
7 Reviews
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Spawn (1997)
Adaptation can be a terrifying thing... "Bit-of-a-spoiler" Warning
28 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, the comic book had started great. Really had, although I dropped it after a few years. So I though the movie could be good. Alas, once more I had forgotten a rule of American cinema. When you adapt something, change it radically. So, the mystery disappears (Spawn is not supposed to remember anything right away, but I guess you have to make a short movie), the hatred he feels at first for all things is taken away (I din't think the writers wanted any trouble being accused of nihilists), he just becomes another undead vigilante with a debt to collect. Jeez! So, action is expected, but poor and unimaginative. The effects are crude, and look more like they were made for a video game rather than a movie. All in all, it is a disappointing movie, especially given the expectations that could come with it... Really too bad...
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A fine reinterpretation of the Ways
26 October 1999
Although not the most graphic of movies about Samuraïs, I think Jarmush has succeeded in what was apparently his goal: capturing the spirit of the Samuraï, the real meaning of the word. Transposed in our wold, the ways can be revived by a few details, a few traits. Interpretation is grand, Whittaker being as subtle and poignant an actor as ever, in fact maybe even more than ever! His natural nonchalance here makes for a total control of his world, a total integration of all elements in his grasp of reality. He has reached perfect focus, and just follows the code. The Fx are scarce, all for the best, since the movie gains credibility from it. We have small bulletwounds, muffled gunshots from the silencers, it's a realistic Samuraï movie. Although some might find there are moments of stillness that are not needed, or unwelcome touches of humor (which, unlike many in the "hip" audience around me, I failed to see, seeing them instead as indications on the thought process of the characters), I think the pace is perfectly in accordance with the topic, and that here form matches essence: the rhythm we see is the rhythm he lives by. This is simply a great movie, artistically and philosophically conveying the sense of life for a man who follows the Ways.
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Barbarella (1968)
Unseeable, yet somehow unmissable
12 October 1999
I have to say this movie is bad, it has basically no plot, no continuity, no acting and most of all no directing. Once we have cleared this, I saw it about ten times! Which goes to say it has something. First, it has a sculptural Jane Fonda in a space bikini, a sight no man can withhold and ignore. Then, it has a terribly "vieux" look, which renders it just unmissable for anyone who loves a lavalamp to represent space. Yes, there is that, and much more. Tongue-in-cheek inuendos ("she blew up the orgasmachine", a terrible torture apparel...), senseless scenes and young actors long since gone, this movie is an utter failing that must be seen and enjoyed. Talk about the magic of movies!
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Spice World (1997)
Great product
10 October 1999
I am impressed. Let us be clear now that I am not into the Spice Girls (no pun). I'm into totally different music. I don't find them really seductive. BUT I am very impressed by the movie, since I think it has something for fans and also for non-fans. Self-mockery, even ridicule sometimes, and intensely cynical at some points. Although I felt it had no plot, no direction and no actors, or actresses (but I knew that even before watching), I could not help but see it entirely. I say, nice work !
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Salome (1973)
Objectively a bad movie, but very interesting for pasionnates of Mr. Barker's work
9 October 1999
Seen several times (what it takes, I think, to get used to the strange mood of the movie), it never gets rid of its inherent "malhabilities",but one cannot deny that it gives a very strong insight in what the director/writer would do once famous. Visually and narratively weird and unsettling, it has a violent and memorable visual identity, which makes it instantly recognizable. This does not make it good (I don't think anything can), but it is nevertheless a must-see for any Barker fan. Treat yourself, it is available on video and DVD !
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Titanic (1997)
An expression of dislike and stupefaction
5 October 1999
I know I am at a risk of being looked upon as an unrescuable geek, but I did not like this movie. Yes, I am the one. People around me kept telling me it is a great, romantic and anguishing movie. I found none of this in there. It is obvious from the start (from her surroundings at home) that Winslet has survived without her love, that she has lived her whole life in memory. But on a more technical side, I found the Fx lacking the immaculate touch that was needed (and, by many, seen) to create the real feeling of the disaster. Signs of bad Fx are everywhere, from the boat's surrounding water to the people falling from the deck once it has gone vertical. It all feels fake, and that is for me an instant turn-off. I also failed to see the magic between the two main actors, although I do think DiCaprio is a good actor, and Winslet is usually OK, at least for me. Only, not here. So here I am, out of curiosity having finally seen a movie everybody thought wonderful, and feeling very disappointed. Missing any suspense from the situation, and non-thrilled by the love-story, I found myself wondering what all the people saw in there that I did not. All I saw was a vain effort to boost an empty plot with a shallow historical pretext. If anybody would like to discuss it further (and calmly), the signature is my address.
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Misfits of Science (1985–1986)
Wow, yummy! A hair-rustling series that endures...
26 September 1999
I have to say, yeah Misfits. I watched this as a kid (about 12-13), as two buddies have. We were absolutely stunned. Active libido-tickling (Ms. Cox at 19, you gotta love it!) and thrilled. It's a B series alright, but one that's fun, inventive and quite... anti-heroesque, if you get me. Talk about non-conventional : a black man, a dirty rock singer, a jail bird, you name it! Plots were what they were, but there were thrills and suspense. And good FX.

Sadly, it went quite unnoticed (here, at least), and was dropped in the big abyss of commercial crashes. But wet dreams keep coming about a DVD release... See it if you ever get the chance, no matter how old you are. If you like action and Sci-Fi (and simple fun), the lil' kid you still are somewhere will have a ball!
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