
3 Reviews
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Miami Vice (2006)
31 August 2006
A lot has been written about this movie. Myself I found it a great experience. I thought it was a courageous attempt to make an almost documentary style action movie. True although the movie has a typical Miami vice plot the style is the direct opposite of the series. While the series was stylish flashy and high drama the movie gives an almost clinical view of the events that unfold. Case in point is the music that was so prolific in the series always remains in the background in the movie. The acting is also less expressive there is almost no crying or screaming in the movie. Things just seem to happen as they do in real life. It's refreshing to see a big budget movie that takes a new and daring approach to a genre. But do not be deceived it still makes for great cinema and Michael Mann sneaks a few beautiful shots in to the feature. My advise is check it out for yourself!
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Millian returns as inspector Nico Giraldi
23 March 2003
This is Corbuchi's third entry in a series of cop-thrillers featuring Thomas Millian as inspector Nico Giraldi. This series features more humor than other Italian cop-thrillers. They also contain less violence and less of a political statement. And worst of all there is hardly a story-line. Instead the movie focuses on Millian as a fun-loving member of a anti-theft squad. This particular movie is even a step down from it's earlier entry's. If you're looking for comedy go for it, but if you're looking for a good example of an Italian cop-thriller with lots of action, violence, corruption, and a revenge-theme you'll have to look elsewhere.
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Get Mean (1975)
something different
6 October 2002
Watching this "western" is certainly a unique experience. The plot revolves around the return of a Spanish princess from America to her native country Spain. To help her she enlists the aid of a reluctant hero (Tony Anthony).

It takes them only a minit of music and a dotted line on a map to reach their destination. Where they are just in time to witness a battle between the moors en the vikings. The vikings being the bad guys kidnap the princess immediately afterwards. The rest of the story involves a villainess hunchback who compares himself to Richard III, a treasure guarded by magic, an inbred member of the royal family and an aggressive vikingking.

With a combination of all these elements one can only laugh. Tony Anthony fails as a Clint Eastwood impersonator but that makes the movie only funnier. And it is a funny movie although the fun is mostly unintentional. Also one must admire a movie that tries so hard to be special.
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