
15 Reviews
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It bored me
14 April 2000
I was expecting a really sleazy and corny slasher, with some nasty death scenes. A trashy, shamefully exploitative bit of fun.

But it bored me. The sex was pretty stupid and the gore was okay in places but too cartoony and didn't fit in with the style of the rest of the film. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, really, unless you are a die-hard fan of this Japanese stuff, and if you are - each to his own(!)
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Vastly inferior to a film that wasn't that amazing anyway
13 April 2000
I found this very disappointing.

It is vastly inferior to the first, but the most annoying thing is that there was so much potential in the plot and story that there is in there. This could have been a really chilling and stylish horror film. Instead I just found it annoying and rather boring. I found myself waiting for the next death scene and not wanting to take any interest in the plot or characters!
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Not bad - but certainly no masterpiece
13 April 2000
There isn't much in the way of story-line, but you can't deny that there is a lot of style in this film. Admittedly it isn't an amazing and highly intelligent one, but it IS there(!) Clearly directly influenced by many other (superior) horror directors, like Argento for example.

However, it isn't painful or anything to sit through. There are a few decent bits of gore. And some, dare I say "clever" death scenes.>
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Much of the same....
13 April 2000
This is simply a continuation of the first film. More of the same bits of footage thrown together interspersed with a supposed Doctor of Death patronisingly telling you why you should be shocked and think about what you are seeing. Watch it if you had any form of enjoyment or interest from the original.
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Not as sick as you are told
13 April 2000
This is certainly not a nice piece of film. But, like all the hordes of things like this out there, it is the animal deaths that are particularly nasty.

As countless people have stated before, the fake stuff is laughable in places, and the whole thing is quite patronising, the commentary is quite annoying at times, and basically this infamous nasty is a let-down.

Go for the (stupid but intriguing) Traces of Death series instead. They cut out the black and white stills of 50 year old Murder cases and film of plane wreckage where you are supposed to see a dead body. Or better still, track down Banned From Television 1-3, which is an intelligent and well put together documentary series that really does make you think, and not laugh, like Faces of Death does.
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Oh my Lord....
12 December 1999
To comprehend just how bad this film is, is an incredibly difficult task. It's the long-haired wally leader of the Rock band, wrestling with Satan himself, at the end of the film which takes the biscuit. "Satan", is, as other commenters have said, made of rubber, and looks like something knocked up by a kid after watching Blue Peter.
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Eaten Alive! (1980)
3 minutes of original footage
12 December 1999
This is pretty crap, and not even "so bad it's good". Funny in places because it is so poor. The worst part is the fact that there is literally a few minutes of original footage. Every possible piece of gore or blood is taken from other (and much superior) Cannibal flicks; even Lenzi's own Deep River Savages. But mostly stealing from Deodato's great Last Cannibal World, and Mountain of the Cannibal God. The acting, dubbing and "story" are pathetic, and it's best left well alone.
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Dial Help (1988)
I refuse to believe this was directed by the same man who created Cannibal Holocaust
11 December 1999
This film is embarassing. All the way through, I was waiting for the Deodato twist, or the cool disturbing symbolism, or even a hint of great Deodato camerawork, but, sadly, I was still waiting when the end-credits began to roll.

Definitely the lowest point in Ruggero's career. See House At the Edge of the Park instead, and steer clear of this cringe-making killer-telephone rubbish.
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Sacrifice! (1972)
The first of the Cannibal Flicks
11 December 1999
This was the first of the 6 major Italian Cannibal flicks of the 70's, (and early 80's). And it isn't that bad at all. It has a quite good story, and the acting is suprisingly good. The love story is a little far-fetched, but the film itself is quite enjoyable, except, once again for the real animal deaths.

Not as good as either of Deodato's, but certainly better than Eaten Alive, Cannibal Apocalypse, or Trap Them and Kill Them.
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Bad Taste (1987)
A starter for Braindead
10 December 1999
Bad Taste is a classic.

The film is amazingly funny and just has an atmosphere that you have to love. It is so over the top in the gore department, and I admire Jackson and all his mates, who put a few dollars a week into a box, and after a couple of years made this.
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Cut and Run (1984)
Angry action from Deodato
10 December 1999
I loved this film.

It is not actually a GOOD film, it is fairly poorly acted, and the plot is quite thin. But the soundtrack is brilliant, and there are some gore moments that just rule! Michael Berryman is suitably cast as the mute leader of psychopaths commiting all sorts of nasty and bloody killings. The tree-bound split from head to groin stands out in my mind as the finest gore effect in a Deodato film since the multiple moments in "The Daddy" -Cannibal Holocaust. Loved it, and recommend it.
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A few mates, on a Friday night, a few cans, snacks and a copy of this - you can't go wrong!
10 December 1999
You can't take it seriously. It's really silly, poorly acted and really cheesey in parts. But it does have a hefty bucket load of blood to keep gorehounds like my good self happy. Make sure to see it uncut, because to be honest, there isn't much else going for it(!) I just wish they left the animals alone in these films. But keep your eyes out for the highlights; the unfortunate John Morghen, who has his manhood sliced clean off and eaten by one of the Cannibals. This film is not as bad as it is supposed to be, though.

Otherwise a good Cannibal flick, better than the rest of them, but naturally nowhere near as good as Deodato's masterpiece - Cannibal Holocaust, which sits safely on it's throne.
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John Saxon, a bit of blood, John Morghen, but NO cannibals
10 December 1999
No actual cannibals in this one. (I mean the scary jungle people), but instead, John Morghen and a few 'Nam buddies, running around in the big city, chomping on innocent bystanders with some bloody and quite good effects. That about sums it up, it's quite good fun, not to be taken too seriously. It made me fall asleep, though, but I was very tired when I watched it.
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The Mother of all Cannibal Films
10 December 1999
I am not going to sit here and type out the reasons why this is not only the best Cannibal film ever made, one of the best horror films ever made, and basically just a damn good film. If you're reading one of the thousands of Cannibal Holocaust reviews on here; chances are you've seen it, and know why it is such a masterly structured and excellently made film. And therefore you don't need me to tell you why it is.

Suffice to say that this film is simply stunning. The music, direction, camerawork, plot and atmosphere are practically faultless, and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of horror, or a fan of well made, and clever films.
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The title is the best thing about this one
10 December 1999
Not shocking or nasty. It's just silly and camp and badly done. One of those films you can only receive a bit of "fun" from if you watch it with a mate, not really paying any attention to it. The scene where the woman gets her brains sucked out through a straw is about the only vaguely appealing aspect of this one.
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