
8 Reviews
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Ghosthouse (1988)
Um...this movie is GOOD!
21 October 2000
How can you not like this movie?! Not only was it good, but it was also good! Sure the acting isn't the best and the dubbing is a little off, but that's not what made the movie what it was anyway! The nursery song is soooo creepy! And the little girl, freaks me out every time. The beginning is the best though...
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The Best Musical EVER!!!!!
25 April 2000
ok, how can you hate this movie? huh? it's just the best musical of all time. let's do the time warp again, and again, and again! so if you haven't seen it, GO! NOW! i haven't had a chance to see the performance but i suppose the movie will have to due. which is fine cuz' it's one of my favorite movies. i don't think there is a movie out there that's as cool in the same way as this movie is. the whole gender bending thing is what puts this movie together. so for all you prejudice people out there who think this movie is sick because of the gender bending and cross dressing you can go sit down and SHUT UP cuz no one cares what you have to say!
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Psycho (1998)
How could a remake be this bad?
23 December 1999
Honestly, how hard can it be to make a good remake? Obviously pretty hard! I was soooo excited to see this because I loved the original, and my friends go and see it and tell me it really sucks. Well, I finally see it and I was sooo disapointed. Ok, the shower scene was more realistic...that's why I gave it a 3. Otherwise, it did suck. Vince Vaughn does a terrible job playing Norman, he's just too dense or something. I don't know, it was just terrible. Don't see it!
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The Shining (1980)
Gotta see it!
23 December 1999
I find it hard to believe that there are some who don't like this movie! How could you not? I got so scared the first time I saw it...I was only 6, but that's not the point. It's nothing but non-stop thrills the whole time. The two girls frieked me out the most. It's not the least bit boring. You watch as Jack slowly goes insane...what's boring about that? Jack Nicholson does a fantastic job playing the role of Jack Torrance. Shelly Duvall is a bit annoying, but I think that's just the character. People ALWAYS compare this movie and the book. Look, it's based upon the novel, not the exact novel word for word, scene for scene. If you want to see the novel in a movie, go see the mini-series that was way more based on the book, but wasn't as good as the original movie! See this one, it's the BEST!
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Oh, man!
21 December 1999
This movie, well, I, okay I saw this movie the first time and I hated it. I thought it was the most boring and stupid movie next to Halloween 6. THEN I saw all these great reviews and then I rented it again and I liked it. No, it wasn't the least bit scary and the acting wasn't so hot. Besides that the movie was interesting, especially the end. I thought Bette Davis was the best one in the movie though. But I read another review that said that you could see microphones and stuff, well you have to remember that that's a real house...not a set so get over that! But it's a good movie, a bit boring and not scary! Go see it!
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The Haunting (1963)
It's the best!
21 December 1999
You know, if you don't like this movie then you can't appreciate a good horror film. This IS the best haunted house film ever made and it will probably continue to be. It was way ahead of its time when it was made, and no haunted house movie can compare to this. You have to wonder if it's really a ghost or all in their minds. I took a look at the ratings teens gave this movie and I was shocked. This movie is a 10 it's the best and if you haven't seen it, you haven't seen haunted house film history yet!
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How could you not like this movie?
19 December 1999
Oh my god, how could you not like this movie? I've got friends who HATED this movie, and I just don't know why. It's very realistic, and very scary. I DO NOT get scared from movies, but this one was scary for me. In fact I got it for Christmas this year! It's one of my favorite movies.
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It's not that bad!
16 December 1999
Alright, so the acting isn't the greatest, but it's not the worst and neither is the movie! I don't get why everyone hates it so much. I bought this movie without ever seeing it before and I liked's pretty original! So, stop saying it sucks because it really doesn't. I could think of plenty of movies that did suck, but that's for another comment area.
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