

3 Reviews
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All perfectly placed together
2 January 2005
I'm surprised at all the negative reviews - seems to me that most of those reviews would apply to _Garden State_ instead! (Except that that movie, if you read the comments on IMDb, seems to resonate with people 18-22. Most likely because of Zach, Zach, and Zach)

This movie simply is a masterpiece of cinema - everything about it is perfectly put together. From the fantastic sound track, to the honest acting, to the good use of sets. Everything in this movie simple feels real -- there is never a time when you would go "wow is that fake".

It's not a piece to show off fancy camera work, fancy f/x, fancy stars, fancy direction, fancy this or fancy that. It's about putting everything together in a world that doesn't always make sense.

Try watching it again - and do pay attention to the soundtrack.
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Garden State (2004)
Zach Braff presents... Zach Braff!
19 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
A meandering movie that is excels as a vehicle for Zach Braff to expand his cinematic career, _Garden State_, I would highly recommend against seeing this movie - unless you want to laugh at non-sequitor sight gags but pretend to be watching a serious movie. A 2 - especially compared to Eternal Sunshine.

--POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT-- (not really though - just to be on the safe side)

Humping dogs, shirts that match the background, random stuff on ceilings, drugs, alcohol, odd noises with random gestures, a mother dating someone her son's age, a knight serving fast food. Oh no! If you find those funny, you must be a brute or a bore and watch Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. On the other hand, if they happen in a 'serious' movie - like Garden State, then it is sophisticated. Right.

Portman's character in this movie doesn't make any sense (nor should it since this movie is about Zach Braff, Zach Braff, Zach Braff, and... Zach Braff, since he is also writer and director!). Her weird quirks, her weird family, her weird house - ha ha ha - aren't they funny? Oh wait! This is a "serious" movie so we can laugh! Let's ignore how it is absolutely superfluous and cheap.

In fact, superfluous and cheap is an apt descriptor for much of what happens in this movie. You will throw your hands up again and again and ask "Why? WHY? What was the point of this bit??".

Finally, the ending is cliché. Let's see... protagonist returns home for a visit... ends up with a girlfriend in 4 days. And, surprise surprise, has to get on flight home. You can imagine what will happen - and guess what! It does! So that we can see Zach Braff demonstrate why his pay scale should be higher some more.

Best movie of the year? Indeed - this is the movie that will clearly kick off Zach Braff's cinematic career.

Perhaps this movie would've been better titled: _Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff Zach Braff_
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Spplat Attack (2002 Video)
Went home and nearly puked...
26 January 2003
At best this could be described as an 80 minute home movie. In fact, a number of shots show the cameras involved, and they are mere consumer grade camcorders... without anti-shaking features apparently. Many scenes rivaled Blair Witch Project in its lack ability to keep things stable. Terrible panning shots in an effort to keep up with the action. Just thinking about it again makes me want to puke.

Don't watch.
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