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Not bad at all
2 September 2000
This film was surprisingly well made, I was almost surprised at how decent it really was. After viewing the previews, I hate to say I really was not expecting all that much. The previews made it out to be one of those "made for video" films that somehow seeped through the cracks onto major theatrical distribution, but I am the first to admit how wrong I was. All in all, it really was a decent Highlander film. Much higher quality than the quickening, or final dimension (previous sequel theatrical releases). Although, I did think that the large amount of flashbacks began to become more the "meat" of the film than it should have been, it was still nice to see more elements of what the other films were missing (depth on characters), even if it was done in such a rash overabundance. Some of the acting was faltering at times, and Christopher Lambert in some of the flashback sequences does lose and regain his scottish accent more times than this movie changed titles before its release, but I wont pretend and whine about how they could have made a better film any more. I am glad this came out as good as it did. An admirable, and otherwise prominant addition to the series.
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30 Door Key (1991)
"Yummy Yummy Yama" ...sorry, how can i phrase this? I can't. Good try, though
2 September 2000
I recently obtained a rather low-quality version of this film under its alternate title, "30 door key". At first, I was not quite sure what to expect- seeing Crispin Glovers name on the opening credits and all, but I knew whatever it was going to be, at least it would be memorable. And it truly was, in the best most surreal of ways (I am a huge fan of all or most things in that dying surrealists view). This film focuses in the 1940's around a man, who is our main character, who has long since reached his adulthood, yet in the first five minutes of the film is visited by an old teacher of his, evoking long since buried feelings of misworth in his intimidating surity and presence. His old teacher as arrogant as he had chosen not to remember up until this point, repremands the main character into attending a re-education school of sorts, to learn to write and be mature- that everything he had worked towards was suddenly dismissed as a pipedream illusiory success (don't ask me, you have to dismiss belief for the primary of this film). He goes to a school filled with grown adult school children, where there are the bullys and the bullied, the ego competition just as in reality, only now over the most obscure lesser thought of practices. Crispin Glover plays an at first arrogant, but eventually likable anti-establishment man-boy who befriends the main character and acts as a catalyst to what the main charcter looks towards to get more in touch with the spirit of living, which was a more free reflection on his former self. Its all very difficult to explain in the strictest sense, but the movie goes on- and I will not spoil it for anyone- too many different points and twists to name here, but this was a very fun film to watch. All the performances are excellent, and I could not reccomend this film more. It sounds so forced typing it out, but I thought I should at least try, as my subjects title states. final word, all in all: I leave you with a great big huge "woo" to let it all settle in good with you.
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Bring It On (2000)
when will hollywood stop this type of garbage, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!
22 August 2000
Rocky with Pom-poms??? This movie is about cheerleaders fighting vs. cheerleaders in a war that seems to highlight race (which is especially cheap, even for hollyowood), naivity and...they brittney spears syndrome. I ask again...ROCKY WITH POM-POM'S?? Who paid you off to say that?! Or do you simply work for the studio....More like Judge Dredd with less appeal. I can't blame the studio for having free test screenings in Dallas and other Southern areas on this turkey just to *see* if they had even a *chance* at making maybe 200 dollars nationwide on this... this film will only appeal to the WWF "woohooo!" types so it seems. About as substantial as many other recent teen drama trash thats come out in the past two years. We are swimming in it, and it does not seem to be getting any better. What it is I cannot say, because in its vulgarity this will never be posted to the IMD. But you need not hear me actually state what it is. I think you know it, so essentially, there really is no need to see this movie at all.
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Disorderlies (1987)
enjoyed in my youth
1 July 2000
I remember going to see this movie at the now boarded up Criterion Center in Manhattan when I was around 7 or 8. Me and my friend enjoyed it thoroughly, although I am not sure theres much more to say about that from the mind of an 8 year old. Back then, The Fat Boys were huge with kids- even if they didnt listen to them, like me- I cant say I ever really disliked them. This movie is typical formula, its got that "vibe" edge to it that makes it so appealing- a formula stolen upon in the alter sexes comedy "BAPS" where unsuspecting folks from "the hood" end up under the wing of a multi-millionaire and their estate. This brings the possibility of many possible wily antics- that could have, if done correctly- in this case AT ALL made an overall better, more enjoyable film. Of course, this was pg-13, so although I said I liked it at 8, it has only nostalgic momentum with little to no replay value with me- today. Too bad huh, they (hollywood execs) make it pg-13 so they can appeal to a larger crowd, but in the longrun- it ends up appealing to no crowd. Or possibly the 99 cent rental at the local mom n pop video store. It really is a shame...
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better than the first
1 June 2000
I guess saying "better than the first" isn't really saying all that much considering how absolutely terrible the direction of Brian DePalma along with the lagging and occasionally incoherent script of the first film. But this one isn't bad at all. Not by a longshot. As a matter of fact, it embodies all that the past two james bond films have lacked: chemistry and involvement along with a slight unbelievability. The script is somewhat charming, although not anything totally out of the norm for your typical action film. I think we all know what really makes this film shine, although the script may be a secondary that by no means leaves it as a bad one. The true marvel? The stunts are all done and pulled off so well, you won't even find yourself thinking of how improbable it all is, if for not other reason than how wonderful it looks on screen after what appears as being so minute but must actually have been choreographed with a certain meticulous only a perfectionist like Woo embodies in the modern and fragmented Action blockbuster market. No one is really willing to take a chance anymore on action films unless they have a sure thing. I guess this was worth the large risk as Paramount has what is undoubtedly a sure-fire hit on their hands considering the lack of this type, or quality on the films released in the market at this time.

I remember hearing that Cruise had bought the rights to the first and all M:I sequels shortly after the first films release. I thought he was just trying to get away with not repeating the same mistake three times, as he was reportedly signed at by contract. Instead, it appears he really does demand a lot of himself after all considering what a turn over it is from its predecessor...
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okey dokey doggie daddy
1 June 2000
I remember reading Fangoria and them speaking of all these promising things once this film actually made it into the stage of production. What kind of promising things? Things like characters from the first two hellraiser films making cameos during some of the timeline sequences, Them slaughtering an entire village of people to find and kill the toymakers descendant. Of course, this never made it to the final cut, although was most likely filmed since they had descript coverage on this small interval of the film. Strangely enough, a lot of unecessary things made it to the films final cut. A few things that I feel could have been cut out completely in order for them to concentrate on some of the larger holes in the script. Character development can only go so far when once a new character is introduced he ultimately dies a few minutes after. Of course, there was a bunch of "hooplah" (do not ask, ok) on who was to direct, and a few changings of directors. In the end, the tried and true favorite of mine, Mr. Alan Smithee came out of seclusion at what is it...98 years of age, to be apart of the filmmaking magic of "Hellraiser: Bloodline".

I think a special edition of Bloodline is in order...unlike the one-minute-longer-than-the-r-rated version, "unrated" edition of Hellraiser 3, where as the only difference was seeing a stripper take her top off. Oooh. Dare!
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the best movie of the year!
31 May 2000
I thought to myself, after reading the newspaper title review "'earth' is TERRA-BLE" and other such reviews on how bad this film was supposed to be, that with such strong hatred and criticism of this film, there comes a certain amount of emotion. Hatred can be a very strong thing. I thought, if theyre that passionate about how bad it is, maybe it is worth a visit to the theatre after all. Oh how wrong I was. An hour and a half later, after paying 9 dollars for both me and a female companion, I said "this is worse than godzilla" or worse than clueless, or scream 3, or pitch black or anything for that matter. Well, maybe not as bad as scream 3...but we left. No refund, no nothing. I was just glad to get out of that theatre.

Mr. Pepper will be quite lonely when he finds the acting jobs will either stop coming or just vastly decrease in quality..I think he's already getting a head start on that..
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31 May 2000
I first saw elements of this film in NYC as it was unveiled by some cheesy representative of the U.S. distribution film company (I think Miramax)was trying to get the audience hyped. He was greeted with a few cheers, mostly boos that were louder and more noticeable than the cheers, no matter how energetic they were intended. The films star came on stage, but nobody cared. I think he could tell the lack of interest in the room, so he quickly departed off stage, ego intact. And for good reason, the film is typical garbage. To cry at this films emotional content is like to cry in reaction to the emotionality of "big daddy" ... you better visit your doctor for a higher dose on prescription medication...
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theres more to it than an obscure title
31 May 2000
I was surprised to find this on DVD at the Fango convention at the New Yorker hotel in NYC. I suppose this films cult following has greater appeal than expected, although I have heard it had a decent following, I have never actually _met_ face-to-face a fan of this film. I rented this film originally from one of those smaller "mom 'n pop" video stores, and was quite impressed. Very fun and energetic film, a great platform for Linnea Quigley to show her infinite sex appeal. Needless to say, this film is a classic. Cheesy effects, college hijinks, nerds, girls and demonic imps...they just don't make movies like this anymore...sigh...
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what a waste
25 May 2000
Its funny... Everyone walked out of that theatre totally forgetting what made the "star wars" series what it has become: a quirky cultural icon that appealed to generations on multi leveled platforms and continues to go strong. Even though many people just bought into the hype, talking to their friends in conversations that had that hinge of desperation in their voice, that they really felt _obligated_ wanting to like it so badly, so they did. "George Lucas can do no wrong" should be running through our pop culture like acid in our drinking water for a few years now, considering there are two more sequels on the way.. and I wouldnt be so afraid of these sequels if "lucasfilm" was more aware of the very large mistakes they made in the overall discomfort and blandness of TPM.. It seems they seem to be under the disillusion they made a film worthy of the labeling of both themselves and the general public of being "loved" or the like. When someone is overly critical of the smaller facts like that the character development was almost non existant, that what would have been good minor characters like Jar Jar Binks (I should not even have said that now everyone will think I'm one of _those_ bandwagon type jumpers) would have made great smaller appearances but were left to carry the weight of a main character, where other characters like- lets say Darth Maul, were left with only a few lines and some elaborately choreographed fight scenes...There was little conflict of interest in the film, there was little of much of anything interesting at all. Just a lot of most likely abusively expensive special effects work and a soundtrack fine tuned to sound great when hooked up to the proper theatre system, or better yet, the comfort of your own home..

I did not like this film, I did not hate it. But It seems I'm on the side of those wasckly critics who have been bombarded by the fans, for bombarding the movie with what? Opinions, people. Get over it. I know I have.

Oh and throw your television and radio out the window. Lets go out and live..
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Brainscan (1994)
before the formula
25 May 2000
In the mess of this whole new teeny bop friendly, horror-without-the-horror nonsense I've been seeing so much of in recent years in pieces of crap films like the "scream" series and others that remain nameless, although I am sure you know what entities I am speaking of... "Brainscan" is one of the last few greats. Greats, as in, it chooses to use a formula that is well known within the genre-yet attempts to add a twist to it, producing one of the first and one of the only watchable films of its kind (ever seen "arcade"? Or those techno babble wastes of reel "Lawnmower Man 2" or "Webmaster"?) I will admit, it is not the best horror film of all time, but considering it is most likely the last theatrically released film of its kind with even an tint of quality to it...the last film that took any amount of creativity to adhere to the mainstream (If there is such a thing) Horror genre format while trying to revamp and revitalise it... I do believe this film deserves some credit. It is what it is, I prefer not to think of it as the possibilities of it being so much more...for what was accomplished, I'd say it was well worth it..
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Cool World (1992)
cult, cult, cult
25 May 2000
Watching this movie numerous times through the years does bring to notice a lot of the flaws that should have been seen during post production, or more helpful, the actual production process of this film. To name a few: animation for background characters stop and disappear at the mid point of the screen, some characters are only sketched in (although I'm sure this was made to look deliberate, though most likely was not).. in some of the human interactions with the animated characters, like the scene where Harris visits Holli's house at a beginning point in the film (after he gets his foot stuck in the cardboard door upon entrance- a scene which was never edited, cut or reshot) you can see HE stays still a certain point in the room, the camera pans back, while her cell walks away only a foot or two, and is suddenly across the room...the proportions are all wrong...or the scene where Jack is touching Holli's face saying "I drew you, I made you...maybe I can erase you", you can tell he was directed as *you are touching her face with your hand* even though, she moves away while his hand stays in place... There were also many things cut, plot and character details that could have made this film more (if even possible) personally redeeming. Why not concentrate on a beginning scene with Jack finding his wife in bed with another man, giving example to the extremes of his distemperment and rage to SHOW how he got to prison...Or how when he is in prison, sketching, how he just sort of says a line like "without you I'd never have made it"...why not show the true co dependance he has with his own creations...or to explain the time cycle repetion attempt at a twist thing with greater care or density? It was imbalanced, very dissapointing...but for what its worth, has accumulated a great deal of cult success, although many people may want to forget about what a bomb this film was, need to think about what they were TRYING to accomplish here... there are unforgivable flaws...but get really loaded and you've got yourself an evening, right...
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