
5 Reviews
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20 April 2004
Good action, good actors, good plot and a good political point of

vue makes this historical film made in a province in the extreme

south of Brazil (near the border with Argentina and Uruguay)

something to admire. Director Tabajara Ruas, also the author of

the original novel, shows the saga of an insurgent general of the

brazilian empire in the middle of the 19th century and how he

fights unsuccessfully the central government of Rio de Janeiro for

his republican and anti-slavery ideals almost half a century before

they became a political reality. It is very different from the rest of

brazilian film production.If you have a chance, don't miss it.
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Hercules (1958)
Unforgettable !
26 March 2000
I saw this film in Brazil when I was 10 and I never could forget it. It is amazing even today. Well produced and directed, it is may be the best of all the Sword and Sandal genre. Steve Reeves was not the awful creature the critics said. And Gianna Maria Canale, the queen of the amazons, deserves the title she once had as the most beautiful woman in the world.
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A funny comedy sightly inspired in Negulesco's " How to marry a millionaire "
5 December 1999
A typical brazilian popular comedy of the 50's, also called " chanchada " by the critics. This one is directed by Carlos Manga, one of the best by those times. It is slightly inspired in Jean Negulesco's " How to marry a millionaire " with Monroe, Bacall and Grable. The brazilian actresses ( Fronzi, Mamede and Chiozzo ) are not so pretty, but very good in this malicious genre.The film was very successful and it's still very funny.
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Earth (1998)
Deepa Mehta is the best filmaker to came out of India in the last ten years.
31 October 1999
This is very good and important film, with a superb music, a magnificent photography and very good actors. It is not an easy film to direct, because its a great production with a delicate political theme, and everything works so well.

I believe Deepa Mehta is not only the best woman director of our days, but the best filmaker to came out from India in the last ten years.I want to see more of her films !
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The Bandit (1953)
It is good film, but not a great one.
31 October 1999
This film was the first brazilian production exhibited internationally after receive a prize of Best Music at a Cannes Film Festival. It was distributed accross the world by Columbia Pictures and was very successful at the box office.

I understand why foreign audiences still enjoy it, but for us brazilians it's very artificial when the hero leaves the semi arid background where the bandits live and penetrates a deep jungle to fight a jaguar etc, since those geographical regions are separated by hundred and hundred miles, like Arizona from Oregon. Anyway the music is amazing as the photography and the actor who plays captain Galdino ( Milton Ribeiro ). I believe that the main influence of director Lima Barreto was not the american westerns as most of people say, but the mexican films of Emilio Fernandez like "Enamorada". "O cangacero" is a good film, even if not not a great one and deserves the fame it has.
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