time?? me too. Maybe not in this life time but this gives you something to look for. The theory of realtivity can go to hell, I'll stick with the "Outatime". In this continuation to the 1985 flic Doc takes Marty and Jennifer to fix their kids' future but unfortunately Biff steals the time machine for his own personal gain so Marty and the Doc have to undo everything.

I consider this movie, in fact, the entire trilogy as a land-mark in movie history and a thing with 'Cosmic Importance', if you don't know what I mean, I relate 'Cosmic Importance' to anything I feel that effected me beyond the first layer it was intended to and usually I pull it out some time after my first use and use it again and again and again...

This movie was definitely the best in the series as it details the future in a more optimistic fashion than the garbage pile people tend to expect, and most of the things are thought out through and through and really make sense.

I recommend this movie to anyone who is someone, so go see it again and again and again and again and....well, you get the point.
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The Matrix (1999)
Someone wrote Blade Runner was the best Sci-Fi, I consider this it's successor.
26 June 1999
Is this real? or is it not real? what is real? how do you define it? Is it what you can fell, taste or smell?? What if I wake up in the morning and go to work? is it still a dream? All these questions are what The Matrix deals with. Are we living what is real?? or are we controlled by another being that is manipulating our lives for it's own good??

"The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to hide you from the truth." "What truth??" Says Neo. Well that is for you to find out in this epic motion picture. The movie outlines the story of a computer programmer named Thomas Anderson who is at nights a hacker named Neo. Neo is always looking around for a thing known as The Matrix until one day he is called to meet Triniti who will show him all that he needs to know.

It's not just a chip-off-the-block high octane action, it has humor in it and some drama if you want to call it that way. You can classify it no better than "Forget everything you know and seen". They got that right. I usually happen to spit out one-liners at some scenes to what eventually will be the thing the actors will say. It worked in The Mummy, but not here. I tried a few times but given up when I saw I just wasn't getting it right, they made it completely new and thrilling.

Some said that the special effects in The Mummy will blow you away. Well, I guess in The Mummy they only used a simple pump shot gun because here it's freaking C-4. It's totally amazing how they did everything look so to the point and reliable.

And as a conclusion I can only say this: What would you think if someone would come up to you one day and say that nothing is real, it doesn't exist and you have to make it all better? "No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." Trust me, he knows what he's talking about, I went to see it, it was worth every second and I'll go see it again.
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The Mummy (1999)
Never seen the original but this really rocks
14 June 1999
I didn't see the original movie that was made early in the century but I can tell you something about this movie, it really rocks.

You take the theme of Egypt in the mid 30s, you put a mummy into it, a consistent hero, a stupid side kick, some competition for gold, an ancient curse, lots of humor, action, horror and drama and you got "The Mummy".

I don't know about you but I gave it a 9, that's right up there next to Armageddon and Star Wars, go see it, you won't regret a second out of the near 2 hour experience.
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