
4 Reviews
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Dark Sanity (1982)
Not Really Scary, but.....
25 January 2001
It can be said that good movies are a dime a dozen...too bad this one can't seem to find a dozen to fit into. I saw this movie by sheer accident (I was expecting to see the Joan Crawford in this one's titled "Straight Jacket" on video)and I was really not impressed at was pretty boring and pretty dull in the scare department...but it was not all had one the my favorite "horror" actors in in one who I respect and who became more known for his horror (in my mind at least--Eg. "The Forest"-"Don't Go Near The Park")than for his earlier more serious works as in Aldo Ray..The story was your A-typical slasher type film story of the early 80's--very low budget (as you can tell by the quality of the film and the way it looks like it was shot using less than standard film)and for the most part poorly acted...but it was actually kind of creative in parts--no not "E.T." creative but it's not supposed to be...I'd be real surprised if this movie ever found it's way into someone's personal collection....not because it was bad...but just because there are better things out there very similar to this that may catch your eye and in the end make you forget to pick this one up off the video store shelf....Honestly I can't say it was good but for low budget horror it was not that bad...on the bright side it was better than, more scary than and even more realistic than the modern disaster "Anaconda"....sometimes low budget can be more interesting than big budget.
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Just your everyday common Drive-In sex comedy
24 January 2001
Here it is....One of the greatest sex comedies to grace those big silver drive in screens in the 70's...Honestly it's not good by any standards...what can you expect when your 2 big stars are out of Playboy and Penthouse? but does anyone who sees this movie (or the others that are like it) really think that some producer somewhere was sitting there thinking about how to make the next "Gone with the Wind"..It's T&A that they were after and that's the result in this adult comedy that by today's standards is actually quite tame (no it's not going to be ABC's big picture show either). As I said the 2 Stars Mariwin Roberts and Sandy Johnson were both out of Penthouse and Playboy in that order...and it's not like either of them said "I'm going to challenge Liz Taylor for the Oscar this year"--so I guess that you can say that they did their best with what they had..If I had to give an example of if you liked something else...I guess it's like a "Kentucky Fried Movie" in a very slim way...If you are lucky enough to find this one (it's so hard to find anywhere) you may want to pick it up and see it--maybe rent something like "Boob Tube" or "The Cheerleaders" and make a Drive-In type night out of will bring back a rush of old memories if you did see it in the 70's.
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Neat-O low Budget Fun!!!
19 January 2001
Yeah, We all have seen some of those real good modern martial arts movies and they are all well and good (Like things with Chow Yun-Fat or Jackie Chan) but we must not forget these types of movies--low budget laugh marathons...OK so not many people have seen this neat little Drive in second feature (as in the type of movie that would of played at the local drive in as a second feature for like 10 years...but would of never shown at a big movie theater chain)maybe it's because the acting is bad (it's really not Hepburn-Tracy if you get my drift) and the script is so first grade it makes you smile at times...or maybe because the music sounds like something lifted right off "Debbie Dose Dallas" (a.k.a--Porn music)..but this little revenge ditty had something more--A better feel...the effects are so late 70's--early 80's it's unreal...but it really works to the films if you get a big movie with big stars you expect something more...with a low budget it's not expected...but this one delivers for some reason. Maybe it's all the low key, cheap acting and what seems to be a child written script that makes it one of the funniest (not intentionally...but enjoyable)movies that you can spend a night laughing at (especially "Jason")while still cheering for the "One-Armed Executioner" himself. The movie was released by Paragon and their the company who always had the same 2 or 3 trailers before each of their features which alone makes it worth the rental price (as in you can really get a good laugh at some of the movies someone bought the rights to and actually promoted)...I got mine for 2 dollars and it was worth every penny because when ever I need some real neat-o low budget fun I pop it in sit back and smile while at the same time cheer for Ortega...You've walked past it in the action section a million time try picking it up...You may be surprised!!Happy Watching
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Hotwire (1980)
Poor George
19 January 2001
That's right Poor George Kennedy (the Oscar winning actor from "Cool Hand Luke") how did your film choices become so poor? All right--Maybe that's a real harsh statement but a movie like this--C'mon! This was another Paragon "Gem" yeah from the same video company who brought you such classics on tape as "Molly and Lawless John" (and by the way according to the preview-"It has it all"-and if that's true I'd hate to see anything with less than "all"--wait! I already did...this piece of junk)and "Psycho from Texas" which I am still trying to understand...There are very few bright spots for me to talk about...if there are any I already mentioned his name...and I am one who really enjoyed "One Armed Executioner"...this movie was written bad and for the most part acted like a high school play..The sound editing was awful (even for low budget) and if they played that "Hotwire" song (the song that plays over the opening title credits)on the radio, let's say...uuummm.. ever...some DJ would lose his job...I can say as a fact that this movie was the worst of 1980 and if I had to go further than that I would say it's more than likely the worst in the past 21 years (and I've seen "The Cell")There was nothing special about the plot in my mind and truthfully while watching it I wondered if the actors in the movie really cared about the parts or I wonder if any of them (besides George Kennedy--who I hope did this movie as a favor or as an easy last film of a contract--or Strother Martin) read the script.To be honest I don't like Nick Cage but I would suggest "Gone in 60 seconds" (Which is not much more but will do wonders if you have seen this one) if you were looking for a good car type film in a heartbeat over this worthless nothing of a movie, at least the cars in that movie were fun to look at which is more than I can say for this movie in general.It's this type of movie that kept low budget movies in the dark for so many years...on this occasion--thankfully so.
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