
1 Review
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Once (2006)
Once? I could barely get past the first 30 minutes...
13 July 2008
Unlike the film, I won't waste anyone's time reading this if you don't agree. This movie has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

I actually wanted to watch it, reading only the most recent reviews of this movie on this website. Then a friend watched it, and he said it was one of the greatest movies he has ever seen, and would watch it 100 times.

I'm a big movie buff and watch a lot of independent films as well. So, I decided to rent this film to see it for myself.

Big mistake...

The movie seemed to ooze "Indie Film". Like they purposely hand-held the camera with a bit of shake, because using a tripod would be "Hollywood" and that wouldn't be right for an awesome Indie Film, such as this one...

Also, the dialog was bad, and the constant "F" word was very, very taxing.

Maintaining their "Indie Theme", they went for music which was very "organic". In other words, horrible.

If you read the earlier, original reviews here, they are mostly negative. It's like hardcore fans found out about the negative reviews, and made a conscious effort to dispute them all.

If you like this movie, that's fine. But if you are thinking about watching this, read ALL the reviews, then judge for yourself.

But, if your looking for a movie with good production, then move along. This is only for hardcore Indie Fans.
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