
3 Reviews
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Vanguard (2020)
The action is the icing on the cake.
11 October 2020
I went to this movie expecting great action & I got more than great, fantastic action pieces. The casts are charismatic & likable but that's all to it. I feel like this movie is a sequel to a movie that doesn't exist. The world set-up is intriguing but the execution is generic. The characters are actually interesting but their time of interaction were consumed by the action. Wished we got some backstory behind these characters motivation but sadly the duration is short.

Jackie Chan was great & he doesn't overshadowed the rest of the characters which I'm glad. The plot & the villain motivation were so generic & stupid hence they stop me from loving this movie. I don't get how everyone saying the CG is terrible, imo its really good. The action pieces are definitely the highlight of the movie.
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#Alive (2020)
The only complain I had it this movie felt a bit too short.
31 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely decent movie but felt like it's getting overlooked because of the fact that it's only releasing on Korean cinemas & also the fact that Peninsula, a disappointing sequel covering up this hidden gem.

The movie is really intense & hold u back against your seat for sure. Absolutely smart with the technology gimmick but could have use more of that. Character-wise, also great.
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Truly a definion of a super hero movie.
26 April 2019
It was an epic, funny & emotional conclusion to the 11 years of the MCU. It's probably one of the most 'comic booky' film next to Spider Verse.
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