
22 Reviews
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Goosebumps (2023– )
Another Disney Trainwreck
24 October 2023
I was not expecting a lot from Disney who is notorious for destroying ips but still they managed to outdo themselves.

Somehow they managed to do even less with goosebumps than that old cheesy and low budget old series. At least that one had clearly honoured the feeling of the ip despite it's shortcomings

This one however fails in every respect. The characters are gen z caricatures, not atypical for Disney characters Some like Isaiah tend to show growth but honestly most are wooden and the actors performances aren't much better.

I do not hate the idea of the continuous plot but it's very poorly executed. Cause apart from the main plot it makes it impossible to explore the stories of the books adequately but then what's the point of calling it goosebumps if you don't actually develop these stories? Indeed it never feels like goosebumps and when the show attempts to show tension it is resolved rather boringly and poorly.

The show isn't scary nor suspenseful and the plot even of that main story is bare bones. Lazy writing, hardly any well written revelations ( the show basically shows you what happened pretty much in the first episodes) but mostly stories that do not represent those of the books neither in execution nor in feeling. At no point you'll feel like these stories offer anything in regards to suspense , plot or intense feelings. They seem mostly like cheap scary stories you read on some Reddit thread.
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Another cw failure
18 March 2023
This show is the epitome of how CW ammased a huge debt by producing garbage like this.

It's a classic cw teen show formula with brainless plot, cringe dialogue and teenage millenials angst issues. The only difference is that cw is also dragging the ip of batman to the mud along with the show which is not surprising given the amount of ips cw have destroyed we're used to it by now.

I don't think people were expecting much from this and after the pilot they still managed to dissapoint us. Cause what people wanted from a barman show was ofc CWs insight into teenage problems and talentless writing.
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Barbarians (2020–2022)
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When historic advisors to the show quit because the show which is supposed to be a historical drama has as much to do with the real historical facts as coca cola with healthy lifestyle you know it's gonna be bad. Add some Diversity crap because history is too offensive and you got an absolute mess of a show.

Add the ridiculously bad action in this in which a man unarmed beats a full batallion of armed Romans with just his hands and you know this is basically asterix and obelix. Truly asterix and obelix might even be more historically accurate than this supposedly historical drama and undoubtedly it's 10x more fun so i suggest watching it instead.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
Promising start, abysmally bad ending
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show happens at two different times. One on real time in which a woman investigates the death of an author and one at the imaginary world of the books of said author. This is ok with me but the show couldn't let it go at some point and we have the woman talking to the imaginary detective of the books discussing the cases which is completely stupid and out of place. It gets to the point it's pure cringe after a while.

The most dissapointing part by far though it's the ending of both cases the murders in real time and in the case of the last book the murdered author wrote. So the author gets murdered because if you combined the words of the titles of the books he wrote they'd form a bad anagram sentence and it would be bad publicity and allegedly destroy the popularity of the books and the company that published them and the culprit didn't want that.

So they're basically telling us that readers out of the blue would put together all the titles of the seven books he wrote would anagram the initials of the titles names and find this bad sentence. Whoever thought this was a good idea for a twist needs a reality check. One of the worst ending twists of all time.

And as for the murder in the book it's pretty much clear who did it since episode 8 the show pretty much gives practically tells you clearly who did it. The detective interviews the father of the boy who died and the father tells him that his brother was jealous of him and the dog he was gifted and voila both the brother and the dog died.

I liked the premise initially but I can't forgive a mystery series for being too bad on the mystery aspect and giving such ridiculously bad plot twists.
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Tiger & Bunny (2011–2022)
Netflix managed to ruin this
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was a masterpiece with good characters, coherent plot and nice ending. Then Netflix got it's hands on it and s2 was a disaster.

Existing characters became worse, plot points changed by Netflix writers to accommodate their new ideas and plot became trivial. Karina is head over heels for Tiger in s1, s2 starts they barely acknowledge each other minus one episode, i miss their interactions from s1 they were so funny. Bunny is sidelined for the entire s2 with the exception of a couple of fights, new characters like Thomas are copy paste of s1 bunny.

Plot in both parts of s2 is silly and irrelevant. Compared to s1 plot it's written by an 8 year old. We got zero interesting subplots like we had in s1 with Tiger being a fugitive plus interesting villains like lunatic play no part in s2.

The word that describes the entire s2 is decline. Worse characters, worse interactions, less fun, less action, simplistic plot exactly what has become synonymous with Netflix. I knew from the moment they got s2 rights for an original it was screwed. I can't understand why Sunrise left this masterpiece in the hands of Netflix.
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A beowoke disaster
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is bad enough that the show tries to push modern sensitivities trying to make you believe that the Vikings of the era were of asian, African descent but then again everything on the show is a tragedy.

You got home pet trolls, misunderstood monsters that get opressed by bad people, huskarls that look like like 18 year old boy models and ofc bad teenage drama. I can't even begin to describe all the things wrong with that series.

As for the script i will just describe one scene to show how this show is like it was written by a 8 year old

In episode 4 our heroes are in a dire situation. They are besieged by primitive people , they get an innocent father killed and almost half a family because they robbed these primitive people and how do they escape from this? Well they go to face them they don't even fight and they just burn a tomb of some ancestor of these people. The brutal, hardened primitives just fall on their knees and cry and writhe in agony because of that ( I'm not even joking this is literally what happens , this is the scene and our heroes just walk away like gentlemen while the primitives cry their hearts out)
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Obi WHO Kenobi???
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't not expect Disney writers to be able to write good characters but this series gives the last jedi vibes. Script is so bad you wonder if this is written by 10 year olds. Writers that don't even know star wars lore and constantly get things wrong. This is just laughably bad.

And on top of that they try to shoehorn Reva so much into the story despite her being a terrible character and also a real bad actor. Hard to imagine how Disney could screw up a series about one of the most famous and beloved star wars characters but hey they absolutely managed it.
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Remember when bbc actually used to make an effort?
10 April 2022
First of all let's establish something. This isn't the classical Verne story. It's another victim of the modern lunacy that has classical stories and art changed to suit the political beliefs of a certain group. The entire series is a political commentary rather than a well crafted story because well studios like the BBC don't really care about that anymore

I don't like using the term woke because i don't sympathise with certain groups that use it but this tendency to ruin great stories to satisfy a toxic group that eant everything to be in their image because they are insecure has to be mentioned

This script is so bad they even managed to make David Tennant look bad. His character is basically a wimp who can't do anything by himself. It's insane how bad they treat the story that this is based on. Doesn't deserve anything but 1 star and honestly that's very flattering.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
1 is too generous for this mess..
4 December 2021
How in the hell was this made? Someone brought this project to a network and the network decided let's waste money on that crap? This money would be 100 percent best spent on charities.

Possibly the worst animation series of all time with zero quality and redeeming features.
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Bloodlands (2021–2022)
Writers were on drugs
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is all by itself a plot hole. To understand how bad it is we know who Goliath ( the killer)is by the end of episode 2.

And knowing who he is just makes it infinitely worse. Cause Goliath is literally the one who started the investigation on himself. Why would he do that; how does that make sense;

I was watching in disbelief as the revelation happened in second episode cause it was just so incredibly stupid.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Another generic marvel mediocrity
30 November 2021
Another example of Marvel serving something ill designed , with minimum effort and expecting their hardcore fans to buy it no questions asked. Why? Because it has Hawkeye in it.

It's basically a street level superhero series except it has nothing memorable. It's like marvel have forgotten everything that made Deadpool an excellent street level superhero series and just except to sell by having Hawkeye on it.

The fights are mostly ok but everything else is bad. No character development, no big reasons why our heroes are doing this, no important personal struggle to elevate them.

I like Jeremy Renaire, he's a great actor but in this instance and with his role in the mcu basically over it's painfully obvious he's there for the last cash bag. As for his female counterpart well, .... she's a female Hawkeye. That's all there is to it. It falls to the category of newer marvel heroes/ villains where they just change gender or race to a hero because they're too lazy to create new original ones and they're like" voila we have a new hero" who they don't even really try to pretend they're not a copy paste.

Classic example of Marvel sitting on their success trying to make max money wity minimal effort thinking their fanbase is stupid but what do you know they keep making money so they must really know their fanbase.
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Chapelwaite (2021–2023)
Great concept that gets lost behind a generic vampire story
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is chapelwaite?

Chapelwaite is essentially a mix of Stephens king's salems lot with elements of HP Lovecrafts mythos. Along the way a supernatural book by the name de vermis mysteries gets involved which was first created in the stories of Robert Bloch and then incorporated in Lovecraft's chulthu mythos.

The concept is a very interesting one. And initially it seems to deliver until the plot twist turns the story in a bad vampire flick and the scenario flys outside the window.

I'll begin with giving props to one of the most underrated actors out there Adrienne Brody who delivers a fascinating performance even when the script falls apart around him.

Unfortunately as far as characters go there's nothing else memorable to say. His three children get from a little to zero character development apart from his younger daughter Loa for whom the only traits we see is being an obnoxious , annoying brat. His helper Able gets inexplicably lost in crucial moments of the story. The only other characters that show some development are Brody's love interest Rebecca and the sheriff of the town.

As the story progresses and the veil of mystery falls we learn that the endgame is vampires who want to call a god through that supernatural book to destroy humanity. And as soon as that happens for various reasons the show goes downhill.

1) firstly the show seems unsure about how to portray it's vampires. They want to make them supernatural and scary they also want to make them very much human and that's where the show loses a lot. The reason the show does that is because Loa Brody's daughter turns into a vampire and the show is reluctant to portray her as a monster therefore it adds to vampires a lot of human characteristics in terms of feelings which make it tedious. Also the vampires feel less intimidating since they basically can die almost as easily as normal humans and we see that all the time in the show especially in the last episode where 5-6 of Brody's men basically exterminate a small army of vampires ( even though that is implied after the battle is over and there are corpses all around)

2) as i mentioned before story falls apart after the vampire involvement is revealed. We get endless meaningless dialogues between Brody and his family and also notably the sheriff and his wife who has turned into a vampire. Basically from episodes 4-5 to 7 nothing happens 8 is kinda decent and it's about the family and it's allies trying to defend their home and the book from the vampires but by the point it goes to 9&10nth episodes show is just excruciating to watch.

I'd like to conclude this with special reference to the final episode 10 which is by far the worst of the series and has a terrible ending for the cherry on top.

55 min episode in which the story concludes basically before min20. I found this absolutely hilarious. Good guys go to the final fight with the vampires and basically it's all resolved in 10 minutes. This huge final fight guess what?? We don't fk see it because we only see Brody confronting the bad vampire leader ( who turns out not to be scary at all ). As for the others we see them engaging the vampire army scene cuts out in the woods as they're about to fight and then we jump forward to them after Brody retrieves the book and we only see the aftermath of this "great" battle with bodies all around. And I'm not even gonna mention how stupid the show gets in the 35 final minutes and the idiotic ending.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
Chappeles statement against Cancel Culture!
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
David Chapelle makes his comeback with heavy doses of truth and laughter. The true successor of George Carlin.

The show as a whole is also primarily a big middle finger against cancel culture. Chappele is not afraid to say social and political truths that we all see but many people are afraid to say for fear of getting cancelled. Not recommended for people who get offended by their own shadows.

Chappele in his own hilarious and ingenious way simply delivers too much truth for some people to handle. He truly is the Michael Jordan of comedy and this is his last dance.
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This seriously has 7.4?
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is just a bad joke and it all starts with the format of the show which crossovers the gank with celebrities. And if you thought Chris Paul was completely irrelevant with such a show you got even more stupid crossovers. Like Wonder woman. There's a point to the stupidity someone can take.

And while the show does show supernatural elements they're just irrelevant and out of the blue. Mystery incorporated for example took the supernatural element and created something with it behind an interesting, prototype and coherent story, this show just makes fun with it and it feels like it fails to blend with the atmosphere of scooby doo. This is a problem that this show struggles with a lot. No interesting ghosts ,no interesting stories and a complete waste of time that the show uses to have the gank engage in pointless discussions with the celebrities that are featured instead of focusing on creating an interesting story and having the gank snoop around discovering clues.

It really ruins the established scooby doo experience while also fails to deliver a new one. I really wonder why they thought these crossovers were a good idea after all these hilariously bad crossover movies with the wwe. Lazy writing which is more interesting in introducing celebrities instead of you know an actual Scooby Doo show. The fact it has a high score is absolutely defying reason and tells me that fanboys of these celebrities who are featured are only voting based on their celebrities and not on the quality of the show.

The only positive about the show is that the animation is top notch and the quality of the graphics really shows the advanced era. How difficult is it to get these graphics with the interesting stories of the original scooby doo hannah barbera shows?
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Disgrace to a beloved franchise
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show went as well as you'd expect being written from someone who has admitted that he didn't like or watch he man which is fairly obvious since he man gets killed in the first episode.

The whole plot of the story revolves around teelas feelings and we get infinite scenes with her whining about he- man because he didn't reveal his identity ( yeah that selfish dude who only saved her and the kingdom 1000 times) . Who needs a story right?

If you expected some ingenuity you'll be dissapointed show doesn't care about " trivial"things like lore, characters universe only for appealing to people of a certain political aspect ( gender ambiguous Teela design for example)

It's obvious that this is not for he man fans despite having been falsely advertised as such. The writer doesn't know or cares about his subject and this disaster of a show it's what you get.

My advice is go watch the 2002 sequel cause that is vastly superior to what we have here or if you want to see a good animated series on Netflix there's plenty else to keep you busy like blood of Zeus, dota, castlevania.
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Black Widow (2021)
Not a black widow movie
21 July 2021
First thing you have to understand is this is not a black widow movie. It's a movie intended to introduce her sister as a character to the MCU. And that's the most dissapointing part because it means no plot, no effort in the movie just a regular cashgrab as it's often the case with marvels projects nowadays. Black widow as a character has no depth in this movie other than making stupid jokes.

And the villain is just as bad. Taskmaster is one of the most compelling characters in the villain territory and in this movie it feels like he's irrelevant. We're talking about a movie that doesn't care to develop any of it's characters in what it's black widows farewell to the mcu...
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The Witches (2020)
One of the worst remakes ever
7 November 2020
Let's say you somehow manage to tolerate 1) anne Hathaways cringy performance 2) her intolerable ,awful and cringy attemp at an accent 3) the narrators continuus attempts to sound funny in his narration

You'd find a remake that not only doesn't have any of the positives of the original but is lacking even in basic aspects like acting ( Hathaways worst acting btw like ever)
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32 years since the last good Lovecraft project
22 August 2020
They do say you can't be disappointed if you don't expect anything and after what they did to "colour out of space" needless to say my hopes weren't high.

This certainly seems to be the case for this series.First things first let's clear the fact this isn't a Lovecraft series.You expect a lovecraftian story to be well written, story driven and have the element of madness and despair taking over the protagonist like it usually happens in his written work.

The whole aim of the series is using Lovecrafts name to drag it down to the mud and project mr Peeles political agenda as it's usual the case with all his work.

The problem with that is that there's no interest in creating an interesting story whatsoever.I could understand if there was some effort put into it but mr Peels moto is "why work and do your job right when you can just promote your agenda?"

If you are a Lovecraft fan and expect to see something lovecraftian,an interesting story or at the very least a story driven series to begin with then this is not your series.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
Funny and Pleasant
20 August 2020
Cool plots with a lot of hilarious and memorable scenes and great chemistry among the actors.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Disappointed as a Star Trek fan
20 August 2020
Ever since Alex Kurtzman became administrator of the franchise it pretty much died.

To say i had expectations for the show would be a lie.Terrible stories, complete disregard for the established lore , Kurtzman himself has been caught not knowing lore facts a tone of times in interviews and on top of it terrible actors, their qualification for taking the role being their diversity as Kurtzman has told (cause who needs good actors right?)

And excluding all these Kurtzman and partners attacking the fans for not liking the show
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Lovecraft dies twice!
28 January 2020
First of all it is absolutely essential to establish initially that this movie is in no way a lovecraftian movie but rather advertised as one.People who expect something remotely reminiscent of Lovecraft will be absolutely disappointed by this movie.

I was excited to hear about it's announcement and shocked to see who was the protagonist.I could hardly imagine an actor more unsuitable for the role than Cage.Of course anyone who's ever read Lovecraft could tell you the same which in turn shows that the director has absolutely no clue about his subject.That was the first clue of what was about to come.Still the colour out of space is one of my favourites novels and i tried to keep an open mind.

Let's start by the positives.The movie is visually perfect. The special effects are stunning and the scenes depicting the colour are flawless.Unfortunately this is where the positives stop.

The movie fails in every other aspect to be not just a decent lovecraftian movie but also just a decent horror movie.The plot is slow which is not necessarily a bad thing but the action is stagnant.It has no climax.You don't feel like the horror and anxiety are actually escalating partly because the main protagonist fails horribly to deliver a performance that reminds us of all the terror and uncertainty a lovecraftian character feels and partly because the plot doesn't help.

You see the thing about the plot is that there's hardly a plot.A very small part of the movie actually has to do with the plot which is very sloppy since no effort was put on it.Instead what you'll mostly see is the desperate attempts of the protagonist to fit in the shoes of a lovecraftian character trying to emulate a feeling of terror which he has never been able to accomplish in his entire career as an actor and some flashy special effects which in the director's mind are more crucial than building a plot .

But although the plot is hardly relevant to Lovecraft's work the worst by far is that the movie fails spectacularly in the most crucial part of actually being a lovecraftian movie.At no point in the point it makes you feel the terror and escalating madness that Lovecraft's works are notorious for and Cage's attempts are hilariously inadequate to mimic the feeling of helplessness that Lovecraft's protagonists have in his works.

The absolute terror that they feel when confronted with something that is not only greater than them but also incomprehensible to them and the dive into madness they take when they realise how small and irrelevant they are in the face of Lovecraft's eldritch abominations.

To sum up this movie failed because of a director who completely neglected or made an effort at all to understand his subject and because of his bad choices regarding actors as well as his inability to present a plot that was already written perfectly for him.Somehow Lovecraft's written work seems more alive and impactful on generating feelings than a high budget movie made in 2019.

There are plenty of movies made regarding Lovecraft that although they were made 30+ years back are actually closer and depict successfully his dark and twisted world managing to enter deeper into the writer's mind that this movie would ever hope to do.

Movies like from beyond and Re-animator which although old would eat movies like this for breakfast with their majestic plot progression and flawless and meticulous look into the very essence of Lovecraft's work.

We can only hope that the director of this movie won't attempt to murder Lovecraft again for the third time!
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PC and poor writing didn't help this
12 March 2019
To understand what went wrong with cpt marvel you have to understand the circumstances in which it was made.

First of all Disney decides to create a movie based on a hero not well known.Im a legitimate marvel fan for decades,i grew up with comics and first time i heard about this movie I thought the hero was actually miss Marvel not cpt of whom ive never even heard before.No material meant poor writing in this case as generally all material regarding marvel movies comes from comics as far as main stories go.

Then there's the pc aspect which sadly becomes more and more often.From the beginning this movie was advertised both by Brie Larson and Disney as pc with Larson pointing it out everytime she opened her mouth in interviews even being directly hostile to journalists because she didn't like their colour which as she pointed out was (too white)Then there is the thing with thousands of reviews in numerous sites being deleted per Disney's request cause they didn't like to be criticised.

As for the movie itself you realise something is wrong throughout the duration of it.Cpt marvel is too strong and never makes mistakes contrary to every other super hero.It just has no point to have a hero that never struggles to get better.Compare that to spider Man who passed through 1000 problems and challenges to be what he eventually became and you realise how vague, poorly written and indifferent of a character cpt Marvel is.There is simply 0 character development 0 reasons to feel connected with that hero.

To sum up it is a Marvel movie, even if it is quite possibly the worst one and one of the worst about super heroes in general which means its too big to fail despite the poor writing,pc agenda and especially a bad uninspiring and indifferent actress in Brie Larson who just leaves every viewer emotionless. I highly recommend to all who haven't seen this to pass this and just rewatch Wonder Woman instead.
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