
2 Reviews
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WALL·E (2008)
Loved it, but there are so many issues...
5 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
WALL-E is beautiful, charming, and poignant. I recommend it without reservation, especially for the parts of the movie that take place on Earth.

There are so many parts of the movie that make no sense, though; that I find it impossible to believe that it has passed muster with all the people involved in making it.

For example -- WALL-E was clearly built by humans just before they all left Earth for space, and the humans have become almost vegtables in the meantime. Yet, somehow, technology advanced insanely far on these remote small starships; the anti-gravity, sentient robots, and the hyperspace drive point to dramatic advances of technology -- who created those? The people on the ships seem unable to think, but it had to be them who made these. The EVE robot in particular embodies technology impossibly beyond WALL-E.

Also, I found the trash on the starship to be odd at best. The ship is shown disposing of extremely large amounts of trash, something that couldn't possibly be done on a starship isolated from resources -- everything would have to be recycled for a ship like that to fly 700 years. Also, I found it amusing and poignant (and it couldn't be accidental) that WALL-E just cast his CO2 fire extinguisher aside as trash when it was empty -- isn't that just the opposite of what he would do? But...hey. I'm willing to forgive. It was fabulous.

Thad Beier
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Beautiful and entrancing
28 June 2000
I saw this movie with my 5 year old daughter -- and while it was a little too complex for her to follow I completely fell in love with it. Everything about it is beautiful, the sets, the costumes, the acting, even the painful parts are perfect. The scene toward the end where she's dancing in the window is just have to see it.

Probably this movie is only appropriate for kids 8 and up, (depending on how worldly they are, I suppose), and perhaps that's why it did so abysmally poorly in the theaters. Still, it's a great film.

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