
44 Reviews
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Kept me at the edge of my seat
18 October 2023
I enjoyed this movie. It kept me on the edge of my seat throughout-the introduction of the social outcast girl and the girl who befriended her works well. As does the theme of the outcast being overly needy, overdoing the contacts, and driving the main character to unfriend her. The build-up to the occult occurrences and the friend's dying works well.

I thought the movie was well written and the scenes well put together. The acting was fine, but for the heavyset girl in the hospital, which was probably poorly written. The character should have just screamed for the main character to leave. The attempted explanation didn't work.

I thought the ending was tense.

All in all it was a fun watch.
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Silent House (2011)
Elisabeth is bad, cinematography is worse
22 October 2022
I was an Elisabeth Olsen. Perhaps it's the direction. But super hyper hysterical all the time doesn't work.

Nor does the wide open aperture for all the shots. Half the time you can't even tell what is going on.

Darkness is not plastic wrap over the lens. I got eye-strain trying to watch this.

The idea was good. But what an awful delivery.

I don't know if this script could be fixed. The one thing that did work was the foreshadowing that me figure out what had happened in the past that led to this.

But there is no foreshadowing that even hints at how the mysterious person was set off.

Just because of the eye-strain factor i can't recommend it.
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Be Somebody (2016)
A delightful movie
26 April 2022
The acting here is superb. I really believed the ordinary girl and young singer who didnt really have a life. There are moments of joy and some wonderful humor. I actually felt good after watching it.
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This movie is fun.
21 April 2022
Delightfully funny, this sequel is a joy to watch. Michael Gross plays his role with heart. A well written script keeps the plot moving in interesting direction. My favorite tremors.
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A hilariously entertaining movie which is way underrated.
25 April 2021
Maybe some of the reviewers just didn't get the nerd stuff. I just don't see any other reason why they'd underrate this entertaining, and brilliantly different, spy story.

From the start it captures your attention. The characters are believable in a comic way--this is a rare mix of comedy and thriller. And it was easy to root for the 'throwaways.' Take my word for it, it is a fun film.
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Not a bad movie all. Worth watching
24 April 2021
I did not see the first movie and maybe I'm better off for that. Perhaps a better title would be once possessed. Until near the end the character might have been imagining things. I found it entertains through out.
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Andron (2015)
A very underrated movie which held my attention from start to finish
20 March 2021
I don't understand why people didn't like this. The acting was fine. How are actors supposed to play people who love had their memories wiped. I was always kept wondering what would happen next.
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An underrated entertaing movie
23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I did not know what to expect but I enjoyed this horror flick. The acting is good. The script is great. -I recommend it.
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A must see for aspiring SCI-Fi filmmakers
12 September 2019
Considering how low budget this must have been the filmmakers did an amazing job. Except for not showing how the prisoner got hurt. Note the script needed work. Some terrible one-liners. But the story itself was good. Good acting but for Mrs Zahn who.was over the top. Overall the movie was fun.
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Don't believe the bad reviews this is a fun escape the caves/tombs horror flick
4 July 2019
Well done plot, cinematography. Kelsey was so so but the other actors pulled it through. Not a dull moment.
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Our House (I) (2018)
A brilliant underrated movie
10 April 2019
First of all the acting and therefore the direction are perfect. That the four young actors can come off as a loving family proves brilliance. The pace is easy but never boring. And there are scenes to get your heart going. This is a great horror movie for the entire family with minimal violence.
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Thirst (III) (2015)
A very entertaining but underrated movie.
10 February 2017
If there is a problem with script it is that the characters never acknowledge the makeup of the alien. So the viewers are left to figure out what ideas are combined here. My guess is terminator meets the thing. But you may pick others. What matters is that the story is action packed from beginning to end. Some of the characters could be better fleshed out, but the ones you'll end up caring about are fleshed out well enough that you'll have a good chance of anticipating their behavior. And the logical progression of the story moves easily forward. The camp for wayward teens is well developed. And for the most part all the characters act in a way that makes sense but for the lead male not fighting with all his resources earlier. I for one would watch a sequel to this. So for a bit of fun in a movie as entertaining as the tremors series (without being tongue in cheek) I recommend this
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The Funhouse (1981)
A superior horror/slasher film a must for film students
22 December 2016
What is excellent about this film is its stylistic presentation. Elizabeth Berridge is an excellent actress from her enticing nude shower scene at the very beginning to her very believable fright at the end. Berridge comes across as the innocent girl next door and wins the viewers hearts at the start. Why this actress did not go on to starring roles in many more films is a mystery. Rather than down the clear steps they go into the funhouse at a carney. Rather than just take the ride they decide to not get off, and rather hide inside and spend the night. The funhouse has some. Nice effects and reminds me of the old mil in Rye Playland in NY But what makes this movie compelling is that much of it is believable. I recommend it to horror fans and for film students it is a must see for it is excellently done.
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Primeval (2007)
Way under rated this is a very enjoyable action monster film
4 July 2016
Great story line better than average monster animation. The main characters are engaging and like able. Orlando Jones stands out for his performance here. As the videographer for the news team covering the attempt to capture Gustave A 30 meter croc. Kreige is the kill crazy hunter who wants the croc dead not captured. And there is a rather believe able love story with some real chemistry between the two reporters in charge of the expedition. In addition to the croc there is a war going on with mass murder. And, unlike some poorly done war films, this one has grit and a real you are there feel. The monsters animation does not detract in any way from the real feel of the film. It moves across the swamp area like a killer with speed that is frightening. Not everyone makes it but the movie is satisfying and well worth watching.
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Better than Blair Witch and some of the Paranormal Movies: Forget the negative reviews
3 November 2015
I do not know where the low ratings are coming from. Perhaps from members of the religious group which is put in a bad light in the movie itself. The acting is not at all bad. Lindsay Page who plays a very important role as a investigation-crashing fundamentalist is excellent. She came across as very realistic. I am surprised she hasn't appeared in more films. The other actors where also playing people who are not actors. Not a easy role to play. Our ghost hunter and the videographer are realistic enough so as not to interfere with my sense of being in the world the movie spins. The journalist might have been a bit over the top in places. At other times she did fine. One thing that could have been better is the choreography of a fight scene. But it was not so terrible as to be completely unconvincing. This is more a movie for fans of ghost hunting shows than for fans of scary movies. That said the script is very good. The plot is not at all boring. I recommend it.
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The Forger (2012)
A vastly underrated movie--well worth watching
15 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a delightful look at forgery. The script was excellent. And the acting very good. I really enjoyed Lauren Bacall in this. Her character and her character's secret are well intertwined in this tale of redemption. From reading the other reviews I was saddened to see that many viewers simply did not understand that every lead character cannot be sympathetic. Here our lead is very messed up teen--but the proof of a good script is that why he is messed up is so well integrated into the story. His redemption is what makes the story well worth the time to watch this move. It is played flawlessly. In fact, the only thing that confused me was why he kept visiting Hayden's character in her bedroom. And then I realized they were never together in the filming of those scenes. The actually scenes where they are together probably could have been shot in a day. HERE IS THE SPOILER...DON'T READ FURTHER IS YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS.

I got a kick out of the one review that complained that the master forger should have known that in a scientific test, underlying work would show through. Now as a verified LOVEJOY fan I feel like an expert in the area. Perhaps, that is an underlying flaw in this movie--that the scene where the expert sees the underpainting on his computer shows the painting so small and so quickly that without the ability to stop the frame the image that proves this is a forgery could be missed. And some viewers obviously missed just what the underpainting is. It is a painted drawing of Dennis the Menace. What the master forger did not know is that the 'kid' decided not to go through with it. And what is really nice is that many reasons are given for him doing just that. Which makes the character complex and movie very interesting.
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A Grossly underrated movie--it is really good!
8 March 2013
I usually do not like multiple character study movies. Most movies without a focal character lose my interest quickly. But this one is astonishingly interesting. I do wish they had done more with Julie Benz as a cop. Benz doesn't really seem to have much to work with here and her character is way underwritten. Barbara Hershey is astonishing as an wife who states her feeling about her situation flawlessly. Elizabeth Mitchell is extremely good too. Dane Cook is very believable--and I have to say I was very surprised when the in the movie his profession was revealed. And it was clear he was good at his profession. And he was a very messed-up individual. So Cook really cooks here. Kali Hawk's character is amusing and also well done. So for the characters alone--which means good writing, this is an excellent movie.
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Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen
30 October 2012
I got stuck watching this on a flight from Denver to NYC. I am terrified of flying and was looking forward to a movie that would make the long flight a bit more bearable. This movie was not it. No one else on the plane seemed to even be paying attention to it. There was a whole bunch of scenes with this idiot kids running about hiding in the woods with a silly sheriff and scout master running about looking for him. There were no really sympathetic characters. The girl was way out of the boy's league. Why she would have anything at all to do with this guy is beyond me. Lots of outdoor shots. There was bullying. Eventually I just stopped watching, hard to do when all the screens in the plane are focused on the this idiotic movie. I started reading and my book was much better than the movie. I noticed when I went to the restroom that almost no one had earphones on-required to listen. And those that did were not looking up so they were more likely listing to music. This stupid BORING movie should only be shown on planes transporting prisoners as punishment.
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Just a Kiss (2002)
Worth Seeing just to see Marisa Tomei as a.....
20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so this evaluation is a spoiler in itself, but the movie which loops over and changes itself is weirdly interesting. But to see Marisa Tomei as a crazed killer is worth it. Tomei a bowling alley waitress first falls for the peanut butter chicken but then likes Dag who she eventually kills. Kyra Sedgwick is not all that likable in my book. The character I really liked was Marley Shelton's Rebecca. As a crazy but beautiful dancer I wished the movie was more about her and her view of the world. But Tomei, closing in on 50 now (48 at this writing) is stunningly beautiful in this movie. And she plays the dangerous woman very believably. This is a must for Tomei fans.
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Fantastically real 50's style horror film
28 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You have to love this for the characters. The majority of the town where this event is supposed take place are drunks sipping moonshine all day. They are more believable drunks then say the characters in the HBO series Deadwood. I.E. they don't drink and seem sober they drink and look and act drunk.

The man who owns the property where the wild man lives is not only believable but sympathetic. His wife is barely able to move and lives in a wheelchair. They have a loyal(?) male Mexican servant. Who pulls his pants off and fondles the wife's underwear when the husband isn't home. This servant even fondles the wife, who can't speak, by covering her mouth while he does whatever. The husband must suspect something. When the wild man carries the servant off the husband hides the wife rather than try to save the servant.

There are some good people in the story. Two of the best, a man and his son go hunting in the river bottom which has been closed for years. This is the place where the wild man dwells. He has been kept at bay for years with a diet of skinned rabbit provided by the property owner. But because the owner lost his job and the wife needs her medications, the property owner has opened the bottom land to hunters.

This pisses the wild man off and he kills both father and son. In fact he kills a bunch of people by gutting them with antlers.

When a couple is attacked, the husband, stabbed through the ribs with an antler, runs, hitches a ride and goes not to the hospital but the bar where he tells everyone what happened.

A posse is formed. This is a posse of drunks. Why any sheriff would recruit these people is one of the least believable things in the movie. The other is that these heavily armed drunks don't shoot each other. But at least one of the posse (a drunk's son I think) gets killed. But then the property owner finally uses the big shinny shotgun he has been polishing throughout the movie. And only a bunch of drunks would string up a dead man who was just shot like he was a prize elk with razor-back tusks.

But there suspense is here. The movie is engaging. The acting so good these people seem like they are drunks in a documentary. I highly recommend this, especially to independent filmmakers.
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I wouldn't have sex with any of these guys but what a hoot!
4 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A odd group of friends are going to have an orgy. In the opening the women are the ones pushing for it. But as this odd movie continues, its even odder characters will lead you to the conclusion that there may be problems. I do wish they'd done more with the black drug dealer, but what did happen makes the show what it is: a believable tale of what might happen should some friends try to organize an orgy. Aimee-Lynn Chadwick who plays Rachel is probably the hottest actress in the group but she is also the only one who does not have sex on screen. I was hoping that more would happen between Rachel and Alan (Adam Busch) who were the only more-or-less normal people in the movie. I was not surprised how Laura Silverman's character Tina reacted in the movie and her acting was fine, but she is 16 years older than Chadwick. Somehow I can't see younger adults interested in group sex with someone that much older, who, the movie reveals, they barely seem to know. This movie is interesting and well worth watching.
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Great family movie the kids will love and what the chimps do is amazing
2 March 2008
I'm a filmmaker and I was amazed at how they put this movie together with the chimps. I've done one very short short called "Giant Mice From Outer Space" (youtube and veoh) with cats, ducks, dogs and deer and it took forever. The cinematography is perfect. The performances were very good considering this was tongue in cheek. I particularly liked Robbie Benson's performance.

This is a great movie kids will love and I suspect the low score here may be due to animal activists who feel chimps should not snowboard.

Parents should just be warned that you kid(s) will probably say, "Can I get a snowboard momma? It can't be hard monkeys can do it."
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Cloverfield (2008)
One of the most engaging movies I've ever seen once I got past the shaky camera work
27 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the shaky camera stuff can make you uncomfortable. I almost left the movie myself and other theatre patrons did leave. If I was going to watch this again I'd have a few stiff drinks first. But the plot and characters here work to create a story line that will awe you if you stay with the action until the end.

At the start the filmmakers use the best of cinéma-vérité, very similar to what was good about 'David Holzman's Diary' to create a very voyeuristic view of a party in New York and establish the characters.

Why they chose to make the camera work as shaky as it is, I don't know. I do think that they'd have many more fans for this movie if they just had whoever was holding the camera hold it a bit steadier. In fact, the camera changes hands not long after the beginning and improves, but still there's more bouncing and head-ache inducing shots then needed.

Oddly enough, having seen the movie and loved it, I have to share the point at which I almost left. Near the beginning of the movie, when the action gets started, the monster is batting stuff around, and this is a spoiler of sorts, our characters are in the street and when the head of the statute of liberty lands near them. Now I have been inside the head of the statue of liberty, and this head which fills part of the street is just to small to be the head of the statue of liberty. And this disappointed me so I almost left the theatre as the shaky camera work started up again.

Still, I stayed and got into the story again and the story did not disappoint, in fact it intrigued and if you can get past the over shakiness, past the too little Statue of Liberty head, and into the movie, you'll not be disappointed.
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Surprisingly entertaining for both adults and children
27 December 2007
When my wife dragged me to this movie I thought I'd be bored. The trailers show nothing except the little monster growing quickly and swimming around happily. What I did not expect is the wonderful, and entertaining background story set in Scotland during WWII.

Now the film has a modern frame as well as the WWII story. An old man tells two young visitors to Loch Ness what they assume is a tall tale. Frames usually don't add much to movies but in this frame is an exception.

In WWII a young boy, who doesn't know his father was lost at sea, finds a strange egg. While the egg grows into a likable, gigantic plesiosaur, a strange man, who might be a German spy, starts as caretaker of the boy's father's estate, and a gunnery unit takes over the estates grounds. The captain of the gunnery unit takes a shine to the boy's Mom, and tries to instill discipline to the boy by treating him like a drill sergeant would a recruit. Meanwhile, the new caretaker decides to keep the boy's new pet a secret. and wins the respect of the boy's mother.

Although there is no real violence in this movie there is a killer (hunter) cook and some shooting. In fact there is a scene with cannon fire that might scare young children. And of course the cook has a tough bull-dog who likes to chase things.

The characters here are well developed and the acting and cinematography is superb. This movie will not disappoint.
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The Abandoned (2006)
May be of value to film students as to what to avoid in a horror movie
23 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The photography is perfect. The setup and lighting are terrific for a horror film. The actors do a fantastic job, so the question becomes why is this movie so boring? Now, I'll admit there are a few scenes which are quite enjoyable, but there are only a few. The main problem is the writing and/or the direction. After a rather long, drawn out introduction talking the leading lady to Russia, which was mostly filler, we finally get to the story. But it is not the story that causes this to fail. It is the attempt by the director or writer or both to keep us at the edge of our seats for too long. In order to really scare us you can't do that. We need a scary scenes mixed with periods where the characters feel they are safe. Here, for example, our leading lady escapes the island and instead of giving us a lull, they tried to make the trees scary. Well, if you have too much of something it just gets boring, and that's what happens here. There is also, and this is the spoiler, a real big (hit us over the head with it why don't you) clue that the heroine is going to die in the end because she see's her dead self. And after that there is barely a hint that she may escape alive. If you want us rooting for someone you've got to give us hope. So about 50 minutes in I'm thinking 'who cares.' I would bet though that this could be cut to a pretty good and scary short.
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