
7 Reviews
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One Shot
7 June 2002
This movie will haunt me until the day I die. I know when you think of the word haunt you would think of it in a bad way, but in this case it is not. There are things about this movie that will always bother me. The many times Nicki had to rescue himself from the world that was Vietnam. The way the vietminh soldiers threw the U.S. soldiers into a pit of water and left them to die, and their bodies to the rats. But these are things soon lost in the mix when you get caught up in this epic of a movie. Robert DeNiro is one of the geatest actors of all time. I know many people say once a person is in a role nobody could have played it better. But this is trully a case where noone could have played the role of Michael better than DeNiro. He brings you in from the beginning and never lets go. Just as the movie does. There are so many different emotions you are forced to feel as the piece goes along it's hard to focus on just one. But if anything jumps out at you the most it's friendship. It's never leaving someone behind. These men have a bond that others only wish they could achieve as friends. They are inseperable. But that turns out to be the problem for them. Being serperated causes a mental anguish so strong that they become trapped, a world they would never escape. There are many sad feelings from this movie, but also many feelings of pride. As well as many times you will find yourself laughing right along with the men from the small Pittsburgh town. The Deer Hunter is a movie that should escape noone's mind.
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Kids bring out the best in Bruce Willis
31 March 2002
I guess I am one of a few that really enjoyed this picture. For some reason I just felt the characters were very believable and the plot as well. I know it's just a movie but I wouldnt go as far as to say things like this don't happen. Bruce Willis is one of my favorites too, so maybe that is another reason I liked it so much. But anyone would have to agree that Miko Hughes, who portrayed the autistic 9yr old "Simon", gave a performance just as touching and realistic as the young boy from The Sixth Sense. Mercury Rising had good action, good dialogue and good emotion. And Bruce Willis gave that certain touch to make it a 10 to me.
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Just makes you smile
20 March 2002
This movie really is as simple as that, it just puts a smile on your face. There isn't anyone that could have played the laid back, cocky and strong-willed Lucas"Cool Hand"Jackson. He pulls you in right from the beginning with that cool Luke smile and never lets you go. He has thoughts that every man can relate to, and he acts according to his rules and nobody else's. That is pretty much why he was in trouble in the first place and why he never really got out of it. This picture isn't full of explosions and hi-tech special effects, it's full of real life action. Guys sitting around makin' bets about off the wall kinds of things and those same guys drooling like boys over a woman that they will never get the chance to even talk to. The setting of this movie may be on a chain gang from the 60s, but it makes you feel like you are in a totally different place, and you just have smile.
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Courtroom Drama at it's Best
18 March 2002
To Kill a Mockingbird is without question a perfect 10. The story , the actors, everything is perfect. Gregory Peck delivers a performance that is hard to describe with words. The way he carried himself about the courtroom, the way he spoke with a firmness no person could challenge made you believe every single word he said.And although tragic , this movie also shows how justice can be served outside the law, ironically. There is plenty of emotion, good and bad, to keep you interested throughout the entire picture. That is why To Kill a Mockingbird is a perfect 10.
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One of the worst movies ever
10 March 2002
The Talented Mr. Ripley was quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. The plot was odd and the characters were a little weird. Matt Damon, an actor whom which I normally enjoy his movies,played a very disturbing character that didn't have much of a reason behind any of his actions. The only reason I gave it a four was because of a song. The jazz and the atmosphere of the local club made for an incredible scene.I would not bad mouth this movie to anyone, but I would not recommend it either.
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Possibly the greatest depiction of war ever.
4 March 2002
The action of Full Metal Jacket and the strong emotion of Platoon, yet it hits you in a different way. You can compare it to other war movies but it was very much a unique film. Maybe it affects me in a deeper way because these things happened within the time that I have been alive, but I think you'd be lying if you said it didn't leave an everlasting nick in your heart. The bond between the men in this movie is so powerful you almost feel like you are one of them, and when something happens to one of them you feel like it was one of your men. Action, emotion, and excellent acting make this movie one of my top 10.
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Rocky (1976)
The fact that Rocky isn't on the top 250 is kinda sad.
4 March 2002
Rocky is one of two great boxing movies. Only Raging Bull challenges Rocky as the greatest boxing movie of all time. Not only is there great action inside the ring, the story and drama outside the ring makes for a movie worth watching over and over again. There is no doubt in my mind it should be at least in the top 25.
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