
6 Reviews
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Fantastic movie, most disappointing DVD in recent memory!
9 January 2005
As a longtime fan of the GITS canon, I was eagerly awaiting the US release of Innocence... I wasn't disappointed in the film, it's one of the best anime I've ever seen and a worthy addition to the Ghost in the Shell universe. However, I have to say that the DVD is a huge let- down. First off is the cover art... Absolute crap. I found a link to the artists' original cover art, before he sent it off to Dreamworks, and it looks ten times better. Next up is the DVD insert. Wait, there's no insert. Strike two. Finally, how on Earth does Dreamworks think they can get away with publishing such a fantastically popular film in the States without a dubbed track, and with the only English subtitle track constantly spewing crap like,

"{rain falling}" ... "{gun shot}" ??

Ridiculous. If you're going ton include a hearing-impaired subtitle track, fine, just don't make it the -only- English subtitle track! I can only hope that a "Special Edition" is in the works, to fix what should have been in the first pressing.

Film: ***** DVD: *
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Epic, Engaging... Short by a Long Shot!
18 December 2002
I just got back from a midnight showing of LOTR:The Two Towers, and I must

say that I'm ticked. Notwithstanding the fact that Peter Jackson deigned change the ending (I'll not spoil it..), there are large chunks of the story missing completely or so drastically shortened as to be unrecognizeable as a scene

from the book! For instance, when Merry and Pippin meet Treebeard, and the

subsequent Ent moot. In the book, this is a brilliantly paced reflection on an ancient species, and the sad story of their decline. In the movie, it's an aside. I was looking forward with great anticipation to seeing the Ents go to war, and to hearing their marching song! I'll grant that on it's own, apart from the books, LOTR:TTT is a grand epic, a spectacular movie full of suspense, action, etc. But it could have been so very much more...
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27 September 2002
I saw this movie on opening night, (having seen only one trailer

and no reviews) and wasn't really expecting much in the way of

plot, just some escapist fun. My expectations, plot-wise, were right

on the money. Unfortunately, the "fun" never materialized either.

Ballistic: EvS watches like a slightly slicker Die Hard, only Alan

Rickman is infinitely more believeable than Gregg Henry as a

sophisticated international badass, and there's not even a window

to drop him out of. Kaos also "borrows" -ahem- heavily in the way

of plot devices and action sequences, most notably from The

Matrix, Terminator 2, and the aforementioned Die Hard. If you

absolutely must see this movie, wait until it comes out on video. At

least then you can heckle Gregg without the other theatre patrons

"shush"-ing you.
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Broken Arrow (1996)
One question: how did Terry get off the boat?
9 February 2001
Based on a glowing review from a friend, I rented this movie and sat down tonight prepared to be entertained. Tomorrow, I will demand that he reimburse me for the three dollars I wasted. Folks, this movie S-U-C-K-S. There are more factual, continuity, and common sense errors in this movie than I could even begin to list. Character development is nonexistent and the action sequences are completely forgettable, it really feels like they were scripting it as they went along. I'm assuming Travolta took the role of Major "Vic" Deakins because he lost a bet to Woo. If they were still taping Mystery Science Theatre, I'm sure this movie would be high on the list of films to feature in the future. I rate this movie "poo" out of *****.
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This mission needs rescuing...
7 April 2000
As a fan of the science-fiction genre, I had high hopes for Mission to Mars and thoroughly enjoyed the first hour-and-a-half of this wonderfully shot, special effects-laden film. The casting is good, the performances convincing, and the CG work is wonderful. In fact, I highly recommend M2M, but with this caveat: walk out of the theatre at the beginning of the climactic final scene. (hint: return to giant face.) Without giving anything away, M2M deteriorates into a giant cheese-fest and I was kicking myself something awful when I left the theatre. An entertaining film, but A. Clarke definitely has nothing to worry about from Mission to Mars.
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Santa Claus (1959)
I have heard this described as "heartwarming", "charming", etc...
3 August 1999
Trust me, it is none of these things. This is surely one of the worst movies in the history of bad cinematography, a plotless wonder that explores the furthest reaches of dullness and banality.

"But", you counter, "It's a children's movie!" Yes, I know. I rented and watched this movie with a child. And, about halfway though, this child (age 8) asked me to turn the movie off. This movie is charming like a root canal, and as heartwarming as an international flight with faulty cabin pressure.

Ignore this warning at your peril. I got out in time, or I would still be kicking myself for the time spent watching it: time absolutely ~burned~.
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