
3 Reviews
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God, it's bad...
6 April 2003
It's really sad that this film is so horrible. It's obvious that a lot of love, care, and energy went into the making of it. The actors, according to the extras on the DVD, really loved the venture, putting a great deal of themselves into this film. Problem is the script is dreadful, with a few exceptions the acting is horrible, and the direction is so poor that you'll walk away from this film wishing for your time and your money back.

The main problem is that all the good things in the story -- the abduction, the relationship between the brothers and the fathers and the teens in love -- are just plopped down in front with no sense of drama, care, or even thrill. The most interesting bit of the movie, the abduction of one of the characters, wasn't even in the theatrical release according to the DVD. What could have gotten the film off to a bang and left the audience curious, wondering what was going on, invested in the film, never happens. We're left wondering what went wrong with the writing, the directing and everything else.

Jesse Petrick just isn't up to the task of carrying the film. He's -acting- the whole time without an honest note to his performance. Mathieu Smith does an admirable job with his more complicated role. For a first timer, he walk away with his scenes with Petrick. It's a shame that Smith hasn't, as far as IMDB says, had any more work.

Overall, wait for cable. Then hold your breath. The movie is a lot better if you are oxygen deprived and hallucinating good performances and a script that makes sense.
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God, what dreck...
15 December 2002
Perhaps...perhaps...if you are three, have no experience of watching anything more than "Barney" or "Teletubbies," and still derive a great deal of pleasure out of sticker books, you'll find this film a treat. For the rest of us, the eye candy of the five cute leads simply does not fill the void left by an inane script, tepid vocals and dancing right out of a 3rd grade recital.

A great idea squandered, the lack of budget and the on-the nose writing of the script further erode whatever good will the amiable cast of had-to-be-hungry-or- else-we-wouldn't-take-these-roles-without-bags-over-our-heads actors endear.

If you can watch this thing with the fast forward on, which I did, more power to you.
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The Brotherhood (2001 Video)
I didn't realize it was _that_ bad...
1 January 2001
I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants. Having been attracted to the box cover on the Blockbuster shelf -- it was right there next to another film with hunky guys with their shirts off -- I knew going in the film would be bad. If it had been at least passable it would have already aired on SciFi, it's 85 minutes stretched to cover two hours. But I thought I could at least get a few good laughs and enjoy shirtless men cavorting about with the occasional exploding vampire death thrown in for gores sake. Oh but this was just PAINFUL to watch. Yes the guys are either super hot or dorky cute and the director never misses an opportunity to pose said actors without shirts or pants, but why oh why did he have to write the most horrible, stilted, expository laden dialogue ever to grace B-movie heaven? The scenes drag on forever -- I spent five minutes fastforwarding through one and the angle, action and characters never changed! -- the acting is horrendous and the homoeroticism while present is never really used to anything more than wink-wink nudge-nudge effect. As for gore there was none, just kayro syrup used to laughable effect.

Yet somehow you can't hate this film. I don't know why. Perhaps its all the brilliant pecs on display, the well intentioned riff on straight T&A movies or the joy the director obviously took having five cast members and $100 to work with. Whatever you do though, don't watch it alone. After all, why should you and only you be subjected to this piece of c***?
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