
2 Reviews
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Final Fantasy VII (1997 Video Game)
By far the best Playstation game ever!!!
9 April 2000
There is no doubt in my mind that Final Fantasy VII is the best game ever. I got a Playstation about 3 years ago, but in the beginning, I never really played it much. None of the games were, well, fun. That was before I rented FFVII. As soon as I popped the disk in my Playstation, I knew it was going to be great. I enjoyed it so much, that the day that it had to go back to Blockbuster, I bought the real thing.

The music is absolutely wonderful. It is so good, that I just bought the soundtrack of it! I listen to it all the time! The music fit each scene perfectly! It either made me sad when the characters were getting emotional, or worked me up for a big boss fight.

I think that the best part of FFVII was the memorable characters. They were all so realistic, and actually acted like real people. There's even one part in the game that something happened to one of them, and almost made me cry!

The battles are really fun, too. I play an RPG now, and get to a battle, and it's like 'why do we have to fight now? It doesn't make any sense. Games now just have you run around, fight stupid bad guys, and then run around again. FFVII wasn't like that. The battles were really fun, and sometimes a real challenge. Half the fun of the game was working up the characters levels, getting new spells, and watching the really cool summoning spells.

The graphics were really great too! At one part, you were at the Gold Saucer, a local amusement park/gambling place, and you were riding in the gondola, and the fireworks were shooting in the sky, and it's just beautiful! The FMV sequences are great! And even though the people are a little blocky, once you get into the game, you won't even notice, I promise!

If you're looking for a great game, Final Fantasy VII is the one! It's now in the greatest hits, so it's only like 20 bucks! I bought it for 50 when it had just come out, but it was the best 50 dollars I ever spent! :o)
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Metal Gear Solid (1998 Video Game)
One of the best games ever!!!
9 April 2000
Metal Gear Solid is a really cool game that I had a blast playing. I think that it definitely lived up to all the hype that it had going for it. I love how you can save at any time, even in the middle of a boss fight! It can be really annoying in other games to go searching around looking for a stupid save point. You won't see any save points in MGS!

I also love how the game has real voices! I think that a lot more games should now, it makes it more fun to not have to read a lot of boring dialogue. The voice acting was beyond excellent, they couldn't have done any better!

The game isn't that hard, it only took me about 10 hours to beat the first time. And it has 2 different--equally great--endings! It also has tons of replay value! Each time you beat it, you get different items, and the 3rd time you play it, Snake wears a tuxedo!

I'm a big fan of RPG games, but it was a relief not to have to fight in tons of boring battles! I get sick of walking somewhere and then suddenly having to fight in a pointless battle with ridiculous looking monsters! Metal Gear Solid was a very different game, compared to what I'm used to. It was very fun, and I love playing it!
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