
4 Reviews
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Big Brother (V) (2001–2023)
Big Brother rocked my world!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 July 2001
Big Brother was and still is the coolest show ever. I dont get into the whole reality tv show thing but there was something about this one that i just really enjoyed. I was initially impressed by the publicity that they did and that inticed me to watch it. I really fell in love with the people (even Anita and Sharna!!!) and I still feel quite sad that the show has ended. Ben so deserved to win. I thought that Blair had it in the bag but I am immensely happy that a guy as terrific as Ben did win. He is so nice and friendly!!! I really want to audition for Big Brother 2 but I wont be old enough (I will probably not even be 17 when they hold the auditions). Oh well maybe Big Brother 4!(if there is one!)But I certainly cant wait until I WATCH Big Bro 2. They will probably be a bit more concious of the cameras but you never know what will happen with Big Brother! Gretel is very good choice for a host. Not only is she pretty but she also has a good sense of humour and can control an audience. The perfect host. I had no idea that New Zealand had a differant host?! Anyway, I will finish by sayin that big brother introduced us to some wonderful crazy characters that will remain in Autralias hearts forever!!!!! Go Big Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Curse of the Blair Witch (1999 TV Movie)
Loved it!!!
4 February 2001
I watched this on a rainy Sunday night and I have to admit that I was more scared by this than the film. It was so meticulosly created, and appeared so authentic, that i could imagine something like this happening in real life and that is what scared me so much. While the film didn't scare me as much as i would have liked (the hype or maybe it was just a bad movie)this documentary made me want to see the film again and give it another look. Maybe i'll have a renewed appreciation for it.

I give Curse of the Blair Witch 10/10
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Not very good direction - 5/10
15 January 2000
I have to admit that I did not like this film. Although it is a classic, it is not in my list of favourite films. The reason I did not like it was because it was so badly directed. The story was not given a proper direction and it just appeared sloppily done in some areas. This is the only Stanley Kramer film I have seen thus far and it is not a good start. Sidney Poitier was pretty good, and Katharine Hepburn I thought was the only character who I really did like. Spencer Tracy was also good and, while I did think Katharine Hepburn was better, Tracy also did well. The daughter didn't do too badly either, but I didn't like Sidney Poitiers parents in the film, because they were so empty. I also didn't like Tracy and Hepburn's black maid. There was a point trying to be made by having her in it but it just did not get through to me. She was wasted. I can understand why people love this film. It was original in it's time and covered a new subject that was concerning people and it is good if a subject such as inter-ratial marriages is brought to film. But if the direction was tighter and some of the characters considerably improved upon, this could be a good film. I am giving it 5/10, simply because this wonderful story has so much potential.
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Not worth the hype, but not terrible
6 January 2000
I was just as excited as anyone in the upcoming weeks before the Star Wars prequel. I imagined what the film would be like and was very excited about the prospect of another two Star Wars prequels. But I found that there was something about this film that I personally felt was not completely the same as the original. Yes, the special effects are more advanced, but in the original the story was a lot better. But I did definately enjoy the fight scenes. They were without a doubt the highlight for me. I won't waste your time talking about the character of Jar-Jar Binks, but I will say this . . . What happened to Chewbacca!!! In the original Chewbacca was original, maybe Lucas wanted to duplicate that originality.

The acting was good, although the special effects were dominating over that. Natalie Portman was especially good because she really is one of the best young actors of today.

But to say the film was terrible wouldn't be fair. There were some things I disagreed with in it and it wasn't as good as the original. But the fight scenes were enough for me to give it 7/10. I can't wait to see what the next two are like.
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