
3 Reviews
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Really well done
4 July 2002
I loved this movie!! I had read the play before seeing it and enjoyed the play but I absolutely LOVED the movie. I enjoyed the adding of the fantasy scenes and the tattoo. I thought Colin Firth was wonderful as Jack/Ernest and I enjoyed how he, as usual, says so much with his facial expressions and doesn't even need to speak a word for the audience to understand the way he is feeling or what he is desirous of saying. And his singing was pretty good too! :) I also thought Judi Dench was excellent as Lady Bracknel in her desire to make sure her daughter made a proper match. Frances O'Connor, Reese Witherspoon and Rupert Everett all were also very good. However the man that kept my main attention was the very handsome, very talented actor, COLIN FIRTH!
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It Happened One Christmas (1977 TV Movie)
26 December 2001
This is a wonderful remake of It's a Wonderful Life. Not only is Marlo Thomas much more animated than Jimmy Stewart could ever hope to be, she is a better actress besides. This movie is what made me interested in seeing It's a Wonderful Life...before that, I couldn't get past the slow speech and boring attributes of the original movie. Marlo Thomas is wonderful in this movie. She has a way of expressing herself and her character that brings out the joy of the story. It turns into a story of love, friendship, and strength. I have watched year after year after year for this movie to be put on video but for some reason, they never bother. I think it's the fear of people liking it better than the original that keeps them from actually doing it. After all, a WOMAN trying to take Jimmy Stewart's place? How dare she? It's a really special movie, well worth seeing, especially if you find yourself dozing off while watching the original. Give it a try. You'll love It Happened One Christmas!! Vicky in Michigan
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David Copperfield (2000 TV Movie)
Excellent adaption
4 January 2001
I've watched this version of David Copperfield three times now. I think it is a very good adaption and I especially enjoyed the performances of Anthony Andrews as Mr. Murdstone and Sally Field. I haven't seen Mr. Andrews do too many evil parts but when he does them, he does them very well. I enjoyed the entire production except that there were too many commercials. I look forward to this movie being available on video.
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