
23 Reviews
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"Give" me a break. *spoilers*
12 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't trying to re-invent the wheel. It took the 20-something female empowerment genre and placed it some thirty years from now. Think Bridget Jonse's diary with A LOT of Viagra jokes. While Keaton is an admirable Miss Jones, the script gives her only a stereotype to play. Nicholson's character, meanwhile, has been promoted to "co-starring" status as an afterthought.

Keaton seems to have a perpetual expression of amused befuddlement, which I can't deny is somewhat endearing. However, the wry approach wears thin on the viewer after a solid 2 hours plus. Emotional outbursts are wrought in spurts with equally dubious motivation. I believe that this was a failing of the script - despite sections of snappy dialogue, the cliches rolled on in. Of course she's a writer. Of course she's famous and supposedly good at it. Of course this affair happens to be the TNT to her writers block AND the autobiographical basis of her best work ever. I am sorry to say that where Diane Keaton was standing, I was distracted by the writer / director's personal transplantation and wishful thinking. It was, safe to say, awkward.

Nicholson was right for the part in that its sole salvation was in a meta-theatrical play off his own celebrity. The script left his character stagnant in its own "Heff"-nic glory, his only radical development being in a slapdash flashback. Diane is heaped with laurels but Jack is the perrenial dartboard. If it were any other actor, this would be no more of a duo film than Keanu Reeves makes it a triple header.

This should have been breezy fare, but the aforementioned length demands a weightiness that the concept can't carry. The middle-aged dating crisis has been ignored by Hollywood, but for something less vapid you might want to wait awhile. Like until Bridget Jones gets menopause.
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17 August 2002
I'll admit it, I laughed a lot during this movie. But instead of using clever, fresh, silly , NEW jokes, Mike Myers now resorts to the old jokes from the movie before, now worse since we all know how they're going to turn out. This movie was just trying too hard to make us laugh. Goldmember is pathetic. Definitely Mike Myers' worse character ever. The plot doesn't flow and tries to bring a new emotional level to all the characters that just doesn't work. My biggest complaint though is that those dance interludes that were present in the first two movies are missing in Goldmember. As a comedy, this movie serves its purpose and makes us laugh. But as an Austin Powers episode, it is quite disappointing.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
For the people who hated it...... (Spoilers!!!!!!!)
18 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I have a suggestion for you. Watch it again. The first time I watched it, it was all I could do to sit through it until the end. I too was disgraced at the anachronisms, especially musical. Nothing was accurate to 1899 Paris. Then when it ended, I thought to myself, "I kind of understand what this is all about." So I rewound it and watched it again. Since then I have seen it three more times. It is my all-time favourite movie. Watch it again and don't take it too seriously. Realize that everything, accurate to 1899 Paris or not, is there to help tell the story of their love. Allow yourself to laugh at the silly "Like a Virgin" dancers and be shocked when Christian yells, "Because she doesn't love you!" Forget that it's predictable and not historically correct. Get lost in the story, music, and visual effects, and I promise, you will cry when Satine dies.
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22 January 2002
Shame on Julia Roberts and John Cusack. They are so talented and should not have had any part in this movie. The storyline was dumb and predictable. The jokes were not funny. The romance was not really romance. I was all too happy when this movie ended.
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25 August 2001 bad that I didn't even watch the whole thing. It's very rare that I actually stop watching a movie around 40 minutes into it, but I just couldn't stand this cheesy, unentertaining movie any longer. Perhaps the movie would have gotten better if I would have given it a chance, but I'm glad I chose not to.
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One of the best Agatha Christie movies I've seen
15 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
When I began watching this movie, I expected it to be similar to "Murder on the Orient Express", since "Death on the Nile" followed that one. But I was plesantly surprised that "Death on the Nile" is far superior. Although it cannot compare to the book, it is a great mystery movie. Unlike "Orient", this movie shows the different characters enough so one can actually make an educated guess as to who the murderer will be. (By the way, I watched this movie with my mom, and she guessed exactly who the murderer would be and partly how they did it.) My only complaints are the lack of characters and certain plot lines, ie. Tim Allerton was turned into Jim Ferguson, and this character was not involved with replacing real jewelry with false ones. *slight spoiler ahead* Also, I was disappointed that it was never fully explained why that boulder fell and almost killed Linnet and Simon. Peter Ustinov's Poirot could not compare to David Suchet's, but Ustinov is far more "Poirot-ish" than Albert Finney was. I was disappointed though that in this movie, Poirot actually accused each person he questioned. Although it was good for the audience to see the different possibilities of what might have happened that night, the "real" Poirot would have never flat out accused people. I think it would have been better if he had voiced the possibilities to Colonel Race instead. Anyway, overall it is an excellent Agatha Christie movie. Definitely worth seeing.
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Read the book instead
7 July 2001
It's horrible how many times that after a movie I sit thinking, "The book was so much better." I know that a four hour long movie would not be reasonable, but that is what it takes to properly adapt a book into a movie! I am a HUGE Agatha Christie fan, and "Murder on the Orient Express" was one of the first books I ever read by her. It has been a few years since then, so I've forgotten most of the characters, but the plot was so unique that of course it has stood out in my mind. While watching the movie, I was appalled at how little screen time the suspects got! How could anyone (who had not read the book) have formed any guesses as to who the killer was before it was revealed? You call that a mystery movie? If you can't form educated guesses, then who cares who the murderer is! Anyway, apart from not enough screen time for the suspects and not enough time for the movie in general, I did not enjoy this at all. Where were the clues? I sure didn't see any that would have lead me to believe that a certain person was guilty. And Agatha's famous red herrings were not in the least bit conclusive or suggestive!! Apart from that, Albert Finney did not resemble the Poirot I picture while reading Christie's novels. The Poirot I picture is plump, with, of course, the twirling mustache (it wasn't twirly enough in the movie), and a rounder, egg shaped head (as is always described to the reader). Apart from physical differences, "my" Poirot is kind, not at all modest, does not yell, and has a certain way of questioning his suspects so that it is more conversation than questioning. The Poirot in the movie was way too snappy with his questions, and he yelled!! He yelled!! The calm, cool, collected Poirot, does not yell! Poirot is what makes his novels interesting, and yet it was mostly Poirot who ruined this movie for me.
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Worst movie I have seen in years.
23 June 2001
Sometimes when I see a really bad movie, I wonder to myself, "Do film makers watch the final product of their movies before showing them to audiences?" I first wondered this after paying $5 at a movie theater to see "Buddy"... but I won't get into that. I absolutely hated this movie. It didn't capture my interest, the special effects were horrible, the acting was laughable, the jokes were forced, the sidekick was shoved in to amuse the kids, and overall I was remind of Star Wars: Episode One, and after reading the other comments here I know that I'm not the only one. My boyfriend loved it, but I'm wondering if it's because he's been playing the game for years. Maybe if I was familiar with the game I would have liked it, but I really don't think so. I watched X-Men, not being at all familiar with the comic book, and while I didn't have the same appreciation as readers may, I really enjoyed the movie. I've often heard people say that if it's only entertaining for children, it's not a good movie/book. Well I apply the same rule here. If it's only entertaining for D&D game players, it's not a good movie.
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The Cure (1995)
So great...
11 June 2001
I have one main point of this comment. Read through the other comments left here. See anything negative??? ....... I didn't think so. Get this movie. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry. The acting is wonderful, and the script is interesting. Five out of five stars.
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8 June 2001
I have very little to say about this movie. It was not hilarious, it was not interesting, it was not fun, it was just plain boring. Simple as that. People who disagree with me are probably guys who were too busy watching the girls slink around in leather outfits to notice the lack of intelligence in the movie.
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Not very far from reality....
8 June 2001
The Truman Show is quite an amazing movie. Once it ended the first time I saw it, I went through the next few days looking for hidden video cameras and suspecting everyone. That's the impact this movie had on me way back in 1998. If I had seen it for the first time in the year 2001, I wouldn't have been quite as shocked, since shows like "Survivor" and "The Mole" have become quite common. I pray that a storyline like Truman's stays in the movies and isn't transfered to reality TV. Anyway, bottom line, this is an exellent movie that really makes you think. Jim Carrey proves his talent beyond comedy with this role.
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7 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this movie is one of the freakiest ones I've seen in quite awhile. I still have complaints though.

*Spoilers Ahead*

The whole neighbours storyline was disturbing at first, but then it ended up having no relevance to the rest of the story. What was up with that? If they were going to use the neighbours for some suspence, they should have tied it in with what turned out to be the main storyline. Also, Harrison Ford was just too likeable to be the bad guy (for most of the movie anyway). They should have shown glimpses of evil in him before the revelation.

Well those are my main complaints. If you are craving a truly scary movie, definitely rent this one. It's not the typical horror movie that relies on blood and guts to disgust the audience. This one uses very real fears in order to scare.
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Too confusing!
27 May 2001
I had no trouble understanding the original Star Wars movies. But this one, even after four viewings, I still don't understand what was really going on!! The acting was alright for the most part, except for Anakin. I didn't find that boy suited the role at all. And Jar-Jar... what was that all about? It was like Lucas knew that a bunch of kids would be watching, so put an irrelevant character in for comic relief. How annoying. I hope the next movie is more clear cut with a better storyline and a better Anakin Skywalker.
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22 May 2001
Around 15 minutes into this movie, I turned to the three other people in the room and asked, "Is anyone else bored?" Not a good sign. I expected to laugh my ass off as Mel Gibson explored his feminine side and found out what women really want.... Well, I think I laughed twice, both at parts that had been endlessly shown on commercials. And I found it creepy, not funny, when Mel tried on pantyhoses and attempted to wax his legs. Helen Hunt was a bore, as usual. Can she never bring emotion to a character? This was worse than her sobbing episode in "As Good As It Gets." Well anyway, this movie is also poorly titled, as no guy will be able to figure out what women want just by watching this movie. Don't waste your time.
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Mulan (1998)
12 May 2001
Definitely one of my favourite Disney movies ever. It's always nice to see a female come to the rescue. And after Hercules, I'm glad that the villains in this movie were actually scary. A chill went down my spine during the mountain scene. And the ending was great too, not completely wrapping up the story like most Disney movies do. Excellent work.
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Hercules (1997)
Tries too hard to be funny.
12 May 2001
As a big fan of Disney movies, I must say this is a disaster. I disagree with the person who said that it grows on you; I find it to be the opposite. The first time I saw it, I was indifferent. The second time, I was bored. The third time, it had been a few years so I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remembered it to be. Well, I was wrong, it was worse. The jokes are forced, the characters are unlikeable, the animation is horrible, and the music is not up to Disney's standards. Quite disappointing.
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Sliding Doors (1998)
Excellent thinking movie
12 March 2001
I categorize movies. "Thinking" movies and "non-thinking" movies. "Sliding Doors" is definitely a thinking movie, so don't rent it if you're only in the mood for a movie that requires you to sit back, relax, and watch the story-less action. This movie can be very confusing at first if you're not prepared for the storyline, but don't worry, it gets easier once one of the Helen's cuts her hair. This movie was very refreshing. The acting is good, the script is well written, the editing fits the storyline.... you just have to pay attention!
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12 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
(may contain spoilers)

It disappoints me when people criticize this movie for being slow-moving and long. Yes, the movie is long, but it is just as long as it needed to be. Any shorter and the effect would not have been the same. And as for slow-moving, I guess it's a matter of opinion, because I have seen this movie numerous times and it always holds my interest and never feels slow. The acting is absolutely amazing. The guy in the coffee shop and Joe Black are obviously two completely different characters. And it is easy to pinpoint the exact moment that Susan realizes that there is something different about Joe Black. The actors truly became the characters. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this movie. The music was wonderful, the script was well written, the actors were captivating, and most importantly, it holds an important lesson about life and love. Well done.
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Read the book instead!
27 February 2001
I've seen some horrible book adaptations, but this was definitely the worst. The plot was extremely different, but regardless of that, the characters were not the same. In the book Fanny is quiet, shy, withdrawn, soft spoken, yet in the movie she's very outspoken and even rude at points! Mary and Henry Crawford were not shown as truly manipulative people as they are in the book. And the bond between Edmund and Fanny is barely portrayed. There is no character revealment or development in the movie. Also, to truly make a Jane Austen movie, it has to be longer than two hours (that's why the A&E adaptations are usually so much better!). Anyway, Mansfield Park is one of the best books I've ever read, so take my advice, read it and skip the movie.
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All I can say is, WOW!!!
13 February 2001
I know a movie is good when not only do I cry for half of the movie, but I also cry for an hour AFTER the movie is over. This is a movie that will stay with you for weeks afterwards. The acting is amazing and the storyline is touching. I have also read the book, and I'm happy to say that the movie is very faithful. "The Green Mile" is a must see!
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French Kiss (1995)
Best Romantic Comedy I've ever seen....
13 February 2001
How can you go wrong with two such amazing actors as Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline? They are hilarious in this movie. This was my first Kevin Kline movie, after which followed "In and Out", and I couldn't believe it was the same guy! This movie definitely deserves a higher rating than is on this site.
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Cast Away (2000)
Not enjoyable at all
12 February 2001
I had great expectations of "Cast Away", considering Tom Hanks is my favourite actor. I was very disappointed. I felt no emotion for any of the characters, least of all Chuck, even though Tom Hanks did do an excellent acting job and definitely deserved the Golden Globe. Also, the story line was way too jumpy. The best scene in the movie is the storm scene. That was the only part of the movie that had me fully interested in the fate of Chuck.
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The Big Chill (1983)
I don't understand why people rave so much about this movie.
8 February 2001
Maybe it's because I'm 18 years old, or maybe it's because the only actor that I like in the movie was Kevin Kline, but I honestly found this movie very poorly done. I found it boring, uninteresting, and at some points appalling. There seemed to be no character development whatsoever. And it ended so abruptly! I was left with the thought, "So, what was that movie about anyway?"
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