
12 Reviews
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Screen Two: The Snapper (1993)
Season 9, Episode 10
This is one of the most depressing movies I have seen
27 July 2000
I only watch the first 15 minutes of this movie, rewind it & returned the movie where I rented it from. This movie was suppose to be a comedy movie, not a depressing one. Also, I don't care for profanity every 15 seconds unless it sounds like a good movie like "Good Will Hunting". Don't rent this movie unless you like depressing movies. The mother, I would say is the most depressing character in the entire movie. I gave it a 1 out of 10 since I turned it off after 15 minutes, depressing & borning.
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Another stupid & boring movie
2 April 2000
I gave it a 3 out of 10. The music in the background was great. But I thought the movie was slow & boring. I also thought it was stupid because who wants to watch 2 mentally challenged individuals graduate from a mainstream school, date, especially having sex etc. I thought that was the dumbest part of the movie where the 2 mentally challanged individuals were going to have sex together. That is just plain nasty. I don't mind watching 2 people with a normal I.Q. having sex though on TV or on a movie. Plus, I thought the storyline was very unrealistic even though it's a movie.
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The Lottery (1996 TV Movie)
I do not recommend this movie to anyone even if you like to watch horror movies
22 February 2000
I thought this movie was sick & disturbing. I know this is just a movie, but why would anyone want to sacrafice his/her life especially in such a violent way? To me that is sad & disturbing. I hope this isn't really practiced in any location of the world because that would be just sick. I would also say this is also a cult movie because the way the movie was presented, I would say they practice a ritual that other towns don't so it's a cult. The movie doesn't have a lot of violence on it but the type of violence on the movie that is shown is graphic which may be disturbing to some viewers like me. I do not like horror movies. I had to watch this in one of my college classes in my Freshman year & had to do a paper related to it.
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Baby Girl Scott (1987 TV Movie)
An emotional movie to watch
11 December 1999
If you watch this movie or if you have, it will brings tears to your eyes. An older couple have a baby who is born prematurely. If you want to know what happens to the baby, watch this movie if it ever comes out on TV again. Since the ending didn't turn out the way I wished, I gave it a 9/10.
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Bio-Dome (1996)
I wish I didn't let my sister persuade me to watch this movie
20 November 1999
She persuaded me that it was a funny, good movie. I don't think so. This is one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. The 2 guys on there Bud & Doyle are so immature & need to get a life. The plot was ridiculous & poorly done.
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Powder (1995)
I didn't like this movie...
20 November 1999
Why I didn't like this movie... The beginning of the movie was the worst. Allowing a baby cry for periods of time without contact is mean & shows no respect to the baby. No wonder Powder didn't trust many people throughout the movie. He had to cry often for a long time to get his needs met. He uses violence against people who are mean to him. The dialogue of the movie is poor, so is the plot of the movie.
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If you get nightmares easily, don't watch this movie
20 November 1999
I had to watch this movie for a class in high school & I got nightmares which lasted about 3 weeks. I also hate black & white movies. The movie stinks & has lots of violence on it which I don't like. I didn't find this movie entertaining at all, because I didn't care for the storyline.
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Out on a Limb (1992)
Don't waste your money on this movie
18 November 1999
I'm glad I didn't waste my money on this movie. I borrowed it from my cousin. 2 adults who are jealous of each other and don't know anything about positive conflict resolution. If I had a 13-15 year old child, I wouldn't even let him/her watch this movie. Lots of violence and jealousy in this movie. Cruelty to a cute dog. I didn't find this movie funny or entertaining. It was a waste of my time to watch this movie. There are also 2 stupid guys who get drunk everyday and don't know the difference between alive and dead. I gave it a 1/10
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Nine Months (1995)
I loved this movie
13 November 1999
This movie plays a couple who are expecting their 1st child. In this movie they have their ups and downs in their relationship before having this baby. It's very funny & is recomended to all who is thinking about renting or buying this movie. My favorite part is at the end when Hugh Grant along with his partner (I forgot his character's name) picks up the baby who is crying in the middle of the night & dances slowly to the music. Plus, I love Hugh Grant in all of his movies I have watched. He's so good-looking & I love his accent.
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Baby Geniuses (1999)
Don't rent this movie
12 November 1999
I love being around babies & watching movies that include babies/toddlers. But this movie is at the bottom of my list. I hated the way this movie exploited the toddlers like lab rats. Also, it had toddlers cursing at adults which I found offensive. Not only that, but it also had toddlers doing violence acts against others which I found not funny at all. Please, if you care & love children, don't rent this movie. In my opinion, the storyline wasn't good & the acting of the characters were poorly done.
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Full House (1987–1995)
One of the shows I loved to watch as I was growing up
12 November 1999
My favorite season of Full House is the 1st season which was when Michelle (Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen) was a baby. I watched Full House from the pilot episode in the 1st season until the final episode in the 8th season. It's about a Dad whose wife has died & is trying his best to raise 3 children along with Uncle Jesse (John Stamos) & Joey (Dave Coulier) (sp?). I have to admit that I never really cared about Joey. I mean, I always thought his character would leave the show & get a life. Also, when Uncle Jesse got married, it seemed like he & his wife would move out & have a place of their own. I always found it stupid to have all those people in 1 house. One part I have always disliked is Joey's constant jokes. I mean it's good to have a good sense of humor but I think with Joey's character, it was a bit too much. Another reason why I liked the show because it's a good show for children. Instead of allowing children watch cartoons in the afternoon that displays violence, Kids should watch Full House because it is a better show for kids to watch since it rarely displays violence. Full House is on Cable/Satelite in the afternoon 5 times a week.
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This is the only reason why I watched this movie...
12 November 1999
Because David Hasselhoff appears nude on this movie while taking a shower. Personally, I think this movie is one of the worst movies I have ever watched. At least 1/2 of this movie shows nudity of either the girls or the guys. I have only seen this movie once & will never watch it again.
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