
6 Reviews
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The Pretenders (2006–2007)
Other series made in Spain should be ashamed
28 April 2006
It's so well done, so well acted, directed, photographed, naturally decorated, that ALL other series made in Spain suddenly become worse to the viewer's eye.

Shot in 14:9, the series shows the work of a peaceful A-Teamesque group that solves all kind of problems by making simulations. The four members investigate, plan, get props and act to create fake situations that turn around the oppression caused to their clients by changing the point of view of these oppressors in the most unexpected and better clock-working way.

Fun to watch, intriguing and great in concept, this remake of the Argentinian hit with the same name is by far on the top of the Spanis TV fiction as of today.
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Could have been the franchise of the decade
17 December 2004
Before going to see this movie, I already felt positive about it, just because of the aesthetics, like many other people had done. My expectations were as when I go to see a Pixar movie, a Fincher's, a Woody Allen's, I was thinking I somehow knew enough to like it, like it had a quality sign printed in its look and concept, like it was giving back a genre it had disappeared a long time ago. Certainly it is a homage to a world that never exists anymore.

¿So what's the problem? I am afraid it's everything else, mainly the director. Script isn't touching, and that's a horrible start, but could have been relatively solved. It's not. The director doesn't seem to know where to place the camera and for how long, and I know it's hard to believe when you consider the pre-production for that film. Usually watchers get tired of beautiful shots of CGIs in other movies, here the director unbelievably missuses them.

Actors don't seem to understand what the hell is going on and just say line after line. For example, they don't make any sings of fear when they confront danger. Not to talk about love. They don't shout when being on a plane followed by other artifacts shooting at them.

The presence of Sir Lawrence Olivier is a total waste. It could have been used more deeply, more dramatically, but it ends being anecdotic and recurring to his image is simply useless.

That's when you come thinking about the difference between Spielberg and Conran. With a simple pastiched idea one created magic, the other one created a superficial lot of nothing.
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Mars Attacks! (1996)
If you understood it...
19 May 2000
A lot of people say this movie is terribly funny. I think more or less the same ammount of people is sure this is one of the biggest stupidities ever done. Why? Taste. My father didn't like it. We watched it together and I explained him all the jokes I found. He said things like "Do you really find it funny?" or "I don't think Tim Burton was conscient of this VERY little critic". So what can I say against this? I recommend you to watch this movie. It's a risk, but it can be grateful. Warning: Jokes pass so fast that you could need a lot of time for finding all of them.

Well, there are some things that you could like to know before watching the movie. Don't watch it if you don't have any sense of humor. Don't watch it if you don't like a movie which you can smile with and not only laugh. Don't watch it if you can get offended with anti american jokes. Don't watch if if you love the president (doesn't matter which one). Watch it if you are not silly. (Many people wont care at this)
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Best adventure game ever!
12 May 2000
OK, perhaps you don't believe it. You MUST play this game in order to know how good a storyline can be and how great puzzles can be designed. But the main great point in the game is the character and his whip, his relationship with a woman, Sophia, and the incredible ending. Get it! Now it's much cheaper!
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Historia de la frivolidad (1967 TV Movie)
...And Franco was still alive!
6 May 2000
One of the best TVmakers in Spain made this 1 hour video showing how censors have been working along the centuries. It's specially funny because it makes nostalgic and tragic humor, like many of the best comedies ever. As an example there is talked about the only male actors in the 16th century or the dubbing into Spanish from movies where a husband had a lover. It shows how it is supposed to be necessary to hide parts of Art and Communication, but any a-bit-intelligent watcher can see that he (Chicho Ibáñez-serrador) is at any time against censorship. I don't understand how this could be broadcasted, then Franco was still alive!
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The SuperVips (1968)
Funniest animation movie I've ever seen!
6 May 2000
If you can ever get it, DO IT!. I recorded it when I was 10. Now, I have taken a look at my old own movie database ;) and have laughed a lot. I haven't seen anything else from this Bruno Bozzetto, but I would like to. Movie is great. It has some incredible sketches and an interesting plot, NOT ONLY FOR KIDS.
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