
2 Reviews
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Macbeth (1948)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
17 February 2001
Not a Welles masterpiece, but it's still pretty good in my opinion.


Although Welles's portrayal of Macbeth differs somewhat from my own interpretation, this by no means took away the enjoyment of watching him perform on film. As a director, Welles's captures the atmosphere of Shakespeares darkest play perfectly. He employs a typically expressive use of the camera, surreal lighting and sets to conjure up a claustrophic world. I felt the restructuring of Shakespeare's play to was pretty inventive too.


The rest of the cast, but most of all Nolan's "version" of Lady Macbeth. Terrible acting pretty much sums it up.


I know it's a cliche -- the horrible "Scottish" accents.


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Logan's War: Bound by Honor (1998 TV Movie)
2 February 2001
It's extraordinary that no one had the common sense to release Logan's War theatrically. This is perhaps one of the best action thrillers to emerge from America's film factory in quite some time. The storyline is touching, without being oversentimental, the acting is everything you can expect from America's finest and the director should be commended for his brilliantly handled action sequences. I predict that Logan's War: Bound by Honour will become a cult classic. I give it 9/10.

By the way, I'm lying! The acting is terrible, Michael Preece can't direct his way out of a paperbag (here's just five examples - excessive use of dissolves, corny use of a colour filter, annoying flashbacks, pathetic zooming, and the "dramatic" slow motion deaths. He's NO John Woo!) and God, don't get me started on those stupid sub plots, particularly the (dammit, too late).. protagonist rescuing the boy and his mother from the abusive stepfather. How exactly does that serve the rest of the story... oh yes, to remind ourselves what a hero/nice guy Logan is!? I can say this for it - it's a masterpiece of implausibility. What's with that silly flying kick at the end.

If any of you are have lost confidence in the America action film, may I heal you with past memories of Face Off, Terminator 2, The Matrix and Steven Spielberg's magnificent Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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