
4 Reviews
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
This Film is Lame
18 July 2002
Do Not see this film! Apologies if you are hopping, surfing or whatever the word is for reading this page to give this a glorious 2 thumbs up or a 10/10 mark this review is not for you!

However if like me the bile that has built up inside you, days after the accursed event has reached boiling point and you feel that you must reach out to the world and cry "SCOOOOOBYYY DON'T" then this might be slightly more your cup of tea.

First I would just like to point out that this film has NO FUN in it whatso ever.It is unfunny, horribly acted, bad plot and just about the only good thing that happened was that it ended. Oh and that it was half as long as Lord of the Rings.

In fact the only fun that might be even dared to be thought up in conjunction with this unspeakable waste of life is tricking your mate into wasting however long (S)he can stand to remain inside a dark,dank grottoesque hellhole surrounded by hordes of no-longer screaming pre pubescent little horrors, who bored out of their witt's end rely on drinking far too much cola in order that they can leave whichever (soon to be ex best mate's great party idea it was to take his friends to see a once proud and noble cartoon, the stalwart of the cartoon network portrayed like a picasso, lude crude and nothing like the original) that they may spend a blessed few minutes relieving themselves before the ordeal starts again

After some father/Mother dragged a kid to see this epic of rectal proportions I can fully understand the idea of parental divorce.

Thank you for reading and may your life be blessed with the hope that you may never encounter such a villainous waste of £5.50.

I am off to ritually cleanse myself by watching Battlefield Earth and Tomb Raider so that my memories may no longer be tainted by such things as Sara Michelle Gellar trying to be anything other than Buffy.. or that nice pretty young thing she played in Cruel Intentions.
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A rollercoaster of a film
10 February 2002
Being a rather young person I guess I was kinda duped into thinking that the Gone in 60 seconds film from 2000 was a great origional idea but hey one Friday night my dad turns on this video and what appears to be an extreemly dodgy or should I say "Cult" film is literally forced upon my eyes. However once recovered from the shock of the title and hair that you could stuff pillows with.. no make that duvets with the film rocks and to make this short its got probably the best and longest car chase i've seen since Ronin.

In short see it.
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The reason why I Shall fail My Maths A-Level
10 April 2001
A great and very amusing film, and not just that, Oh No! the basis of a 2 year friendship with my rather plumpish but affable fellow Corin Freshwater-Turner. Ner a few minutes goes by when we don't have a good laugh as we quote the well memorised lines of this great film. Arguably the best of the Monty Python films it is filled with sketches so immensely funny and so frequent that this film will never date but remain one of the classics of British Cinema forever.
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Possibly the greatest movie of all time?
14 October 2000
The first time I saw it I wasn't that impressed, then for some reason I watched it again a few months later and it had morphed into what I would think is the best John Hughes film and very possibly the greatest teen movie of the eighties, great acting, a fresh new plot superb actors and a fantastic soundtrack all come together to produce a masterpeice

And you can quote me on that.
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