
11 Reviews
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Everybody gets exactly what they deserve
3 December 2021
I'm not really sure this film knows what it wants to be. If you want to watch a good film about adults and children facing the end check out 'These Final Hours'. If you want to watch a black comedy about the end of the world try Dr Strangelove. There is a lot of talent on screen but much of the script is nonsense and the characters are both sympathetic and unlikeable - but not in a good way. Roman Griffin Davis was pretty good, but the script was obviously distorted to feature everything he says and does. Nothing felt natural and most of the character's motivations remain a mystery. By the end you don't care how it ends.
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Equinox (2020)
Last third of series went sideways
31 December 2020
First, this entire 5+ hour series could have been edited down to 2 hours and lost nothing. At least half of the series was irrelevant, ponderous, or duplicative. The story also completely changes direction / tone and the ending will annoy most. I had the feeling about half way that I was wasting my time and the ending confirmed it. This is NOT anything close to Dark.
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Don't know what went wrong
2 April 2020
I love Eliza's comedy (seen all of her recorded shows and in person twice) but I have no idea what happened here. One of her skills is using her voice and posture to bring other characters alive when she is alone on stage. Perhaps acting in an ensemble plays against her strength. I also noticed that many of the segments went way way too long. When your brain wants to fast forward the entertainer is losing the viewer's attention. Breaking that connection keeps the viewer distant, uninvolved, and not laughing. I would say to give this a pass, but the whole season has about the same content as two episodes of SNL.
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Anticipated, but mildly disappointing
27 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Have you read the book and seen the original animated film? You probably already want to see this because it is a fantastic story. So imagine the Watership Down story with almost 4 hours of running time and some top voice actors, then be prepared to be disappointed.

The good - it is more Watership Down

Here's the bad. The animation is mediocre at best. Think 'direct to DVD'. The rabbits move oddly. They kind of look like jackrabbits with their long legs. With far more resources ($20MM budget) and nearly four hours they STILL didn't tell any of the Elilhrarah stories. Two were mentioned as if they were being told, but they surely could have visually told these stories. It became difficult telling the rabbits apart. The first half of the series had a serious power conflict between Hazel and Bigwig. It was odd. They added a non-canon death that did not further the story.

Here's the random changes. First, the original story was heavily male-oriented. That's how Richard wrote it. To balance things the gender of Strawberry was changed and her actions were expanded, Clover had a major role as she was captured by the Efrafans and woo'd by Woundwort, and Hyzenthlay had a significant subplot as her role leading the females. These aren't good or bad, just different. Second, the boat escape was removed and instead had the rabbits sneak through a town. Third, Campion rebelled during the siege (which made no sense) and the other rabbits were constantly looking to shirk Woundwort.
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I guess it is hard to condense a 600 page book
17 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers lurk below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s p o i l e r s

Hmm, saw a sneak preview the day before wide release. Overall it was okay, but some of the decisions made to trim the fat may have lasting impact. In a nutshell the modifications are: Fudge does not have Crouch Jr killed at the end. Problematic since the entire next book details a cover-up that Barties death allows. There was no prize given for winning the tournament, hence, no galleons for the Weasley twins, hence, no Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Rita Skeeter is only represented as a semi-lecherous reporter. No paparazzi. No animagus. No tension. Dumbledore just doesn't seem like a powerful wizard. More like an absentminded professor. As seen in the pensieve, the accused in a wizard trial is caged in what appears to be an iron maiden of some sort. Weren't devices like these used on witches in our own timeline? Why wouldn't the chair with animated chains work here? Voldemort waxes poetic about love. No, really. The Dark Lord just seemed more like a bad guy from a Clint Eastwood movie and less like the vacant evil shell he was. Grint's acting is getting worse. I really wanted to see a blast-ended skrewt. The maze is missing its monsters. You don't see the Quiditch world cup, just the opening ceremony.

I think the film is really just a series of favorite scenes from the book. I never felt connected, because the development kept getting interrupted and the pacing was awkward.
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Another disappointment...
26 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Anakin's motivations for turning to the dark side and his subsequent actions make no sense. I think Lucas developed the character of Anakin in the prior two movies and ended up writing himself into a corner. The following situation would be a similar situation in today's world.

"An up-and-coming American general involved in the war against terror has a sick wife at home. Amazingly, he discovers that his next door neighbor is really Osama Bin Laden. When he discovers this, Osama tells him that he has a cure for his wife's illness and that he will give it to him, but in order to do this he will have to start working for him. His first duty is to divert some nuclear warheads and send them to secret terrorist cells in all of America's large cities. His second is to arrange for all the leaders to be in those cities. And last, he is to give the codes to set these weapons off. Of course this would destroy everything he has ever known, cause an amazing amount of suffering, and be against everything he has ever believed, but at least his wife might live a little bit longer." It just doesn't make sense...
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Interesting film
26 February 2004
This film could be difficult to watch at times. I was most disturbed at the very large number of children (ages 8-12) that were in the theater as well. The level of violence approaches Saving Private Ryan levels and is not suitable for children. The films narrative stayed very close to the bible as just about every reviewer has repeated, but this piece is very unbalancing. The death of the man known as Jesus is permanently recorded here for history to witness, but sadly I think that it does great disservice to the effort to communicate what he did in life. Perhaps it is just me, but focusing so clearly on the death of Jesus does lasting damage to the understanding of what Jesus stood for in the few years that he walked the paths of the Holy Land. Like remembering a deceased relative, you would prefer to remember only their life and not how they died.
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Poor choices made into poor movie
17 February 2004
I really don't want to wade into a North/South, slavery/Abolition, or military hero worship tangent. This film tried to do too much and failed in both of its attempts. I will use two excellent prior films as examples.

'Glory' focused the viewer's attention on the soldiers and officers personal dynamic. There were no great battles shown in great detail. Essentially the skirmish and the final attack on Wagner were required to develop the characters in a war setting and to prove the final measure of the men. The writers decided to confine all of the film to this very sharp and limited scope of a single regiment from Massachussets. By doing this the film remained in scale and did not lose the audiences attention. Having some top-notch acting didn't hurt either. 'Gettysburg', this films sequel focused entirely on a single battle. There was no development of characters as seen in 'Glory'. Instead, the viewer is allowed to experience in great detail all of the forces and personalities brought together in the battlefield crucible. It also maintained excellent pacing, very good battle scenes, and maintained a fundamental respect for the combatants on both sides. Now we come to 'Gods and Generals'. It could just as easily have been titled 'hobknobing with the military up-and-comers'. The battles proved to be uninspiring. I have been to the site of the battle of Fredericksburg and the director chose the wrong place to film. It looks like he filmed in the same place as the final battle in Mel Gibson's 'The Patriot'. One visit to the actual battlefield and you will understand why it was a deathtrap. Anyway, the battles were none too special and not particularly accurate, but that was not the goal of the film. Apparently the goal of the film was to watch General Jackson act like your weird uncle. Because of his overplayed behaviour I found it very difficult to become attached to the character. I would normally consider the actors used in the film to be at least competent, but the entire cast succeeded in disappointing me.

So I ranked it as a 4/10. Probably not the best story to translate to film, and definitely not the best job of screenwriting/acting/filming.
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QT's Phantom Menace
10 October 2003
A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this film (actually, two films) and it just isn't up to snuff. Just as the long awaited Star Wars prequel was long on style/graphics and short on just about everything else, this film can boast immense bloodletting, excellent music and style, but fails to actually be a good film. Only in a completely desensitized culture can the violence BE the plot. There is nothing new here that you haven't seen before and having to pony-up the extra $8 to see the rest of the film only highlights the true exploitation going on here.
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Signs (2002)
It is never what you expect
4 August 2002
Every time a person decides to go to a movie they drag all kinds of preconceived notions about what it is about and how the experience will be. We generally get what we expect. Right now everyone is rushing out to see Signs expecting an alien movie with some surprise ending. Signs is not an alien move, it is not a suspense movie, it is a M. Night Shyamalan movie. His previous movies have had fantastic stories and scenarios disguising a very simple and unexpected core plot. You may rush to the theater expecting to see aliens and be surprised. You will get both of those, but if that is your expectation than you are missing the movie. Do go see it. Do pay attention, especially the details - that's where the goodies are hiding - and try to leave you expectations at the door.
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Where's the magic?
25 May 2002
Good Stuff:

Ewan McGregor lives up to Alec Guinness' legacy. Yoda lets his hair down. We see how the Republic and the Jedi will fall. Tons of eye candy.

Bad Stuff:

Anakin grows up to be the stalker-type. Padme is the worst kind of tease. The dialogue hasn't improved from TPM. Jar Jar is still a weak minded fool.
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