
21 Reviews
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Overboard (1987)
Very good, fun to see over and over
21 April 2007
Have this one on DVD/VHS and watch it from time to time. Always good for a few laughs and feel good movie. This one is on my top 25 movies of all times. Goldie is just great and I feel it's her best movie. Rodney McDowall played his roll perfect and carried the final few scenes of the movie very well. Kurt Russell was perfect for the roll of woodsman and the chemistry between he and Goldie was not just acting.

I am surprised they never did a spin off as it seemed to be more story to tell at the end. Something like she never really got the money and was forced to live a spartan life where money didn't matter but love did, until the end where she got all the money after all. Something like that would have made for a good second story.
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Not a great sub movie but worth ones time to watch
17 February 2006
Every movie doesn't have to be academy award material. In fact many if not most movies try to be entertaining with interesting ideas. This is one of those movies. A WWII submarine backdrop that forces an alliances between two fighting sides for mutual survival. Ya, sub experts can pick apart some of the tech and tactics but that's not the point of the movie. It's like going to a stage play and picking apart the stage props as not being realistic. It's not the stage but the story that is interesting in this movie. As the world faces global warming, expensive energy, nuclear issues we all can take a lessen that working together to solve our problems would be far more productive than trying to kill each other (the under lying story of this movie).
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The Wire (2002–2008)
Great acting, great story, great directing, great SHOW! - Must see....
7 September 2004
You want to learn something about city politics, police corruption, drug dealing or how this tapestry of city corruption is woven together then watch The Wire. This is truly an excellent series, with superb acting, writing, directing, and truly outstanding characters.

With season three starting Sept 18th I can wait. First season was drugs in The Projects, second season was down on the Baltimore docks, with longshoreman, drugs, prostitution, unions, and every changing need for dock workers and space for condominiums and all the politics that go in-between.

This is a must see and makes HBO my #1 channel to watch. BTW, my favorite character is Omar (Michael K. Williams). Omar is kind of a modern day Robinhood. Steels from the drug dealers and gives to himself and his crew. This guy redefines cool. 10/10
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Fahrenheit 9/11 falls way short. I expected more from Moore...
25 June 2004
After some of his other great movies I expected much more from Moore on this one. It falls short and when Moore is trying to make Bush look like a fool he only succeeds it doing that to himself. Moore needs to recall this movie and deep six it before too many see it and his rep is in the dumper forever.

Besides this movie is so politicized in an election year I'm not sure what he expected. He was political driven when he made this movie and it really shows. Not sure what he expected from his critics here but maybe he doesn't care and Moore wants to just put it out there in everyone's faces.

Do yourself a favor and skip this one. There are too many good movies out there to see.
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Best Documentary on Vietnam, bar none
11 November 2003
This is an excellent series on the Vietnam War. Covers how we got there, why so many were killed or wounded, and the political mistakes that made the US lose this war. If you want to know all there is to know about the Vietnam War watch this mini-series. 10/10
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Memento (2000)
A must see movie if you are any kind of movie buff..... 10+
10 July 2003
This is a very good movie. Very creative way to keep the viewer off balance and confused much like the main character Leonard. Watching I could feel what I imaged Leonard was feeling at times. Confused, but it would then start to come together little by little.

Acting was very good, although filming had a few goofs. Overall it got the job done though. Very clever to tip the viewer by using color and b/w as to which way the story was running (b/w = forward, color = backwards). Story starts at the beginning (b/w) and runs to the middle, and in color running backwards toward the middle. When the middle is reached the movie is over.

I was surprised to read negative reviews. Maybe they should watch it again. 40%+ of the 54,000 that rated the movie gave it a 10 out of 10. #13 of all time from that many people might suggest that a second look might be in order by the ones that didn't like it.

For a movie that took a little over a month to shoot and cost only $5m to make that blows most all the main stream much more costly movies out of the water is something worth noting by Hollywood. Special effects, Hollywood top 10 actor list, and big production budgets are not needed to make a very good film and a lot of money considering the gross so far on the film.

Outstanding. 10/10
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The Hours (2002)
Sorry but this one sucked big time. Worst moive I have seen in years bar none!
3 July 2003
Not much to say good about "The Hours" other than the acting was very good. Everything else about this movie missed the mark or was just was just plain horrible!

Everyone made a big deal about this movie because of Nicole's nose job and how it changed her for the roll. Okay…… but I need a little more than that in a movie.

The only part I liked was when the titles rolled at the end and I could hit rewind and take this dog back to the video store.
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Best movie that I have seen in years. On my top ten list for sure.
3 July 2003
`Antwone Fisher' renews my faith that people don't have to be a victim of their circumstances. They can rise above everything that is thrown at them in life and still be a decent person and be good examples to all that know their story.

As always Denzel gives a top notch performance and Derek Luke gives a remarkable performance. We will see more of Derek in the future I'm sure.

Got a problem teenager. Sit them down and make them what this movie and the interview with the real Antwone Fisher (on the DVD extra). One's life doesn't have to be crap just because everyone around you happens to be that way. 10/10
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The Wire (2002–2008)
Great story, superb acting, perfect casting, and top notch directing.
24 September 2002
For someone that isn't into the inter city 'drug' scene that wants to understand how 'the system' works The Wire is a great series. Drug Dealer/city politics 101. The so called 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' all have an 'agenda' and everyone is part of the 'food chain' that starts with the kids selling drugs in the projects and ends at the highest level of city government. As the series progresses we move up the food chain, learn how each level works and how each depends on the level below. Drugs is the glue that keeps the system together and money is the fuel that powers the entire system.

The acting is top notch and blows away all competition in the genre. Here is hoping for season two as The Wire is right up there with The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, in interesting story line, exquisite acting, interesting characters, and creativeness.

Lastly, the actor who plays Omar, Michael K. Williams, is absolutely great! Why haven't we seen this actor before? Michael dominates every scene he is in.
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Path to War (2002 TV Movie)
Good screenplay, great acting, good way not to run a war!
9 June 2002
Many today are not aware of the LBJ Whitehouse and the political side of the Vietnam war told from this perspective. This should be a must see in all schools today to better understand this part of our history.

Good look at Johnson's feelings towards the Kennedy's which I don't think is widely known.

If after seeing this you are still not sure why the military should run wars and not the Whitehouse watch the PBS series Battlefield Vietnam.

I think this is a must see... 9/10
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Move sucked. I'd skip this one unless you like visual stimulation with no story.
13 March 2002
This isn't a movie. A movie, IMHO, must have a story line and make you think and Moulin Rouge doesn't do either! Great visual situation, and eye candy if one likes colors, dancing, Nicole Kidman, and random stage performances. This is for the moviegoer that likes music, to be visually entertained and doesn't care about a story or thinking. Sorry, I didn't care for this offering and can't believe it's up for Best Picture. I gave it a 2 only because I liked the music selections. 2/10
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Shrek (2001)
Great movie! Get this one on DVD, it's a keeper.
18 February 2002
This movie is great adult entrainment that kids would like as well. Some of it is a little PG (rating) but I think that most kids would be mostly amused by the visual graphics and miss the adult under current in the PG parts.

I am not nuts about the adult cartoons but this was excellent! It is one of the best movies I've seen recently. Pay attention to all the spoofs of almost everything. Other movies, music, cartoons, pop culture, political correctness (dragon unwanted touching), nothing is off limits. You really have to watch it a second time to pick up on the many little things that are easy to miss the first time through.

Great movie. Get this one on DVD, it's a keeper. 10/10
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Jack the Dog (2001)
Interesting Movie, worth a watch
1 February 2002
Not sure what I expected when I started watching this movie. But as the movie progressed it got more interesting. Jack like most guys is either with or wants to be with many ladies throughout his life. Most is for the physical but a child is produced by one relationship that eventually brings love, responsibility, and sense of purpose to Jack's life. It's kind of a Kramer vs. Kramer as the relationship develops with his child on one hand and his many sexual encounters continues unabated until his love and responsibility for his son override his desire to see still more women.

In the end his relationship with his parents which has been strained through most of his life gets comfortable as he see life more clearly as a responsible father.

Watch for some very good acting and the efficient way the movie is cut and the story told. My only real complaint is the sound quality was poor and I found it hard to understand the dialog at times. I had to back up the TIVO a number of times to listen to the missed dialog and a few times I was not able to understand what was being said.
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Traffic (2000)
Interesting story, good acting, horrible filming.
17 March 2001
Went to see this tonight with very high expectations and the acting lived up to my expectations. The story was choppy and at times hard to follow but after about 1 ½ hours and lots of sub-titles the stories started to slowly come together and make sense.

What just about destroyed the entire movie was the way Soderbergh shot the movie. I think half of the movie was shot with a 8mm hand held video camera and a cheap one at that. There was so much unnecessary camera motion it totally distracted me from the good acting and interesting story. And if a hand held cam was not enough we had close in shots with the main characters face out of focus and at times off the top or the side of the screen. It looked like a ten year old with daddy's old super 8 video shot 1/3 of the movie. What was Soderbergh thinking? I gave it 6 out of 10 and that's generous.
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Cast Away (2000)
Good movie, great acting, good story.
28 December 2000
Tom Hanks, what can I say? He's great as always. Filming was very good, special effects were nearly flawless. Not sure I buy the jet engine chasing him through the water long after the crash and the front half of the plane has already sank. Story makes one think what they might do and if they could survive under similar circumstances. Can see awards coming for Best Picture, Best Actor (Hanks) and maybe Best Cinematography. The story did good not to give in the temptation do a cheery ending but provided a very believable ending. Gave it a 7.
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Story okay, acting good, directing - sucks!
10 November 2000
I like football and thought I would like this movie. I didn't like it. What I disliked the most was the way the movie was cut and the lack of overall continuity. One second the movie (& story) would be moving in slow motion, then bang, major action would flash across the screen with a 100 db increase in volume. I about wore out the volume button on my remote control. Leave this one on the shelf. 3/10
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Not a great movie but worth a watch!
10 November 2000
Got this movie because of the high IMDB rating. Maybe my expectations were maybe higher than they should have been but this one was just okay. Very good acting all around and as always Kevin Spacey was great! I don't like stories that start out confusing until you learn enough to ‘get it'. Many times these movies are better the second time through so maybe I should watch it again and then rate it. 7/10
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Good story, good acting, good movie!
4 November 2000
I liked this movie overall. Story was predictable but enjoyed it anyways. Charlize Theron (Candy Kendall) was way too much woman for Homer Wells (Tobey Maguire). Homer seemed too 'wide-eyed' at times that distracted from his otherwise interesting role. Highly recommend this movie. 7/10.
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This movie is a total loser.
28 October 2000
Pick this film up based on it's marquee value of four big names. What a waste. Dumb story, characters were shallow and uninteresting. For a comedy it was not really that funny. This movie is a waste of a good video tape. 1 out of 10.
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Of the thousands of movies I've seen this one is hands down the best!
27 October 2000
After seeing this movie again there isn't any words that I can think of to adequately describe what a truly great movie the Shawshank Redemption represents. Every human emotion was perfectly portrayed right down to the coldness of the Shawshank's concrete and steel. This is Morgan Freeman's best movie to date and likely Tim Robbins best movie ever. The cast's acting job is top notch. The period and setting, perfect. Thomas Newman's music score, perfect. Supporting cast, perfect. I think that this is the only movie that I can not think of one single thing that would improve it. Nothing. Owning this movie would be the crown jewel in anyone's collection.

If you haven't seen this movie stop reading this now and go to the nearest video rental place, rent this movie, and come home and spend the best 2+ hours you will ever spend watching a movie. Really! Stephen King is King. I can't understand what this movie is only #2 on IMDB and not #1.
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Jerry and Tom (1998)
Well done, superb acting, interesting characters , a must see!
24 October 2000
Don't look for a deep meaning for life in this film. Look for a very entertaining two hours of superb characters, situations, and some of the most crafty filming techniques I've seen in years. The transitions from one scene to the next were very clever. This one was worth rewinding and watching the characters more closely to fully appreciate them and many of the scene transitions. This is a quality film. The story is not overly complex but keeps you guessing as to what will be next.

Tired of the Hollywood formula movies? Tired of shallow characters? Rent this one, you will not be disappointed.
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