
12 Reviews
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
Give the show a break
27 July 2000
Give this show a break people. All the other comments i read slam this show for not being serious and being totally unbelievable. Come on people, this is a saturday morning children's show, not a Spielberg masterpiece. I'm 19 and i still love this show. Watching Zack and all his crazy antics brings back a lot of memories. I hope this forever remains in syndication so i can always watch.
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Not as bad as it's made out to be
10 January 2000
I was shocked and thrilled to find this for rental at our local grocery store. By the way all the other reviews make it out to be, I thought nobody would carry it. I wont jump into what the storyline is because every other review does that already. I will say though, that it isnt as disturbing and sick as everyone else says it is. Yes the "kidnappers" make the girls strip down, but thats basically it- and the nudity is pretty brief. The only thing i would really call "disturbing" is when one girl is forced to pee her pants. I wouldnt show this to a bible study group, but anybody whose seen horror movies shouldnt be shocked or upset by anything in here.
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Easy Rider (1969)
Great for it's time
10 January 2000
This movie has some excellent aspects to it, but to call it an all time classic is going a little too far. Basically its about two hippie bikers on their way to Marti Gras. An earlier review said that too much time is spent with Hopper and Fonda just riding their motorcycles, and he's absolutely right. Watching them ride their bikes was easily 20-30 minutes of the movie. There were some very good parts to the movie as well. The freedom speech between Nicholson and Hopper is not to be missed. I like how it portrayed "hippie haters" as the biggots and idiots they were/are, people who are just ignorant. I wont say what the ending was, but it was very abrupt, very unexpected, and left me feeling angry. Which I'm sure was the purpose. Pick this one up on DVD if you can as well, I saw it on VHS and the quality was next to trash. The sound was terrible and the picture was fuzzy and trailing.
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McGee and Me! (1989–1992)
14 December 1999
this is a very good series. its about a kid who draws a cartoon character called 'mcgee'. mcgee comes to life and the show becomes very very much like roger rabbit. (a mix of realism and cartoons). its not really a series you tire of. i have the complete set and i can watch all of them (with the exception of the new series) without getting annoyed with them. i'm 18 and have been watching these things since i was 10. they convey a good message based on christian beliefs as well. nick (the boy) has a little adventure in each one of them, and of course it has a moral. highly recommended for children.
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My Type Of Movie
20 November 1999
Ive seen this a few times on TBS, surprisingly, its not that bad. IF you're into women in jail movies where they're forced to get naked and submissive. The basic story is a woman is falsely accused of some crime and sent to a Czech prison. At this prison, the warden and the warden's "assistant" basically make the prisoners into their sex slaves. They also make porn films with them. thats basically all there is to it. Its a movie you watch to see the females, not for a story. If I was to rent it, I would most likely fast forward through 1/2 of it.
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Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999 TV Movie)
10 October 1999
This is definitely a must-see for any IT person or anyone just wanting to see a great movie. The cast is incredible, the acting is incredible, the story is also incredible. I wish that this had been released on dvd, I would be first in line to purchase it. It is basically the story of how Apple Computers grew, and how Microsoft grew, they met up, and Microsoft took over. Im not sure how historically accurate this is, however I do know the basic jist is correct. The real life "Woz" validated on his website the correctness of this movie. He also said that the way people are portrayed is how they were. Noah Wyle is excellent as a heartless and cruel Steve Jobs. Anthony Michael Hall is equally great as a geeky Bill Gates. I hope TNT replays it at some point in time, in case it does, RECORD it. I believe its also available for rent. SEE THIS MOVIE.
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Should've rented it first
8 October 1999
I didnt bother to rent this before i saw it. I saw several rave reviews on here so i just went and bought it. Had i rented it first, i doubt i would've spent $14 on it. the movie and the story are really not that bad. Contrary to what other reviews said, i didnt think it was slow at all. There were several scenes i think the movie could have done without. It starts off with Vincent Kartheiser's character lying fully naked in bed. I saw this and almost shut it off there. We're forced to look at his mostly naked skinny body a few other times as well. basically james woods and melanie griffith take two teenagers with them to aid in a little drug deal. of course the deal goes bad and everyone ends up turning against everyone else. the acting in this movie was really not that great. james woods seemed to overplay his character a little at times. He does play a good bad guy at times though. there is one scene where melanie griffith is quite excited about something and showing it, and he calmly looks at her and says, "what the hell are you doing?" and instantly takes the wind out of her sails, definitely my favorite part of the movie. i would recommend this movie to rent, if you like it from there, then buy it.
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True Romance (1993)
Just buy it
8 October 1999
I'd seen this movie sitting on the shelf a few times and just passed it over. Then I heard about how violent it was. So this won the toss up over U-turn. The cast and acting in this movie are amazing. Once again, Tarrantino serves up a no-crap array of characters. Patricia Arquette is EXCELLENT. i saw this and thought she'd be my new favorite actress, until i remembered how horrible she was in Stigmata. The story is, a guy meets this hooker, they fall in love. He goes to confront her pimp and ends up killing him and stealing a huge case of coke. The coke belongs to a very big time dealer who then chases after them and finally catches up to them when they try to sell it. As a guy with a girlfriend, there's a scene where one of the 'bad guys' goes to retrieve the drugs and finds Arquette alone with them that just angered me. Not in the sense that i was offended by it, but because you become so infatuated with her character you hate to see something done to her. He basically beats the hell out of her, fortunately she gets payback though. Once again, the cast is great. I dont recall seeing more than a few no-namers or people i hadnt seen in other films. We're once again treated to an excellent performance by Chris Penn. i highly highly recommend this. dont even bother renting it, just buy it.
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Not the original
5 October 1999
I found this in the 'adult' section and mistook it for the original caligula until i got home and realized I'd gotten some shoddy knockoff. (BTW, the original is playing in select cities this month, mine included, see it if you can) This film is basically about Messalina going around and cheating on her old husband w/several men and women. There isnt much else to say about this movie. It ends with a graphic, but poorly done, fight scene. Limbs, heads, etc are chopped off right and left. So if you're looking for a grainy, looks-like-it-was-done-on-a- public-access-camera, boring story, lots of nudity but not very graphic sex movie, check this one out.
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Halloween (1978)
2 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
quite the thriller. much better than the crap 'horror' movies that get put out today. i refuse to even watch movies like scream and i know what you did last summer simply for their teeny bopper element. i'd read some reviews on this and they all said there wasnt any blood or gore, so i thought it couldnt be that great of a horror film, as it would have to have some gratuitous violence. i was very wrong. the music, the atmosphere, the sudden appearances of michael myers. they were scary. i watched it alone, in the dark, 11pm-1am in my dorm room and i found myself cowering down a few times. i have to emphasize again the power of the music in this movie. it was just eerie. it was a great movie, until the end...or so i thought. *spoilers* when jamie lee curtis stabbed him once with a knitting needle and he dropped and it seemed over, i just thought, what a crappy way to end this. but he got up from it. later she stabs him with a knife and he drops. still an unacceptable ending. then in the moonlight, he arises again. he's finally (or so it seems) finished off with about 6 shots to the head and/or chest and a fall out a second story window. you see him lying there, then the next glance he's gone. and the eerie music starts up. i'd highly recommend this movie to someone looking to be scared. gore does NOT equal scary. this movie just gets your mind going.
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Ripe (1996)
Total letdown
22 July 1999
This movie was a complete letdown. By looking at the box and reading the back of it, you're expecting this to be somewhat of a skin flick, not so. The only real nudity was a rear shot of an army officer. The storyline for this was also quite stupid. Not to mention boring. I give it 2/10 stars.
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The Abductors (1972)
Everything I expected
22 July 1999
The movie starts off on a good note w/two gentlemen escorting a half naked woman into a room where they leave her. The basic plot is 3 cheerleaders are kidnapped, made to strip, and taught sex acts so they may be sold to businessmen to be their "mistresses in bondage" for the price of $100,000. Any attempt to resist is punished by being tied up. To show their complete cooperation, they are asked to removed their underwear. None of the three decline. A detective is assigned to investigate this, she eventually finds the location of the girls but is caught by the evil henchmen. She is then put in the same position they were, but manages to break free. This movie was everything I expected. Full frontal nudity, as well as a somewhat enticing story line. It's a grade above the usual corny 70's porn acting.
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