
15 Reviews
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Black Sheep (2006)
Missed Jokes and Opportunities
15 October 2022
Missed line: "You get away from her you ewe!"

Passable job but sure should of have had a plethora of sheep dog jokes. How about the sheep are scared of the dog or the sheep follow the dog all the time. Pied Piper music would have been appropriate. The dog could have been the hero saving the lowly humans by running the evil sheep off the cliff.

The same laboratory could have also made the dog smarter and could have been driving the truck. Or at the least giving the humans directions. They could have introduced multiple smart dogs who hatched a plan to lead the sheep into captivity. It boggles the mind.

So many missed opportunities.
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Prophecy (1979)
This is suspenseful
29 May 2022
I saw this when it came out and remembered it scared the !!! Out of me. Rewatched it in 2022 and you know what, it was still suspenseful and scary. W the monster is unique.
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Why is everything so clean
4 May 2022
The first thing the divers would have noticed is the furnishing and bobbles are clean like they been underwater for days not years. I just can't suspend my disbelief to this level. Sorry.
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Perhaps Ironside's Best
15 October 2021
Ironsides works this role hard. Every scene demonstrates his talent, hard work and a love of his craft. He shifted from bonkers to thrilled to a driven murderer so fast I thought my TV was going to throw a rod. Direction and Vaughn were also on top of the game. A great 25 minutes.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Don't listen to the haters
17 April 2021
You will want to turn off this film before the first 20 minutes are up because of the hate you will have for the main character. But don't and see it through.
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6 April 2021
Except for this episode the characters, all of the characters, are well written. Maybe the purpose of this episode is to show how unimportant people are, except for her friends.
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Actors worked very hard on this one.
8 August 2020
Probably the hardest I have ever seen actors work. Every scene is near perfect; the actors, from hand movements, to voice inflections, to command of the space they inhabit is just crazy good. They must have performed a large number of practices on the each and every time they were on camera. Just a great demonstrations of actors mastering their craft and a director who required hard work. Excellent!
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Sherpa (2015)
An average documentary
12 May 2020
Learned a lot from the ground floor of getting people up the mountain. Well worth the time. However it would have been nice to hear more from those responsible for managing the Sherpas.

The film's subtitles are very poor. Small and white in color they more than once disappear in the ice and snow like a foot print in a blizzard.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
If you talking to the TV chances are it's a good film.
25 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and found ourselves yelling at the TV in support of the castaway(s). It Monster is pretty good (except his/her feet which make no sense for a swimmer) and the shot of the monster in the red glow is pretty darn good.

Acting was very good and the intelligence of the girl was a relief from the typical dummy written for such parts. Camera work was great even when in low light. The ending was better most.
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23 January 2020
The combination of Nick Cage and Lovecraft is will give anyone pause but here Nick has his best film in maybe 20 years and the writers/director/producer pull a big freakin rabbit out of the hat. The score is fantastic, the practical effects will put a smile on Botttin's face, the CGI is beautiful, and the acting is very good. A round on me for the acting. They didn't chicken out either and pushed the story to full cosmic in the end.

It doesn't happen often that you go to a film and are surprised of how good it is. I'll be buying a DVD of The Color Out of Space. Better make that a Blu-ray.

And It would be negligent if a pat on the back to Tommy Chong who did a great job. He really can act.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Hire someone with common sense to review the screenplay will ya.
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We were able to suspend disbelief for quite sometime then they started firing projectile weapons (guns) inside the spacecraft and leaving hatches open exposed to the rocket exhaust. And don't get me started on grabbing ahold of the rotating radar antenna and letting go at just the right moment (in three dimensions) to be shot-off and make it to another not that close spacecraft. Are you freakin' kidding me? Come on.

Unfortunately, the list is long. Next time hire an individual with a little experience with the physical real-world (like a mechanic or engineer or the sound guy) that can proofread the script for bat-caca-crazy-dumb ideas.

This film is not in the same universe (or solar system) as 2001 (which it has been compared to) or even 2010.
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The I-Land (2019)
Cancel the OA and we get this?
14 September 2019
Cancel the OA and we get this? You are kidding, Take the most uninteresting character in Lost, assign a numeric value between 1 and 10 to that character, divide that value by 10, and that value can be used to grade the characters in this series. Just terrible.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Must be a drinking game
28 July 2019
That must be it. Every time a crew member does something stupid you take a drink of your beer. Every time a crew member acts like a child you take a shot. What fun!
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More of the same.
3 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same. More of the same.
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Excellent work here.
11 February 2006
Quality in Genre=5. Fun:=4. FX=4. Usefulness In Our World=3. Creates Afterthought=3. Kids age Six - ten=5. Comment=If you are over four and under 11, an animation fan, an individual that appreciates great work, or one that simply enjoys sincerity, I think you will leave the theater knowing you have witnessed something wonderful. Teenagers and adults without kids will probably want to skip this one. It may not be possible for man to have created a full-length film closer to the gentle purpose of the original books than this one. From the score, to the animation, to the voices, to the story, to visual prospectives I think are original to any film, it was near perfect. The opening credits will tell you a treat is in store. Perhaps its only fault is the younger kids in the theater got a bit restless in a couple spots but that's is more than likely the fault of a three-year old's attention span than the film. I wonder it the soundtrack is available?
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