
5 Reviews
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Dekalog (1989–1990)
One of the Greatest
9 September 2005
I first saw this amazing series at the San Francisco Film Festival, and so had the privilege of experiencing it on a large screen. The program was sold as a package deal, and in 1990, not much was known about the director and the work itself was completely unknown. From the first frame, those of us who took a chance knew we had really hit a winner early on. Every night, two episodes were screened. It proved to be a real binding experience. Each subsequent viewing provides fresh insight. Timeless, it continues to fascinate and illuminate. Each episode could possibly stand on its own, and the fact that it was a miniseries only enhances its power. On the basis of this experience, I chose to see Denmark's THE KINGDOM, PARTS I & II when the Film Festival ran them in the mid-90's.
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Crimson Gold (2003)
Misunderstood/Not to be taken at face value
13 April 2004
Hussain was a metaphor for the people of Iran. The somnambulent, drugged out pizza deliveryman who was once thought of as heroic, now relegated to menial labor -- with only a small hint of what his life was like "before." The glimpses life in Teheran alone make this film intriguing and important viewing. This film was the source of much lively discussion at dinner afterwards. It was a revelation to most of us that not only were pizzas delivered in Teheran, but people could be arrested simply for attending parties in private apartments. It was also a revelation to most of us that luxurious jewelry stores operated in Iran, with Italian crafted jewelry, and the clientele to support them. Not to mention the luxurious, swimming pool equipped penthouse in the final scenes.
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The Rookie (2002)
Thanks, Jack
9 April 2002
I hear we can all thank Jack, Dennis Quaid's son, for this film. It seems he wanted to make something that his young son could go to, and the result is a lovely film that the whole family can enjoy, from grandpa to 4 year old. In the audience that day were a lot of fathers and sons. Wonderful, that they could share a movie experience that didn't involve rockets, aliens or animated figures. Let's hope it starts a trend.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
What if?
9 April 2002
A new genre has surfaced in the arts, in literature and films, the "what if?" genre. This seemingly straightforward thriller falls under this category. Intriguing and always interesting - to discuss it would give too much away. Much more satisfying than the overwrought "Time Machine" and with a hypothesis 180 degrees from it.
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ReadersDigest Condensed - only way to watch this
9 April 2002
The best way to view this miserable excuse for a thriller is to bypass it altogether. But, if you must, watch the DVD and skip from chapter to chapter. If you've even seen one thriller in the past 74 years, you'll know what's going to happen waaay before it does. Remember, you will never again be able to regain the minutes of your life lost if you give in and watch the thing.
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