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Bleeder (1999)
7 August 1999
While I watched "Bleeder", I came to think of Paul Schrader's thesis, where he compared Bresson, Dreyer and Ozu. The reason was the humility of the characters. While Louis (Levino Jensen) is a volcano, and Leo (Kim Bodnia) is a Volcano to be - because of his feeling of entrapment by his girlfriends pregancy - they fight there inner feelings, they are hunted by them and suffer, they dismiss life itself for momentary outburts of violence. On the other side you have Lenny (Mads Mikkelsen) and Lea (Liv Corfixen), who are so alienated by an urban society, that they withdraw themselves into escapism - Lenny trough movies, Lea trough books. They dismiss life trough distance to themselves and others. That was why I thought of Bresson, Dreyer and Ozu.

When "Bleeder" began I said to the film: Impress my, kick me in the nuts; just like "Pusher" did. But no. Where "Pusher" was an assault, "Bleeder" is seductive, like a slow drink. In "Pusher" they talked constantly, in "Bleeder" the express them selves through attitude and thought. They only say what has to be said, they express the rest.

The storyline is simple, even though it is multilayered. Louise is having a baby, and Leo can't live with it. He finds he repulsive, and finds himself out of control with his surroundings. One night while visiting his cousins Louis nightclub, he witnesses a man getting shot, which becomes a catalyst for his downfall. His alienation towards Louise becomes hatred, and he beats he up, causing he to loose there child. When Louis hears of this he kills Leo; not quick, but slowly by injecting him with HIV-virus. When Leo realises what has happend; the loss of both Louise and his Child, plus his death, the takes control again; but in a way I won't tell.

There is also a lovestory between Lenny and Lea, two shy and private persons.

What does "Bleeder" a masterpiece is the acting. Mads alienated himself for 3 month by working in a videostore and living alone and watching movies. Liv worked in a diner for 2 month, and Kim gave himself so much, that he became Leo; after the filming stopped he commited himself to a hospital for psychiatric treatment. It is a new breed of actors, that give all they have to be the part they play, just like seen in the Dogmafilm "Festen".

I hope that it will gain a large international audience, since it deserves it. It is a masterpiece.
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