
22 Reviews
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Into the West (2005)
The Characters are IMMORTAL......
2 August 2005
This got very irksome and tiring after the 3rd episode. How can all the Wheelers live such long lives? Hello! The average life expectancy back then was 40, not 90 to 100. Sure, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin lived into their 80's, but they are exceptions. I just couldn't stand watching the inconsistencies of time. And Jacob really should have died out there on the prairie. The man was well over his prime. He would have got Gangrene or been killed by a bear or something. Anything so that he was not in the last 3 episodes!! Did anyone do the math? Even if he was only 16 in 1823, he would have been 83-84 in the last episode. Did anyone else find this a bit far fetched? He looked like a young man of 60, and how would he have made the trip back to the west????? Oh, shows like this irritate me. And Clara was pregnant again in her late 30's? Yeah, that is historically realistic!

The last episode was ho hum and over done. It completely lacked a story, especially when all the characters were played by different actors. It was so hard to remember who was who. I feel like I watched the whole series only to be disappointed. Why is it that whenever they claim to make a series telling two sides of the story, it always feels one-sided? And we never find out what happens to most of the characters. They are introduced then drop off the face of the earth. Annoying! This had the potential to be great. It included way too many story lines to be believable and depicted Native Americans like every other movie out their except that they spoke Lakota. WOW.... Don't waste your time... really. OR just watch the first 3 and forget the other 3 exist. But even then, you'll just be irritated by the whole thing.
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Better if done by Hitchcock
28 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I feel this movie had the potential to be great. The actors were great, but lacking great direction. Now, if Alfred Hitchcock had stepped in as director, this film would have been as good as To Catch a Thief or Rear Window. But no, it sucks because the director sucked. He had no insight on how to make a good suspense film flow correctly. Ans how could anyone not have realized working on this film that you can't take a gun on a plane? I know this was pre 9-11, but even before that you couldn't take a gun on a plane. Was she just so cute that no one thought she would have a gun? Yeah, right!

And the whole Matty story plot was sooooo fake. I did not feel the chemistry at all. I don't know whether Judd is a mom or not, but she sure didn't act like a mom towards Matty. And who the heck calls their kid Matty? It was annoying! Also, he was suppose to be 2 years old in the opening scene and he looked more 4 or 5. So it just wasn't cute to have the kid singing his ABC's when he should already know them at 5 (plus, the kid actor looked annoyed he was even in the movie to begin with).

This film did a poor job depicting prison and I feel they skipped over the most essential part of the film- her six years in prison. She wouldn't be the same Elizabeth within those six years. The movie could have expanded on her prison life for more than 3 scenes. I feel like the scene where she is running in the courtyard and using the weight machines was just thrown in as an after thought. "Oh, she's gotta get tough now so she can kill her husband." Yeah, okay. Lame scene. Plus, we never see any guards???? Were they just at a big summer camp for criminals???

The whole beginning scenes were poorly written as well,and once again, there was just NO chemistry between Judd and that Bruce guy. (he is old). Yuck, the idea gives me the shivers.

A suspense film is suppose to leave the audience in "suspense" but the audience knew what was going to happen every step of the the way! It was lame, and so tiring to watch that I got a headache. I would only watch this fluff if you like to watch Ashley Judd. Otherwise, it's a big waste of your time. Try High Crimes instead or a Hitchcock film. I only gave it 3 stars for effort and Ashely Judd. She tried.
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Rip-off of X-men
26 March 2005
Um, this was suppose to be a kid's film? Not one iota of it was a kid's film in my book. This is a truly adult movie, so no wonder it has had record sales. You could pop this movie in, and the kids will be asleep faster than the plot line can move forward. Obviously Brad Bird dreamed the Incredibles after watching X-men a thousand times. Did anyone else notice the cunning similarities? Well, watch X-men and you will see what I mean. I was waiting for the movie to be over after the first thirty minutes! I can not believe all the raving reviews I have read! They all must be written by teenagers and older adults still in love with superheros and fantasy lands, where role playing leads their life. The Incredibles is in league of its own as far as computer animation goes! The characters and settings look incredibly real. But as for the plot, you can not compare The Incredibles to Finding Nemo or Toy Story. That is asinine!

I do not recommend this movie for little kids! This is clearly an animated X-men!!
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Poor acting!
26 January 2005
I have to say that both Books I and II are good stories, but the acting leaves a bit to be desired. Patrick Swayze reminds me of William Shatner in his attempts to act. Both try too hard to make their feelings shown on their faces. It's unnerving to watch. And this is suppose to be a romantic drama, but the kissing leaves more to be desired. There was absolutely no chemistry between Orry and Madeline! Every time they kissed, I wondered if Leslie was turned off by Patrick's breath like Viven Leigh was to Clark Gable's in Gone with the Wind. Orry never actually kissed her, just opened his mouth on her cheek.Gross! I know that most actors "screen kiss" but this was a little too obvious to me, like watching a BAD soap opera, but then most soap operas fall into the bad category anyways. James Reed did an excellent job as George and without him, I fear the mini series would have been doomed. Event though the cameos by Liz Taylor and Gene Kelly and James Stewart make this a keepsake of cinema, I think this miniseries would fair better to be remade today. The acting was just not up to par. I haven't seen Book III yet, and from what I have read here, that might be a good thing! All in all, this is a good series to watch if you are really bored with todays television and want to get lost in American History (although brutally fabricated in its historic details.)
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Okay, but not a holiday classic
23 November 2004
I just finished watching this movie and was kinda disappointed. But what more could I expect? I'm not 10 anymore! The story line was good considering they were trying to tell a story in less than 2 hours time. I don't think it captured the beauty of the books nor the spunky nature of Samantha at all. The acting was horrible, almost soap opera-ish. The actress playing Samantha had a weird smile that almost made her look evil. And the girl playing Nellie was sooooo bad... I felt embarrassed for her. She couldn't act a lick! I don't see this movie becoming a classic of any sort. I only watched it because I loved the American Girl Series when I was a kid.
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Mr. Sullivan does not respect his fans
16 November 2004
I am really disappointed in this movie. What was Mr. Sullivan thinking? I can understand changing the script to make a better movie like in Anne 2, but this was ridiculous. Especially the fact that it was supposed to be only 5 years later. Come on! The audience is not dumb, Mr. Sullivan. He could have kept his WWI story line but still integrate Avonlea people and timeline into it. Geeze! It would have been really simple! Anne and Gilbert should have been married already, had some kids and lived in Ingleside. The movie could have began with Gilbert buying Green Gables (since Rachel lives with Hetty at this point). And then the timeline would have matched! It is so simple that it erks me to no end and I have only seen this movie twice. The second time it was really hard not to throw something at the TV! All he had to do was include events that occurred in Road to Avonlea and a lot of the fans would be happy. And he could have still included his WW1 obsession by showing Davy Keith joining and how Gilbert wanted to be a doctor on the front. Rachel should have played a bigger role than she did. Fred and Diane could have had their problems too, but it should have been Fred Jr. going off to war, not Fred Sr. In the books,Anne's kids went off to war and Walter died. This could have been some of the plot as well. Also, I am annoyed that the orphan house Felicity works at was used as Diane's house as if fans would not recognize it from Avonlea. Not all the characters of Avonlea needed to be involved, but the story lines should have meshed better. Plus, what happened to the town of Avonlea itself? It would not have changed that much in 5 years!! Even Carmody was weird looking. I just wish Megan Follows had said no to this script until changes were made. I think the fault lies more in her lap than in Mr. Sullivan's since the actor usually knows what is better for the character than the writers do. Sigh. Only watch this movie once for the great scenes between Gilbert and Anne where you can just FEEL their chemistry. Otherwise, try to forget it exists!!
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Stepmom (1998)
Jena Malone rocks, the movie sucks
10 November 2004
This is a very long movie! It has some good moments in it that make you laugh, cry, etc... but after a while, you forget what you are watching and what the plot of the movie is suppose to be. It's like a serial novel or a long miniseries. I don't like Sarandon's character. I think she portrays a mom horribly in this movie. Roberts is okay, but you can't help wondering why she would want to be with Ed Harris who looks like he could be her dad. Gross. The only redeeming quality to the whole movie is Jena Malone who is a superb actress no matter what crap of a script she is given to work with. I think this movie put her on the map of faces to watch for. If you are looking for a good movie, look for one with Jena in it. Ugh. I got to watch this movie twice in succession on TBS while typing a paper and it didn't get better the second time. I would only recommend viewing this during an ice storm or when there is nothing better to do outside or you don't have a good book to read. But really, its not worth the time Mr. Columbus put into it.
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5 October 2004
Sigh. I really loved this movie as a kid!! It aired once on the Family Channel (now it's PAX) and then I lost the VHS or taped over it entirely. I recently found a really crappy version on that is so fuzzy that it's not even worth watching it. It really isn't worth the price you pay for it either as some guy just recorded it from his own VHS recording so you know how that goes. But if you are really desperate like I was to hear "GLUB" again and to relive some happier times, then try I wish they would release this movie on DVD so that everyone can share the magic of Glub and the house under the sea. Sure, the acting is campy and the story line is lame, but the music makes it much better (even though they are lip singing and not even playing their instruments). Plus, you gotta love a Richard Dreyfuss film!
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Canadians are brilliant filmmakers when it comes to depicting teen life
20 July 2004
I was really bored last night and Degrassi was on so I decided to see what all the hype was about. It's a pretty good show, some bad acting and awful sets, but the story lines had good morals. It reminded me the Canadian series, Ready or Not which aired on Disney Channel a few years ago. Canada puts out some great series that are often overlooked by us Americans because we have no access to them. I want to be Canadian now... Anyhow, I liked the episodes I saw but I think Emma looked very emaciated. It must have been the first or second season as it was dated 2002. I have seen commercials for more recent episodes of Degrassi, and Emma doesn't look like a walking corpse anymore. I seriously think the actress was anorexic for a while.
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Little Women (1994)
The best version by far...
18 July 2004
What can I say that hasn't been said before? I simply love this movie. I could watch it ten times in a row and still cry when Beth is gone. I use to hate Claire Danes as Beth. It infuriated me to no end that she was bigger than Jo, but as I got older and watched it with fresh eyes, I got over it. I actually think Danes is the best cast Beth so far. What I really love about this movie is the musical score and the costumes. The hair is perfect as well, as the frizzies were allowed to be free. I am offended by period movies where everyone's hair is perfect since they did not have hair spray back then. I am glad Gillian Armstrong let the frizzies come out naturally! One flaw of this movie is when Jo yells at Amy using today's terminology. I don't think the real Jo would say "I'm going to kill you! I hate you!" That seems very 1990's to me. But other than that, this is the best Little Women you can see and it is destined to become a classic if it isn't considered one already.
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Little Women (1949)
Just Okay
18 July 2004
I just re-watched this version to compare it with the 1994 version that I just saw as well. This version loses completely. The story line was slow, not faithful to the book, and no one was acting. I was severely disappointed as this was my favorite movie as a kid. June Allyson has lost to Ryder who is the perfect Jo in my eyes. The performance by O'Brien as Beth was cheesy and she was just too cute and sweet to be Beth. And what about the death scene? Were we just suppose to know that Beth died?? Hmm. I heard, though I don't know if it is true, that MGM didn't what Margaret to die in a movie as the fans might really think she was dead!! Elizabeth Taylor gives a fine performance as Amy, but she is out shined by Dunst in the 1994 version. I do like this version better than the Katherine Hepburn one, but it shall never live up to the great cast and story line of 1994!
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Saved! (2004)
Jesus loves us, don't ya know???
22 June 2004
This movie was a riot, a must see for anyone, especially repressed Bible thumpers. Mandy Moore deserves more credit as an actress than she is actually given. Moore was completely believable in her role as the snotty Christian do-gooder, the girl we all love to hate. I was really impressed by her and she carried the movie along. Jena Malone was also good, as always. I have yet to see a bad movie of hers. In fact, the whole movie contained great acting and I felt as if I was one of the students at American Eagle watching the antics of Hillary Faye from the sidelines.

It is definitely worth the hour and a half invested to watch it! You will never look at the words "Jesus loves you" in the same light again. In fact, right after I saw the movie, a homeless man was standing on the street corner near the theater with a sign that said "Anything helps. Jesus loves you!" I was half tempted to buy him a ticket to Saved so he could rethink that last line.
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Good with some faults
16 April 2004
Maybe I am completely lame, but I liked this movie. I think Sarah Polley did a terrific job at portraying her character. I could feel the chemistry between Polley and Speedman and "the other man." Amanda Plummer's character was unnecessary, but then, I always find her to be annoying in movies. The editing left more to be desired as it was choppy in a lot of places, but I think that was to add to the effect of Anne's choppy life. I found the editing to be a bit annoying, and the ending could have ended a bit sooner. All in all, I enjoyed this movie but not everyone is going to like it. It is rather slow in places. I would recommend it on a rainy day where you feel like a good cry.
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Just Okay
26 March 2004
I liked this movie for the fact that it was definitely different than the typical Hollywood crap, but it doesn't live up to other great Indy films. The acting was good from Johanson and Murry. I really felt their chemistry, albeit a gross chemistry when you get down to the age factor. Eeew. The ending was rather lame and left me wondering why I even put energy into watching it all the way through. My hope for something outstanding was never substantiated. Oh well. This is one of those movies you watch when you have absolutely nothing better to do. Honestly, I do not see what all the hype was about. But I watched it to support Scarlett Johanson! She is a very talented actress.
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26 March 2004
The story line, too contrived. Yeah, I know it's a true story, but I did not feel a flow to the movie at all. I felt like Diane Lane was not Francis at all, that she was only saying the written words without acting. She was not up to paar in this movie. And why is it that I cannot watch a movie these days without a lesbian-gay undertones? I am finding that somewhat annoying. The best part about this movie is the setting. It's beautiful scenery. The acting leaves more to be desired. Only watch this movie if you are extremely bored, but even then I think you would be better off reading a good book. I give it a 4 out of 10 for effort and for being a somewhat true story.
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Possession (2002)
Just Okay
28 February 2004
I have wanted to see this movie for a while only because Jennifer Ehle of Pride and Prejudice fame is in it. While I was disappointed with the film overall, I was entertained by the scenes between Jennifer Ehle and Jeremy Northam's characters. They had great on-screen chemistry together. As for Paltrow and that Eckhart guy, they shared no chemistry what so ever. I just don't think Paltrow knows how to put herself fully into a love scene. Also, she is a horrible actress and the british accent was even worse. Why couldn't they have hired a British actress for a British role?? I suggest you watch this movie once if you enjoy a good story, just realize that the acting will be poor between the Americans Paltrow and Eckhart.
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Freaky Friday (2003)
The Best Version so far!
30 January 2004
Well, like most of the other comments, I did not think I would enjoy this movie considering the two movies previous to it by the same title. If you are hesitant to watch this version for the same reason, then I suggest you watch it! Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan out-shine themselves in this movie. All the acting was believable, like they really were mom and daughter. I truly enjoyed this movie, even at 23 years of age. Try it out, you won't be disappointed.
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A Walton Easter (1997 TV Movie)
For the Walton Fans
7 January 2004
Since no one has made a comment on this movie, I thought I should. I saw it back on TV when I was 17 and liked it then very much, but I rewatched it the other day and was not at all happy with it. It seemed very pushed and unrealistic which is unlike the Walton series itself. Plus, everyone looked old and tired. When this movie first came out, there were rumors that there would be another movie in 2 years where Elizabeth and Drew get married. Well, that would be a good movie, but where is it? I would certainly watch it. As for this movie, while it is not up to par with The Walton Thanksgiving Reunion, if you are a true Walton fan you will enjoy it.
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Great Movie!
7 January 2004
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and I can still watch it today with that same warm feeling. What I liked most about it was the interaction between Cary and his real life wife Betsy Drake on screen. They made another movie together, Every Girl Should be Married, which is also a charm and a must see for a Cary Grant fan. Anyhow, you will not be wasting your time if you sit down and watch this very heartwarming film. If you do watch it and feel nothing, then you may be headed towards Grinch-dom.
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An all-around good movie
17 December 2003
Anyone that is not moved after watching this movie might be related to the Grinch, having a heart that is 4 times too small to feel. Of all the crap that spews out of hollywood, we should be glad that they still make movies like this one. The acting was believable, and the story amazing. I can watch this movie over and over and not get sick of it. If you have not seen it, or thought it was a dud, watch it again with new eyes.
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Good family movie
3 December 2003
I did not expect to enjoy this movie at all. I put it on for background noise and found myself engaged. Maybe it was just Colin Firth, since he is such a dashing actor and believable in this roll. But I was terribly surprised by Amanda's acting. I never cared for the girl much, even on her own annoying "Amanda show." I can see myself watching this movie with my own kids someday. It was not stupid, or ridiculously contrived like Lizzy McGuire or the remake of Parent Trap, or even the absurd Princess Diaries that leave you wondering why Julie Andrews couldn't see through the lame plot. Anyhow, I would recommend this movie to anyone who is not afraid to lose themselves for an hour and twenty minutes. I give it a four out of five.
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Excellent Movie
10 November 2003
I have seen this film twice now and it's a pity that more people aren't aware of its beauty. I simply love this film! I think that it can be compared to American Beauty- it's in the same realm. The acting is great, especially by the teenage girl, Sara. When she screamed "get it out of my head" I felt her pain, realism poured from her screams. Anyhow. Watch this movie then go read the book, a collection of short stories by the same author who brought us the twisted "End of Alice." Now when will that become a movie? Eew.
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