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Eureka: Have an Ice Day (2009)
Season 3, Episode 17
Ignorant Americans
25 May 2024
This episode showcases the complete ignorance of American writers and viewers regarding other cultures. Taggart is just completely wrong. Terrible accent, ridiculous character traits, complete misinformation of Australian culture and even cultural appropriation. The Russian is a stereotypical caricature of American propaganda. At the time Russia had already had McDonalds for 20 years and Northern Russia is simply not covered in ice and snow as claimed. This really is the worst episode in the complete series.

As for the errors of the geographical nature of the arctic that's best covered under "Goofs".
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Fun and funny
16 March 2024
Man there's a lot of hate on for this movie. What's the matter? Can't handle a female as a spy?

This was a fun movie. The role reversal worked. It's definitely finding its way to my yearly binge list. They didn't have the non-spy as a bumbling idiot like they usually do especially when the role is a female one. The spy is not constantly rescuing the non-spy.

The cameos are hilarious. They're quick and that's what cameos are really about. The last one really delivers on one of the running jokes through the movie. There are a few of them. Reminds me though, my cactus is still in my car. The only plant I decided to move house with me. I'm quite sure I haven't killed it!
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Atlantic Rim (2013 Video)
So bad.
8 January 2024
This movie is so bad it's unbelievable. I've watched some low budget crap in my time but this is low on everything. Surely Graham is not so hard up for money. Was it the chance to play an admiral/general (it's unclear he's called both) that he accepted? The main characters work for the navy, call themselves soldiers, pilots and even get called airman and two of them are in a relationship, wait no, it's a triangle! Everyone knows too. Wtf? Worst scene - breaking Red out of the brig when the brig is locked by a simple house lock. The door is flimsy and Red could have easily booted it open. Although simply twisting the internal lock doohickey on the knob would have been easier. The craziest thing is there's a sequel! I kid you not.
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Double Trouble (2023)
Season 4, Episode 11
Good and bad
14 August 2023
Like another viewer you may be inclined to fast forward the sitcom dream sequence. While it is very cringeworthy it is saved by Ronen, Rafael and Natacha. They don't appear until near the end so you have to watch til the end. Or you could just fast forward till they appear. Natacha has a really great line and Ronen and Rafael are very adorable in their roles. Ronen does give off a 70s cop porn with that moustache though, but hey, you know he probably asked for it. Jim in a milkman's uniform is kinda hilarious too. At least some of the cast did enjoy the change from their normal roles.

What Mateo does to get this dream sequence is off though.
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Monarch of the Glen: Episode #1.8 (2000)
Season 1, Episode 8
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I realise that Duncan's antics are meant to be comedic but it really just comes off as completely psychotic. Twenty years later and he'd be taking to the streets with a loaded weapon. Stalking his unsuspecting victim and offing anyone that glances at her. It's creepy af. What's next he kidnaps her? What psycho wrote this? Any woman or man for that matter should run far from this person.

Alan shows his true colours as well, another psycho! What in the actual fk? Was this written by a team of incels living out their fantasies?

Archie gets dumped on way too much. He seems to be the only sane bloke.
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True North (II) (2006)
1 May 2023
This should really be rated higher than it's average. Low ratings are likely from people from the US who consume big budget action flicks in high volume. There needs to be a separate ratings for American movies and the rest of the world. Very few American movies will rip your guts out the way the rest of the world does on a regular basis. This movie, if you invest in the story, will certainly rip your guts out. It's not for the faint of heart but then the subject matter shouldn't be. We know there's no happy ending coming but it is shocking and unexpected. It's well worth the watch and a good find on Plex.
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In Deep (2001–2003)
Quite good.
23 April 2023
Apparently other reviewers can't separate Nick Berry from his character in Heartbeat. If you can't do this either, I suggest you skip this show and go look up Harbour Lights instead for his sweetness and light. It doesn't help that his wife is very similar blonde actress to the one in Heartbeat. If you can separate the two this is a pretty good crime show. Not as good as Line of Duty which is bloody good, it's still a solid cop drama. Each story is told over two episodes. So they're more complex than the American one hour shows but shorter than Line of Duty's in depth 5-7 episodes. It's sad there's only 3 seasons.
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The Hot Zone (2019–2021)
31 March 2023
Not even past the first episode and already the show is filled with creative license than actual facts. Lack of personal protective equipment, disregarding rules just told to a trainee - I take more precautions in a dental office than these people supposedly handling pathogens unknown and known. I can only imagine what travesties lie ahead. Lunch stored in the same fridge as samples maybe? I wouldn't be surprised!

Oh dear, episode two steps up the stupidity.

They state that the Jaax's assisted in the creation of the the show, but why would they agree to be portrayed in such a manner? It'd be embarrassing if true!
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Strangerland (2015)
18 March 2023
Most Australian movies are a slow burn but at least have some interest to them. This one has zero interest. Half way through and I'm about to turn it off. I really don't give a rat's whether they find them or not. The parents have no redeeming qualities at all. The townspeople are uninteresting. The 'search' is as halfhearted as the plot. How was this even made? Was work that scarce in Australia? Did Nicole, Hugo and Joseph blow all their money and become desperate for work?

In case you were wondering, yeah, I'm an Aussie, but no sense of patriotism could earn another star for this utter rubbish.
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Elementary: Flight Risk (2012)
Season 1, Episode 6
Terrible just terrible
4 March 2023
There are so many factual errors in this episode it's like watching a car crash, not a supposed plane crash. The NTSB personnel are portrayed as if they are completely incompetent, the plane apparently is the most unique plane in the world with extra parts, equipment etc, that just don't exist. I'm not even a pilot, NTSB investigator or plane enthusiast - I just read. A lot. Writers really have no integrity writing these shows. It also shows they have no regard for the viewing audience with these ridiculous abominations, worse still is the obvious insults aimed at the men and women whose jobs are portrayed as incompetent idiots. It's disgusting. Shame. Imagine if they performed their jobs as blasé as these hopeless writers. There'd be a lot more tombstones in the world.
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Walker (2021–2024)
29 January 2023
Omg. This is soo bad. Walker? He solves nothing. Not a damn thing. His female colleague does all the work.

WTF would you "remake" a tv show and then have it completely different from the original? To try and cash in on a hit show when yours can't even stand on hundred legs. If you have zero confidence in your work maybe you should rethink the whole thing, and your career. How this made it past half a season is anyone's guess. It's a dreary soap, not a crime show. All those good reviews? Those are from Padalecki fangirls/boys suffering from Supernatural withdrawal. Frankly watching reruns of Mash or The Smurfs or even cataloging your navel lint would be more entertaining.
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The Rig (2023– )
Better than expected
11 January 2023
There's a lot of hate on for this series, from people who wouldn't do any better themselves. Hard, tough men wouldn't do that! Ah, yeah they would, I've seen it. People like to think they could do better in a dire situation but when the chips are down, they fail. They become panicky, scared and self absorbed and they won't admit it. They'll throw their own mother under the bus if need be. They're human. Sure some do rise to the challenge, but not all. Which is exactly what is shown.

Let's be real, this production did not have a Spielberg or Bruckheimer budget, so why are you expecting those dollars on the screen? Get over it! The story was actually good. Yeah, it failed in places but so does every production, it's entertainment not a documentary. I enjoyed it for what it was - entertainment.

The whiners of the PC parts? Get over yourselves. Just because you don't see a particular demographic in your life doesn't mean it isn't there. Careful now! Could be right next to you, and you wouldn't want to "catch" it! Ffs.

Those who watched to the end should be the only people writing a review anyway. The others just bailed, sound familiar?
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Thunderbirds Are Go (2015–2020)
Teenage boys
12 September 2022
The whole show is basically 5 teenage boys with lots of high tech toys but without adult supervision. So the viewing audience target is 8 year old boys. I've seen 6 episodes now and they break stuff more than they rescue anyone. The rescuees would be better off telling them to, "Go away, we'll rescue ourselves!". Recurring lines - "I've lost/losing control!" and "Thunderbird X is going down!".

They confused the characters too. Brains has become an amalgamation of Brains and Kyrano (Tin-Tin's Dad). Tin-Tin is now called Kayo. Virgil has black hair to differentiate him from Scott. The ginger guy? That's not Gordon, it's John. Gordon is now blonde which you may confuse with Alan unless they're in uniform and then you tell them apart by their sashes, Gordon has stolen Virgil's yellow and Alan wears red. Just like their ships. Guess they thought today's kids all have ADD and would forget who belongs to which ship so they had to match them up. Scott has silver, Virgil has green and John has gold.

They killed off Jeff but Grandma is still kicking.

The only good things I have to say is Parker is still Parker (but younger) and they kept the getting to the ship and launch sequences, while a bit different - Virgil's is cooler, they go by so fast if you blink you missed it. That ADD problem again.

The vehicles are still cool though, and really that's what matters - it's all about the ride.
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Thunderbirds: Security Hazard (1966)
Season 1, Episode 26
Boys will be boys
13 August 2022
It's amazing that even the Thunderbirds gets a cheesy clip show. After finding a stowaway boy on Thunderbird 2 each of the boys gets to babysit and tell how each ship they control is important. Each swearing they won't tell any secrets and of course failing spectacularly. They are proud of their super rides. Pity John doesn't get a turn.
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What's wrong in the US.
19 July 2022
This episode focuses on school shootings from the view of two pro gun MAGA families and one survivor of a school shooting who has PTSD from the incident. Pretty much says it all.

What's wrong with the USA? They have children who own their own collection of guns. What does a child need with an AR15? They have children with PTSD from going to school! They already have a school shooting a week. When will it stop? Is it going to take a school shooting each day? No other country in the world has this problem.
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The Princess (I) (2022)
It's a game.
17 July 2022
Princess has to get from the top of the tower to the bottom and save her family and the kingdom. It's a fun romp, with lots of action. A lot of people are apparently triggered by this simple premise. Well, stuff 'em! I bet if it was the prince at the bottom of the tower battling to get to the top to save the Princess... wait, that's just about every medieval movie/game ever conceived. Boring!

There are some truly misogynistic reviews on here. Some people just can't handle a strong woman.
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A Chorus Line (1985)
Too many snob reviews
14 July 2022
I've loved this movie since I was a kid. 30 years and I still enjoy it. It's fun. There's dancing. Ignore all the snobs banging on about the stage play. Not everyone has the $$$ to go see stage shows! If the stage show was really so fabulous why isn't it available to everyone? Enjoy it for what it is. The spectacular dance number at the end is pretty awesome too.
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Bones (2005–2017)
Insults dentistry repeatedly
25 June 2022
It appears nobody on staff has a clue about human dentition. Bones presents an adult tooth complete with root as her daughters first lost tooth. What a joke! Children lose their teeth because the adult tooth "dissolves" the baby tooth leaving just the crown to fall out. Any tooth fairy parent would know this!

In another episode, Bones claims human dentition is as unique as fingerprint. This has never been proven. Dentition CHANGES. Fingerprints don't. Every restoration, crowns, veneers, braces all change the dentition of your teeth. She claims a piece of discarded chewing gum matches a suspect's dental records. The same impression could also match a million other people on the planet. It's the equivalent of pushing the bottom of an apple into a bit of dough than trying to match it to a photo of the side of an apple. The chewing gum would be also be distorted and easily exclude the suspect if they took an actual dental impression of the suspect. Something that happened in real life and sent an innocent man to prison for 16 years and let a killer go free. "Bite evidence" removed Justin Albert Johnson from suspicion for the rape and murder of a three year old girl. Four months later he kidnapped, raped and murdered another three year old girl.

The general public takes the science in these types of shows as gospel when they shouldn't. Writers should do better.
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Battleship (2012)
24 December 2021
There's a lot of hate on for this movie by a lot of grumpy bums. Why? Probably because they couldn't do any better and never had an original thought of their own. But c'mon! They made a whole movie out of a very simple kids game! Clue had it easy, it had a solve a mystery plot. But Battleship? They gave it action, they gave it laughs, some aliens that aren't grey and don't just kill everything that moves, oh, and it's got a rockin' soundtrack too, it's fun!

How often does Hawaii get centre stage outside of Pearl Harbour in a movie either? It ain't New York or California, yay!

The real heroes aren't even the top billed either, they're not the perfect highly trained super soldiers expected of the regular action flicks or the idiot with the "magic destiny" tropes. The true heroes are past their prime, looked on as lost their worth or obsolete. They ain't.
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2 December 2021
The first thing that should be noted is that the most persons featured in this series are all in social housing. In the first episode 3 are in social housing where the cost of their rent is capped at 25% of their payment and one person is given housing for free under crisis housing. Crisis housing is limited and you're only allowed access for a very short term, not all are free either. The show implies that social housing is something you accept as a last resort. This is simply not true. Social housing has strict rules for eligibility and waiting lists are extremely long. Long enough that your small children are more than likely to be grown up and moved out by the time you are offered a place. That's if you don't get kicked off the list for no longer meeting eligibility requirements. A very conservative estimate of private housing costs would be more than 70% of the payment with rent assistance factored in. In my own personal situation my rent is 80% of the payment, I'm lucky and grateful that I am sometimes offered perhaps 2 paid shifts a month serving other welfare recipients.

They also show a food charity services distributing free healthy food. This is extremely is misleading. Most of these services give unhealthy food and frequently run out of food in the early morning. The person shown accessing this service has IBS and his symptoms would likely be exacerbated by the food received. Many charity food programs had already closed down well before the pandemic hit due to rising costs. Leaving vast areas of Australia without any. Other assistance charity programs have a limited budget in each area and once it is exhausted they shut down. Meanwhile the same charity in the neighbouring area still has funding but will not allow persons outside of their region to receive assistance.

The show implies that if you have a disability, you receive Disability Support Pension. This is simply not true. DSP is extremely hard to acquire. The government routinely declines applications and disabled persons are left on Jobseeker payment and required to actively look for work and provide evidence each month or be penalised. These people include persons with multiple limb losses, cancer sufferers on chemo, the wheelchair bound and people with brain injuries requiring full time carers.

Lastly, they show people who choose to smoke, enforcing the stereotype of all people on welfare blowing their money on cigarettes. This is a complete myth, the average welfare recipient does not. All the persons I care for are welfare recipients, and those things are rarely able to be hidden from workers in my position.
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Super Fun Night (2013–2014)
What a POS
25 November 2021
There is nothing funny about this show or Rebel Wilson. It's embarrassing how unfunny it is. How does crap like this get greenlit while others quality shows are canceled? It's appalling.
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White Collar (2009– )
Excellent show
7 November 2021
This show is really fun to watch. The cast looks like they're having fun and have real chemistry together. The gag reels are even a must see. The capers are complex and sneaky. It's a pity it didn't last longer. As they admitted themselves - leave the audience wanting more. Almost all the seasons have at least one episode with a cast commentary usually the creator/writer Jeff Eastin, Tim Dekay (Peter), Matt Bomer (Neal) and Willie Garson (Mozzie). Buying the show on disc was really worth it, I only saw 6 episodes before I made the purchase.

In a really unusual twist it portrays a married couple still in love after several years and the husband is really uncomfortable even considering pretending to like another woman in the line of duty. The wife is understanding regarding his demanding job and shockingly they stay married the entire show and don't get killed off!
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The Dry (2020)
Pretty decent movie.
9 October 2021
This ain't no Hollywood flick, so if you're looking for action, chases and shootouts, this is not for you.

Aussie films tend to be a bit of a slow burn and moody and this one is no different. Despite that, it's a solid mystery of two murders both surrounded by the lies and secrets of a small town. The mystery holds well until the end so it's not completely obviously in the first 10 minutes, I hate movies that do the latter. Cast is mostly lesser known with Bana as the only "big" name, though some may recognise Bruce Spence. I'm glad I watched it. Both murders are solved by Falk (Eric Bana). So there is closure.

Watch it if you liked Kenneth Branagh's Wallander series.
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The Innocents (2016)
18 September 2021
Many young people and westerners will dismiss this movie because it was soviet soldiers that attacked the nuns. The truth is, hundreds of thousands of women of all ages, during and after the war, were raped by soldiers of every army. American, German, Soviet, Italian, Japanese, Australian, British, etc ALL had offenders. All should be ashamed. Those who took part, those that stood by and did nothing and those that deny "their' boys wouldn't do such a thing. It continues today.
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House Husbands: Farewell at the Dodgems (2012)
Season 1, Episode 9
11 September 2021
This show is so full of BS in regards to the custody battle over kids. A parent can move away from the kids, they can't move the kids from the other parent unless under extreme circumstances.
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