
5 Reviews
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Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
25 December 2001
The fifth installment to the Leprechaun series succeeds quite effectively in doing exactly what it wants to do. One of the better entries to the series, Leprechaun 5 certainly has enough laughs and gore to satisfy most Leprechaun fans. Acting intensity and character development are somewhat sub par, but this only adds to the humor. With attempts at these things, the film would have suffered. Besides, anyone viewing a film entitled `Leprechaun 5: In the Hood' would be foolish to expect anything else. So if you are looking for intensity and emotion, rent the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If you are looking for just plain old gory laughs, rent Leprechaun 5: In the Hood. Also, watch for Warwick Davis' "Lep in the Hood" rap. It will provide hours of entertainment.
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25 December 2001
William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III: Legion is one of the most beautiful films ever made. Magnificent performances and a truly mesmerizing continuation of the original story make this one of my top films. George C. Scott did an excellent job taking over Lee J. Cobb's Lt. Kinderman. His portrayal fits the book precisely, and his character is never doubted for a moment. Ed Flanders was a riot, and his friendship with Kinderman seemed more sincere than most performances by `A' movie actors like Val Kilmer and Jim Carrey could only dream about. The other standout performance is the ever reliable Brad Dourif, a true actor. He is once again perfectly cast, and delivers his best of his typecast possessed characters. The film itself manages to both stand alone, and pick up where the first left off, ignoring John Boorman's inept Exorcist II: The Heretic, a monument to putridity. Ultimately this is one of the rare cases where the film is actually more enjoyable than the book, as the changes to the end were definitely for the better. 10 out of 10.
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Plutonium Baby (1987 Video)
Do not see this movie.
19 February 2000
I was on my weekly trip to the video rental place down the street, where I normally rent about 5 mindless horror films a week, when I saw the case of "Plutonium Baby". I thought it looked rather amusing, so my friends and I rented it. I have seen "Leprechaun", I have seen "Leviathan" and I have seen "Lifeforce". I have seen "Pod People (Los Nuevos Extraterrestrios)", I have seen "Mitchell" and "The Wild Wild World of Batwoman". I have seen films of a quality so low that the average viewer would lose their faith in humanity. The foul abomination "Plutonium Baby" makes them look like "Citizen Kane". The longest scene in this film was the sex scene between the title character, named David if I recall correctly, and his wife. I sat through the entire film, and I still don't know what was supposed to have happened. The plot was unintelligible. The effects were sickeningly bad. There was even one radiation warped creature that my friends and I mistook for a muppet at first. The dialogue was also abomidable. I believe this is the only film in which an actor actually uttered the phrase "Don't pay any attention to that radioactive symbol, just put your beer in there." I would not have sat through the whole thing if my friends had not restrained me, and I reccomend that you locate every copy of this film that you can, and burn it.
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Candyman was beautiful, Candyman: Farewell to the flesh was an abomination
8 August 1999
Candyman was a creative horror masterpiece with a fantastic premise, Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh had the stupidest, most overused and pathetic premise. It held the foul stench of cheap knock offs. Stealing plots from Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and every other slasher film. It was so intolerable and stupid that it brings the term sequel to a new low.
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Candyman (1992)
Candyman was beautiful
8 August 1999
Candyman was a horror movie that required an open mind. It was a beautiful movie with what was, by far, the most fitting ending that such a movie can have. The premise was unique and creative, and the movie required some thought as to what really went on in the film, but I praise it as the greatest horror/slasher film since 79.
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