
5 Reviews
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Not as good as "A Few Good Men" but well worth watching
14 November 2000
This is a military court martial movie with a few similarities to A Few Good Men. It did not have as much suspense, but overall it was still quite good. I thought the situation in Yemen made it very applicable to current day problems in Arab-American relations. The movie was released before the USS Cole attack, which reinforces the possibility of the event in question in the court-martial. I don't think the massacre that occurred would have been quite so bloody in a real world situation though.

The performances of Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson and Guy Pearce were very good. Probably no Oscars here, but well worth watching.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Great 70's Rock and Roll experience
27 September 2000
This was a really well balanced movie about the Rock and Roll tour experience from the perspective of a teenage prodigy.

I thought the casting was excellent. Patrick Fugit was perfect as the teenager ("You are not cool") trying to interview the band. Billy Cruddup was good as the star guitar player. Jason Lee was excellent as the lead singer that was somewhat paranoid about what was going on with the direction of the band. Frances McDormand played a good nutty and worried mother ("Don't take drugs!"). The groupies (Kate Hudson, Anna Paquin...) may have been a little tame by groupie standards, but they did say they were "Band Aids" not groupies.

The only thing that some folks might not like is the portrayal of drug use, but we are portraying 70's Rock here. It certainly has less of that than say Pulp Fiction or Scarface.

I've gotta get the soundtrack from this movie. It looks to be a must have for anyone that hails back to the early 70's. Lots of songs by Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, and even one by the band from the movie, Stillwater.
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Magnolia (1999)
Long and somewhat rambling
6 September 2000
I was two hours into this movie and still didn't know where it was going. There were a half-dozen sub plots that had to eventually tie together somehow, but I guess that made it kind of interesting. I loved the music, but then I was already a fan of Aimee Mann. Overall I am torn as to whether it was worth watching for three hours.
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Saving Private Ryan was robbed!
6 September 2000
I reserved my opinion as to whether Saving Private Ryan got cheated out of Best Picture until I saw American Beauty. Now I can absolutely say that they did.

I was about halfway through this movie and wondered if it would be over soon. A sure sign it has some serious problems. I just don't understand what the fuss was about! Sure it had a couple of good moments, but overall it was barely mediocre.
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Gripping story, thought about it for days.
27 August 2000
I came across this movie on TV. I hadn't heard of it before and almost changed the channel, but it quickly hooked me.

The story of the struggle of the Burmese people against a military dictatorship was provoking. The level of brutality that some are willing to use to hold onto power is hard to believe. It makes me thankful to live in a country where the Government isn't likely to shoot people in the streets.

The story of Laura Bowman was a good thread to hold the story of political struggle together.
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