
17 Reviews
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The Abyss (1989)
Spectacular but with unsatisfactory ending.
6 October 1999
While not the greatest Cameron movie at all time it's still pretty good. Ed Harris and( the vastly under-rated ) Michael Biehn manage to hold their own in what is basically a visual spectacular movie. Credit to Cameron for fleshing out the character parts sufficiently so that the human side of the movie is not overwhelmed by effects. The special edition is by far the better version to see. At times very gripping (the nuclear sub interior scenes and also the scenes where the mini-sub is flooding are stand outs) and overall very well made but the ending is less than great. The concept of the ending ( I won't spoil it and give it away ) is o.k but the feel does not match the mood of the main portion of the movie. A little less Disneyesqueness and more grit would have seen a much more satisfying end to basically a very good movie.
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Terrific Comedy/Western "Who are those guys?"
5 October 1999
Still as fresh to day as it was when it came out (1969 wow ). Newman and Redford look as though they are having a great time and their interaction is a key factor in the movies sparkle. An enjoyable romp with lot's of one-line comedy but still has enough action and bitter-sweet moments to add grit. The movie owes a lot to the terrific screen-play but added together with the fine cast and able direction it's a winner. If Butch and the Kid were really like they are shown here then you kind of wish you could have been around to get robbed by them. Fun and fabulous, if you see the video then grab it.
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Wonderful if a little uneven.
3 October 1999
Another movie which suffers when viewed on a small screen since many of the shots were set up for the cinema big screen. The films content attempts to entertain both adults and children alike ( made at a time when parents actually took their children to see movies ). This results in some of the films content being beyond children's understanding and sometimes too childish for adults. What the film demands is that you can let the child within you re-surface and for you to let the fantasy envelop you.If you cannot do this then the movie will not work for you. If you can then sit back and enjoy a fun ride with flying cars and baddie Barons, often beautiful cinematography and great dance routines. A little uneven perhaps ( particularly two thirds of the way through ). Often criticized for being too long but it was originally intended to be seen in two parts (an intermission came as the car sailed over the cliff ) which gave the audience a breather ( and time to get goodies like ice-cream). The music was lighter weight than other Sherman efforts but complemented the movie well.
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One movie course: Turn winning formula into losing formula.
2 October 1999
It would seem the "Impossible" mission is to find as many ways as possible to degrade an original inspired series/idea. First let's get rid of the Jim Phelps character so that Tom Cruise's ego has no competitors and he can take over the lead spot in any unfortunate spin offs from this mess. Second let's forget clever story lines and substitute ridiculous unbelievable special effects. Cruise must have been made of asbestos to survive the train explosion scene. Brian de Palma "directed" this ? The (original)I.M.F force was a team effort lead by the uncorruptible Jim Phelps and they relied on brains plus meticulous planning to succeed in their missions. Each member had his part to play in order for the team to survive and they were the good guys saving us from the bad guys. This movie will do nothing for de Palma's reputation. The final result is a disappointment , more so because in places the movie does get it right and it becomes evident what could have been and should have been.
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Mission: Impossible (1966–1973)
Original , Inspired ,Clever well constructed series.
2 October 1999
A great series full of original, inspired ideas. Recite "This tape will self-destruct etc..." and instantly everybody will be able to tell you where that line came from. Usually at the end of each episode you got to enjoy the bad guys realization that he has been out-done by the skillful planning of the I.M.F team. Not surprising that this series was so good since it came at a time when Herb Solow at Desilu studios had a big hand in production affairs..his other other responsibility was another legendary series ...Star Trek. The new film version "starring?" Tom Cruise was a huge disappointment. I hear that original series cast member Greg Morris called the new film "blasphemy". Right on Greg !! I wish Greg that it was possible to turn back time and have you and Peter, Martin, Barbara, Leonard and all , here to give us more truly great entertainment.
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Titanic (1997)
Big budget depiction of Titanic sinking
30 September 1999
Whoever makes a movie about the most famous shipwreck of all time will inevitably run the gauntlet of criticism for this part or that part being correct/not correct. In general Cameron's version is a reasonably correct version of the known facts ( not including the two fictional lead roles ). Some points about the crews behaviour ( particularly Lightoller ), as shown in the movie are open to debate, however the whole truth will never be fully known. One fact that never seems to have been mentioned in any movie to date (that I know of) is that the White Star line was part of the American I.M.M shipping combine owned by American tycoon John Pierpont Morgan. The vessel was crewed by British officers to give the impression of a British operation. Therefore Morgan ( who was extremely proud of Titanic and devastated by her loss ) would have taken a great interest in her specifications. Of course ultimately Captain Smith and those on board issuing orders must shoulder any blame for Titanic's sinking. Apart from disputes over historical facts the film is magnificent. Few directors would be able to control such a huge production as Cameron has. The set's are stunning and the computer graphics top of the line. The movie's 3 hours seem to pass very quickly. The love sub-plot is well constructed and ably acted ( although Leonardo Di Caprio seems a touch lightweight in places ). Billy Zane and David Warner both stand out as villains and of course there is the lovely Kate Winslet in fine acting form. A must for any video library.
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Under Siege (1992)
Hip stylish action adventure.
30 September 1999
O.k, o.k, so the plot is full of holes ( like the whole U.S navy is asleep while someone pinches their battle ship , or the woeful on-board security etc etc ). Put all that stuff aside and sit back to enjoy easily Steven Segal's best role yet ( love him or hate him ). The movie is a terrific action adventure with cool one-liners and a super performance by Tommy Lee Jones as the psychotic baddie. Sound-tracks which include Jimmie Hendrix are always a plus too. Top stuff !
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Exhilarating romp with the original crew.
30 September 1999
Closest rendering of the original series to the big screen so far. The story is so good , that special effects are hardly necessary ( how many times have you seen a movie with spectacular effects but where the cast is reduced to cardboard cut-outs ?). Ricardo Montalban is superb as Khan and William Shatner is great as Captain Kirk. In this Star-Trek movie there is plenty of action and all the cast get decent parts to play. Latter Trek series ( my humble opinion - no offense) just don't stack up to the original. Sure the newer series and spin-offs have vastly superior sets and effects but they all suffer from often bland story lines and heavy doses of political correctness. Wrath of Khan gets nearly everything right here in a totally enjoyable adventure. As Patrick Stewart commented playing Captain Picard in Insurrection: " Remember when we used to be explorers ?", well here in Wrath Of Khan you don't have to remember, because you can see it.
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Classic musical.
30 September 1999
A movie made in a time when directors like Robert Wise who knew how to craft a musical were still around. Suffers terribly when viewed on a small screen since the brilliant cinematography is such an integral factor of the movie. Get the newer THX widescreen video version and you will see a glimpse of what the film would be like on a big screen. The movie still holds up well to nineties standards but may be a little sugary for hardened modern moviegoers, used to a diet of violence and profanity. Wise manages to make Julie Andrews look both virginal and alluring at the same time, which is essential for the plot to work. It is hard to imagine the movie with any other actress than Andrews playing Maria's part. Some may criticize Roger and Hammerstein as not being in the same league as other noted movie composers, but here the combination of composers/director/actors all comes together in a way seldom matched.
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Atmospheric, gritty version of the Titanic tragedy.
30 September 1999
Inevitably, comparisons will be made against James Camerons version. I like both movies and own both on video. I feel that A Night To Remember is best in terms of making Titanic herself the focus , without a distracting love sub-plot. Also there is a more moody and tense feel about this movie. Made closer to the time of the sinking and using able British acting talent it seems to capture more of the "feel" of the old class system and social behaviour of the time. Although the special effects are vastly inferior to Camerons film, perhaps due to this there is more simplicity, quiet dignity and poignancy here which ultimately is more emotionally involving. Kenneth More is terrific as Lightoller.
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Rousing well made movie, using some of the original ships.
30 September 1999
Fine, entertaining movie of the famous sea battle between 3 smaller British warships versus the great German Pocket Battleship "Graf Spee". Tremendous sea scenes , aided by the fact that most of the original ships which fought the actual battle are used in the movie. Well acted all-round with Peter Finch doing a fine job as Captain Langsdorf.
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Great well acted movie with action and a great screenplay.
29 September 1999
The best roles Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin would have had to date. Watch out though , James Earl Jones steals every scene he is in and Scott Glen is great too. Terrific script and the underwater sub battle scenes are spectacular. Alec Baldwin does a great Sean Connery vocal impersonation in the nuke silo scene. Just goes to show that you can make an action movie which has intelligent lines that good actors can use. Excellent.
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Das Boot (1981)
War movies don't get much better than this.
29 September 1999
I rate this movie at 9 out of 10. 10 = perfect and there will never be an absolutely perfect movie, but this one comes pretty close to it. Authentic and at times harrowing portrayal of life aboard German U boat during world war two. Intense attention to detail and total dedication from the cast and movie crew have resulted in a fine movie. Available in English dubbed theatrical release version or also a more recent directors cut version with additional scenes with German dialogue and English subtitles plus upgraded sound-track. Recommend the directors cut ( if you can handle subtitles ).
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Terrific war movie with plenty of plot twists
29 September 1999
This is one of those movies that you can watch over and again. Richard Burton is great and Clint Eastwood is excellent. Great action and cinematography with lot's of plot twists and turns and a crisp script. The movie never falters. The cable car scenes are terrific.
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Excellent, fun movie.
29 September 1999
I love this movie. I was fortunate to see it when it was first released and on a genuine big screen ( not multi-theater size ). Great fun , from a more innocent time in movie making. It does seem to be a love it or hate it movie with no in-between. Fine comedy performances from all of the cast with Jack Lemmon in outstanding form , ably assisted by Peter Falk. Enormous sumptuous visuals , great music score and the biggest pie fight I have ever seen. Natalie wood seems to have a new outfit for every scene. If you spot the video rent it but it does lose something on a small T.V screen.
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Absorbing, well made movie.
29 September 1999
Engrossing story of the attack on German Hydro-Storage dams by aircraft during WWII. The movie shows the story from the back-room boys perspective as well as the actual attack. Well acted and the miniature photography is probably the best that was possible for the vintage. Classic line where Barnes-Wallis is pleading for a Wellington bomber aircraft to be made available for tests, and a sceptical bureaucrat says " They're worth their weight in gold..what possible reason could I give to the Ministry to let them give you one of those ?" Barnes-Wallis replies dead-pan "Well if you told them I designed you think that might help ?".
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The Cruel Sea (1953)
Gritty war movie , minus the usual propaganda.
29 September 1999
Fine English war movie of life aboard a convoy escort ship during WWII. It's original B&W format only adds to the overall feel of the movie. Great no-nonsense performances from the cast. The movie is notable in that it is almost free of propaganda and instead concentrates on showing the crews life on board in a realistic way.Jack Hawkins turns in a fine performance.
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